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What is it? Overview Usage Side Effects and Warnings

Lapacho Side Effects and Warnings

Written by FoundHealth.

Safety Issues

When taken in normal dosages, lapacho has not been found to cause any obvious side effects. 1 However, full safety studies have not been performed. Furthermore, the anti-cancer actions of lapachone raise serious concerns about the safety of lapacho for pregnant women, because like cancer cells, cells of a developing fetus rapidly divide. Also, a study in animals found that lapachol caused fetal death. 2 For all these reasons, pregnant or nursing women should not use lapacho. Safety in young children or those with severe liver or kidney disease has also not been established.


  1. Oswald EH. Lapacho. Br J Phytother. 1993/1994;3:112-117.
  2. Guerra MO, Mazoni AS, Brandão MA, Peters VM. Interceptive effect of Lapachol in rats. Contraception. 60(5):305-7.


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