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Proteolytic Enzymes
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Experiences with Proteolytic Enzymes

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3 people have tried Proteolytic Enzymes 0 people have prescribed Proteolytic Enzymes
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Posted 11 years ago

I took and am currently taking Wobenyme N as I've had shingles. It has helped with my digestion and decreased the inflammation and pain, making it possible for me to work. I am not on any prescribed medications, however and I think that makes a difference. I prefer this to the conventional treatment of steroids.

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Posted 13 years ago

I have started taking papaya enzyme, and have noticed a change in my digestion. It has helped me digest foods I normally have trouble digesting. I take about 3-4 chewable wafers after my meal, but was told you can take up to as many as you'd like without any side-effects.

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Posted 10 years ago

improved recovery regarding muscular soreness/discomfort; decreased joint pain/discomfort

Note: I take digestive enzymes + nattokinase + serrapeptase

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