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Vitamin B3
What is it? Overview Usage Side Effects and Warnings

Experiences with Vitamin B3

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Posted 11 years ago

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Posted 11 years ago

It is supposed to raise HDL cholesterol 20% which helps clean arteries and blot clots. And also reduce LDL cholesterol 20%. It requires that your diet has lecithin which is in soybeans. I also take the enzymes serrapeptase and knattokinase on an empty stomach which is supposed to make the enzymes enter the circulatory system and start cleaning instead of just staying in the digestive system. What I noticed is that more things were eliminated through my skin especially from the face equivalent of the heartand lower intestine in chinese diagrams which is forehead and nose. After about a week of taking 1.5 grams niacin per the dosage recommendation to get full effect of 20% raised cholesterol, I started noticing tiny eliminations on my skin which could be interpreted as rashes. The skin is the largest organ and the importance of getting rid of plaque buildup outweighs the slight itchiness so far so I'm going to stick to it until my next cardiologist appointment.

The most dramatic help I found with the edema was cherry concentrate juice and diuretics. For the breathing problem the best was creatine and adding a lot of large plants from this NASA researched list:

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Would not recommend it
Posted a year ago

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