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Experiences with SAM-E

3 people have experienced SAM-E. Have you?

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3 people have tried SAM-E 0 people have prescribed SAM-E
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Posted 13 years ago

I started taking SAM-E for my mood, but also to help with my arthritis. It has helped to stabilize my mood as well as my joint pain. I take one pill daily.

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Posted 10 years ago

Although no one else has mentioned this I have experienced a change in my blood pressure, which usually is low, about 110/70 and after taking Sam-E for 2 months I've had blood pressure readings of 132/80. I am stopping the Sam-E to see if blood pressure returns to normal. I started Sam-E because I thought it might help my osteopenia and arthritis. I have noticed also loss of appetite and sleeping disruptions, which I did not mind until they became worse. I have lost weight which is okay, but am tired all the time. I have no way of knowing if there are benefits to the osteopenia and the arthritis. My stomach hurts only rarely and I have always had a lot of gas. I will have to wait to see if my BP returns to it's former levels.

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Posted 9 years ago

I felt extreme pressure; I felt like I would explode. This effect lasted about 12 hours. I felt like I would die. RBS

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