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Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza)
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Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza) Treatment: Herbs

There are 9 Herbs treatments for Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza).
Written by ColleenO.

A number of herbs and other plant-based remedies have shown promise for helping to prevent and/or treat colds and flus:

Various herbs are said to enhance immunity over the long term, including ashwagandha, astragalus, maitake, reishi, and suma. Several other herbs, including ginger, kudzu, osha, and yarrow, are said to help avert colds when taken at the first sign of infection. However, there is not yet any meaningful research evidence that they work.

Other herbs and botanicals that are sometimes recommended for the prevention and treatment of colds and flus include: hyssop, ivy leaf, linden, marshmallow, mistletoe, mullein, oregano, peppermint, sea buckthorn,161 rice bran (extract),133 sage (throat spray),135 and kelp.87

Although homeopathic remedies are not herbs per se, they are another category of gentle alternatives for treating the flu and, possibly, colds.

Treatments include:


Effect of Echinacea on Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza)

Echinacea is generally thought to work by temporarily stimulating the immune system, although most (but not all) recent evidence has tended to cast doubt on this belief.104-105, 145-146 Contrary to...

Read more about Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza) and Echinacea.

Effect of Andrographis on Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza)

Although we don't know how andrographis might work for colds and flu, some evidence suggests that it might stimulate immunity.37 Interestingly, the ingredient of andrographis used for...

Read more about Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza) and Andrographis.

Effect of Ginseng on Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza)

The exact effect of ginseng on colds and flu is not clear, but it probably helps prevent these illnesses by supporting the immune system's overall function.

Read more about Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza) and Ginseng.

Effect of Aromatherapy (Therapy) on Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza)

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Read more about Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza) and Aromatherapy.

Effect of Essential Oil Monoterpenes on Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza)

Essential oil monoterpenes are thought to help by thinning mucus.

Read more about Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza) and Essential Oil Monoterpenes.

Effect of Garlic on Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza)

Garlic may have a number of properties that help with colds and flu. For instance, we know that garlic contains compounds that help the plant defend itself from microbes, and these anti-microbial...

Read more about Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza) and Garlic.

Effect of Green Tea on Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza)

Green tea contains high levels of substances called catechin polyphenols, known to possess strong antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, antitumorigenic, and even antibiotic properties.1

Read more about Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza) and Green Tea.

Effect of Sambucol on Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza)

Weak evidence suggests that this mixture may stimulate the immune system and also inhibit viral growth.75

Read more about Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza) and Sambucol.

Effect of Homeopathy on Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza)

Homeopathic remedies do not work in a direct or obvious way. Homeopathic theory has some relationship to ancient healing traditions, but in many ways stands uniquely on its own ground, unrelated to...

Read more about Viral Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds and Influenza) and Homeopathy.


  1. Kathan RH. Kelp extracts as antiviral substances. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1965;130:390-397.
  2. Maeda H, Ichihashi K, Fujii T, et al. Oral administration of hydrolyzed rice bran prevents the common cold syndrome in the elderly based on its immunomodulatory action. Biofactors. 2005;21:185-187.
  3. Hubbert M, Sievers H, Lehnfeld R, et al. Efficacy and tolerability of a spray with Salvia officinalis in the treatment of acute pharyngitis: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study with adaptive design and interim analysis. Eur J Med Res. 2006;11:20-26.
  4. Larmo P, Alin J, Salminen E, et al. Effects of sea buckthorn berries on infections and inflammation: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2007 Jun 27. [Epub ahead of print]

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