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Sinusitis and Herbal Combinations

Written by sshowalter, ritasharma.

Effect of Herbal Combinations on Sinusitis

A standardized combination of four herbs (primrose, gentian root, elderberry, common sorrel and vervain) has undergone some study as a treatment of sinusitis.

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Research Evidence on Herbal Combinations

In two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies enrolling a total of about 300 young men, this standardized combination proved more effective than placebo in resolving sinus symptoms.1 After two weeks of treatment, about 2/3 of the participants using the herb described their infection as cured, while only about 1/3 of those taking placebo described themselves as cured. This herbal combination is hypothesized to work by thinning mucous and perhaps also by enhancing the immune response to infection.


  1. Melzer J, Saller R, Schapowal A, et al. Systematic review of clinical data with BNO-101 (Sinupret) in the treatment of sinusitis. Forsch Komplementarmed. 2006;13:78-87.

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