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Is swimming good specifically for depression? That's what I've heard.

Asked 14 years ago by suzycolvig
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2 Answers

Posted 14 years ago

Suzy- All forms of exercise are good for helping alleviate your depression symptoms, even if you don't really feel like exercising!

I tend to believe that the best form of exercise is the one that you enjoy the most. It's true that exercise is known to raise endorphin levels which often make people feel better (depressed or not) but more than simply looking to up those endorphin levels, the activity itself should be enjoyable! So if you like to swim (as I do) then go for swimming! I find a zen-like state when underwater (since virtually all noise is blocked out) and find that the regular and repeated movements and breaths really help calm the anxiety in my body and mind. But if you prefer walking, yoga, biking, dancing or any other form of exercise, then go for that; the most important thing is to get your heart rate up and to ENJOY the experience!

FoundHealth does have an article on Depression and Exercise if you're interested (just click that link.)

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Posted 14 years ago

Swimming is a GREAT form of exercise! It is easy on your joints, good for strength and toning, and (as adam said) can be very 'zen like'! I love it, but then again, I've been swimming since I was young. When depressive symptoms get the best of me, I force myself out for a the summer especially when I can be outside, this works wonders on my mental state.

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