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Experiences with Melanoma and Melatonin

3 people have experienced Melatonin. Have you?

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3 people have tried Melatonin 0 people have prescribed Melatonin
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Posted 13 years ago

I use melatonin regularly for help with sleep. I only need to take between 1-3mg about 30 minutes before I want to go to sleep and it works very well -- I rarely have trouble falling asleep afterwards. Its particularly helpful in fighting jet lag and resetting your "internal sleep clock" after you've landed in a new time zone.

My wife also uses melatonin in the prevention and treatment of melanoma. She had stage 4 melanoma and one of the best integrative health doctors who we were working with, recommended it. He prescribed 20mg per night for her. I did my own research and found a lot of very credible evidence and studies that suggested that it really does help fight melanoma. She's shown no evidence of melanoma for 4 years and still takes the melatonin regularly. This is one of my top 4 recommended herbs/supplements for fighting melanoma.

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gretajill 11 years ago

I have metastatic melanoma, am in between treatments, and I am trying to start on melatonin. Do you have any advice for me in terms of being able to tolerate a high dose? I can take 5 mg at night with no problem, but when I tried 10 mg, I was groggy and slightly nauseous all the next day. I can't imagine taking 20 mg, but I recognize that that is a minimum therapeutic dose. Does it help to build up gradually? I would appreciate any guidance you could provide.

MRosenthal 11 years ago

Hi Gretajill, are you taking strait melatonin or time release melatonin? What brand are you taking? I am not a melatonin expert, but I have found myself that when I take time release melatonin, I am a bit groggy the next day. Particularly if I didn't sleep for 7-8 hours. Also, the quality of melatonin varies greatly by brand. I personally like Pure Encapsulations... they are a very high quality brand that is often used by professionals. Check this one out: it is 20mg and not time release. I'd try it and see how you tolerate it.

Keep up the good work on fighting melanoma... you can beat it!

gretajill 11 years ago


lyonw 10 years ago

I have been diagnosed with metastatic melanoma in my left lung. I just finished chemotherapy and radiation back in Aug for squamous cell car. In my throat. I was wanting a list of fruits and veggies and supplements that would work best for melanoma, and amount to use. I have my first Yervoy trearment tomorrow. Blessings, Papabutch 68 yrs old

MRosenthal 10 years ago

Hi Papabutch, I hope the treatment went well! If you haven't checked out the diet section of this site, look here: You can see a list of foods and supplements that have some evidence of helping to fight melanoma. If you want to discuss in more detail, I'm happy to connect with you. Mike

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Posted 13 years ago

My wife had a spot on her calf and it was removed 6 months later a spot appeared and radical surgery removed a pork chop sized piece of her calf. The sentinal limph node on that side groin was removed and found to be melanoma free. two years later a node in that group lit up on PT scan. She was invited to engage in a 'toxic" experiment and declined. She went to another clinic and was told that after 3 years with only one node showing on PT, her immune system was probably working in her favor and to take melatonin 20mg and V D3. As of going on 5 years, her last PT was free of melanoma indications. she is past 70 and healthy. Guarded Remission is the phrase used.

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Posted 9 years ago

Awaiting further detail from this user...

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