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Ulcerative Colitis Treatment: Mind

Written by sshowalter.

Also, consider you emotional well-being both around the diagnosis of this chronic disease, and in general. Many people with ulcerative colitis are able to live their lives without too much alteration because of their condition. In fact, the CCFA states that half of those diagnosed with ulcerative colitis do not find their symptoms to affect their daily routine.1 But taking time to consider the mental component, how the clutter and stress in your mind affects your body and your disease, is worth exploring. You can talk with any of your practitioners about the mind-body connection and its role in chronic disease and about their suggestions for dealing with it. Even the pharmaceutical company which makes Asacol (a drug for Ulcerative colitis) devotes a section of their website to “Cope[ing] with Stress” acknowledging the role emotions play in the symptomatic treatment of Ulcerative Colitis.2


  1. Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America. (2009) Diet and Nutrition. Retrieved April 1, 2010 from
  2. Asacol, HD. (2010). Ulcerative Colitis: Cope with Stress. Retrieved on April 2, 2010 from

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