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Radiofrequency Ablation
What is it? Overview Usage Side Effects and Warnings

Radiofrequency Ablation Usage

Written by FoundHealth.


Effect of Radiofrequency Ablation on Sleep Apnea

This is a surgery for sleep apnea. An electrode that emits radio waves and heat is used to destroy excess tissue at the base of the tongue. This device is applied to the palate and the base of...

Read more about Sleep Apnea and Radiofrequency Ablation.

Effect of Radiofrequency Ablation on Arrhythmias (Heart Rhythm Disturbances)

An ablation procedure helps treat certain arrhythmias by finding the origin of the abnormal signals and then using a cauterizing current or a burst of radiofrequency energy to destroy the tiny area...

Read more about Arrhythmias (Heart Rhythm Disturbances) and Radiofrequency Ablation.

Reasons for Procedure

Radiofrequency ablation is used to treat:

  • Cancerous tumors in the liver, bone, kidney, breast, lung, or adrenal gland, particularly those that have not responded, or are unlikely to respond to surgery and/or chemotherapy alone (often used to treat tumors that have spread)
  • Cardiac arrhythmias (irregular and/or rapid heart rhythms due to abnormal electrical conduction pathways)
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) —condition in which enlarged areas of the prostate may be compressing the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body)
  • Overgrown areas of the soft palate that may be responsible for severe snoring and/or sleep apnea (periods of time when breathing stops during sleep)
  • Pain from soft tissue tumors
  • Severe nerve pain
  • Varicose veins

Radiofrequency Ablation Results
Radiofrequency Ablation Results
© 2009 Nucleus Medical Media, Inc.



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