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Infertility and Chasteberry

Chasteberry normalizes a number of hormonal functions for women which promote fertility. It helps to regulate the menstrual cycle as well as reduce the level of the hormone, prolactin. Each effect is critical to achieving a hormonal balance that can support conception.1

Effect of Chasteberry on Infertility

Chasteberry takes several months to build up in the body. It can take 12 to 18 months to treat the underlying issues that are challenging a woman’s fertility. It does not contain hormones or hormone-like substances. However, Chasteberry works on the pituitary gland, resulting in an increased production of progesterone and regulating the menstrual cycle. It also helps to decrease levels of the hormone, prolactin. The regulation of both progesterone and prolactin can create a more ideal state for fertility.1

Read more details about Chasteberry.

Research Evidence on Chasteberry

Recent studies have shown the regulatory effects on the pituitary gland.3 Additional studies have shown that Chasteberry restores a normal estrogen-to-progesterone balance.4

How to Use Chasteberry

Chasteberry is often taken in tincture form. Suggested dosage is 2 to 3 dropperfuls taken 3 times a day. Some practitioners recommend taking it between menstruation and ovulation, until ovulation is established. Then, resuming dosage is pregnancy does not occur in that cycle. Others recommend taking for the entire month until the patient becomes pregnant.

Safety Issues

There haven't been any detailed studies of the safety of chasteberry. However, its widespread use in Germany has not led to any reports of significant adverse effects, 1 other than a single case of excessive ovarian stimulation possibly caused by chasteberry. 2 Because it lowers prolactin levels, chasteberry is not an appropriate treatment for pregnant or nursing women. Safety in young children or those with severe liver or kidney disease has not been established.

There are no known drug interactions associated with chasteberry. However, it is quite conceivable that the herb could interfere with hormones or medications that affect the pituitary gland.

Interactions You Should Know About

If you are taking hormones or drugs that affect the pituitary, such as bromocriptine , it is possible that chasteberry might interfere with their action.


  1. Schulz V, Hansel R, Tyler VE. Rational Phytotherapy: A Physicians' Guide to Herbal Medicine. 3rd ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag; 1998:243.
  2. Cahill DJ, Fox R, Wardle PG, Harlow CR. Multiple follicular development associated with herbal medicine. Hum Reprod. 9(8):1469-70.
  2. Alternative Medicine, The Definitive Guide, Burton Goldberg
  3. F. Bratner. “Sexual Hormones from Plants in Female Medicine.” Ehk 29 (1979), 413
  4. G. Hahn et al. “Monk’s Pepper.” Notabene Medici 16 (1986), 233, 236, 297-301

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1 Comment

Posted a year ago

I treated polycystic ovarian disease with the herbal medicine i got from Dr Ofua Ofure, ( Call/whatsapp (+ 2 3 4 7 0 5 9 4 9 7 9 6 9 ) and i was told by gyn that I was not producing eggs. I wanted to have a baby so I opted for herbal medicine for (P.O.D). few weeks after i used it, I got pregnant the first cycle and I am very happy! I am due in November 2019, with my first child. I would suggest this treatment to everyone. The only down fall is that it gave my cramping pain, headaches, and fatigue, first three days of usage, but it was all worth it. Once again thanks Dr Ofua Ofure

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