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Picrorhiza Usage

Written by FoundHealth.


Effect of Picrorhiza on Viral Hepatitis

Like all plants, picrorhiza contains a variety of active chemicals, including picroside I, kutkoside, androsin, and apocynin. The herb may help speed recovery from acute hepatitis infections.

Read more about Viral Hepatitis and Picrorhiza.

What Is Picrorhiza Used for Today?

There are no scientifically established medicinal uses of picrorhiza.

Picrorhiza is often advocated as a treatment for asthma, based primarily on two studies conducted in the 1970s. 1 However, neither of these studies was conducted in such a manner as to produce reliable results in the modern sense. Only double-blind, placebo-controlled studies can actually show a treatment effective, and the two such studies of picrorhiza for asthma failed to find the herb more effective than placebo. 2 (For detailed information on the overwhelming importance of this type of trial, see Why Does This Database Rely on Double-Blind Studies? )

One small, double-blind study found picrorhiza root (375 mg, 3 times daily) more effective than placebo for reducing signs of liver damage in people with acute viral hepatitis . 3 However, this study was highly preliminary and suffered from numerous flaws. The other evidence used to support the use of picrorhiza as a liver protectant is even weaker, consisting of test tube and animal studies , and open studies in humans. 4 Other proposed uses of picrorhiza that have undergone some study, but at present lack meaningful evidence that they include the following: enhancing response to vaccinations, 5 speeding the healing of wounds , 6 and enhancing the effectiveness of conventional treatment for vitiligo . 7


  1. Rajaram D. A preliminary clinical trial of Picrorrhiza kurroa in bronchial asthma. Indian J Pharmacol. 1975;7:95-96.
  2. Dorsch W, Stuppner H, Doshi VB, Shetye VM, Mahashur AA, Kamat SR. Picrorrhiza kurroa in bronchial asthma. J Postgrad Med. 1983;29:89-95.
  3. Vaidya AB, Antarkar DS, Doshi JC, et al. Picrorhiza kurroa (Kutaki) Royle ex Benth as a hepatoprotective agent—experimental and clinical studies. J Postgrad Med. 1996;42:105-108.
  4. . Picrorhiza kurroa. Monograph. Altern Med Rev. 6(3):319-21.
  5. Khajuria A, Gupta A, Singh S, Malik F, Singh J, Suri KA, Satti NK, Qazi GN, Srinivas VK, Gopinathan, Ella K. RLJ-NE-299A: a new plant based vaccine adjuvant. Vaccine. 25(14):2706-15.
  6. Singh AK, Sharma A, Warren J, Madhavan S, Steele K, RajeshKumar NV, Thangapazham RL, Sharma SC, Kulshreshtha DK, Gaddipati J, Maheshwari RK. Picroliv accelerates epithelialization and angiogenesis in rat wounds. Planta Med. 73(3):251-6.
  7. Bedi KL, Zutshi U, Chopra CL, Amla V. Picrorhiza kurroa, an ayurvedic herb, may potentiate photochemotherapy in vitiligo. J Ethnopharmacol. 27(3):347-52.


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