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Panic Disorder Treatment: Herbs

There are 12 Herbs treatments for Panic Disorder.
Written by sshowalter.

Panic disorder can be difficult to treat through any means (medical, herbal, dietary etc) because attacks are acute and unplanned. However, there are some herbal therapies that are used to treat generalized anxiety disorder, and related conditions like panic disorder.

Treatments include:


Effect of Valerian on Panic Disorder

The herb valerian is best known as a remedy for insomnia. However, because many drugs useful for insomnia also reduce anxiety, valerian has been proposed as an anxiety treatment as well. It may,...

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Effect of Kava on Panic Disorder

Up until 2002, the herb kava was widely used in Europe as a medical treatment for anxiety, based on the evidence of a substantial body of double-blind, placebo-controlled studies. However, because of...

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Effect of Hawthorn on Panic Disorder

Though hawthorn has mostly been studied for its ability to treat congestive heart failure, one study used it in combination with magnesium and California poppy, and found it to be helpful in...

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Effect of Bach Flower Remedies on Panic Disorder

Certain herbs can have sedative effects, and the same is speculated to be true of those used in Bach Flower Remedies. Though the exact mechanism of action is unknown, some people have found relief in...

Read more about Panic Disorder and Bach Flower Remedies.

Effect of Passionflower on Panic Disorder

Since people with panic disorder often suffer from anxiety and need help quieting their minds and relaxing, the sedative effects of passionflower can be helpful.

Read more about Panic Disorder and Passionflower.

Effect of Chamomile on Panic Disorder

Chamomile, like many of the herbs listed for the treatment of panic disorder, is said to produce sedative effects, which can be helpful for persons suffering from anxiety. Though no specific studies...

Read more about Panic Disorder and Chamomile.

Effect of Gotu Kola on Panic Disorder

Used in Ayurveda, Gotu Kola has traditionally been used to treat anxiety as is present in panic disorder.

Read more about Panic Disorder and Gotu Kola.

Effect of Hops on Panic Disorder

Germany's Commission E authorizes the use of hops for "discomfort due to restlessness or anxiety and sleep disturbances." However, scientists have had difficulty proving that hops causes sedation.2...

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Effect of Lemon Balm on Panic Disorder

Though the exact reasons are unknown, lemon balm (Melissa) has been show to have anti-anxiety affects in addition to its antiviral and antidepressant properties as well. Naturally, having...

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Effect of Linden on Panic Disorder

Linden flowers are used to treat various ailments including anxiety, which of course is a major symptom of panic disorder. (Interestingly, Linden wood is also used for medicinal purposes but not for...

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Effect of Skullcap on Panic Disorder

Often taken with other herbs, skullcap can be used to induce sedative effects which are beneficial for individuals suffering form anxiety, which is a major symptom of panic disorder. European skullcap...

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Effect of Suma on Panic Disorder

There has yet to be much scientific research on the effects of suma for panic disorder, but it is recommended by some practitioners.

Read more about Panic Disorder and Suma.

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