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What Is Red Raspberry Used for Today?
Red raspberry tea is still commonly recommended for pregnant women . However, while there is weak preliminary evidence from animal studies that raspberry might have an effect on the uterus, 1 the only real clinical study trial reported to date found no benefit. 2 This double-blind placebo-controlled study evaluated the effects of red raspberry in 192 pregnant women. Treatment (placebo or 2.4 g of raspberry leaf daily) began at the 32nd week of pregnancy and was continued until the onset of labor. The results failed to show any statistically meaningful differences between the group. Red raspberry did not significantly shorten labor, reduce pain, or prevent complications. Thus, at present, it appears that red raspberry does notwork in the manner ascribed to it by tradition.
- Bamford DS, Percival RC, Tothill AU. Raspberry leaf tea: a new aspect to an old problem. Br J Pharmacol. 40(1):161P-162P.
- Simpson M, Parsons M, Greenwood J, Wade K. Raspberry leaf in pregnancy: its safety and efficacy in labor. J Midwifery Womens Health. 46(2):51-9.