A practitioner must diagnosis you with depression for your to get a prescription, but the good news is not everyone needs a formal diagnosis because many people can cure depression on their own-senza drugs! Isn't that exciting?! Take a look at our info on depression diagnosis, and you'll see that it is determined on the prevalence 5 out of 9 different symptoms. If you have had 5 or more of those symptoms for most days of at least a 2 week period, you will probably be diagnosed with major depressive disorder. But, like I said, you don't need this diagnosis to treat it!
Take one of the 9 symptoms for example - 'fatigue or loss of energy every day.' You can start to treat this by examining your sleeping patterns. Perhaps you need to get more rest. Perhaps you need to change your diet so that you don't consume spicy, sugary, or caffeinated foods before bed. Perhaps it would help to have fewer commitments such that you aren't up all night worrying about things on your to-do list. Perhaps you need to exercise during the day so that you are more physically tired before you go to bed...the possibilities are endless depending on YOUR particular symptoms! So figure out why it is that you think you're depressed, what your symptoms are (at least the ones you can pinpoint) and then look around the depression treatments section of this site to see which mind, body, herbal or other forms of treatments might work for you. (You might well find that a combination of treatments ultimately can ultimately cure your depression.