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Fertility and Ideal Foods

Written by ritasharma, mike1234.

Whole foods are critical to restoring an effective balance for the reproductive systems of female and male bodies. In recent times, we have seen diets become more and more restrictive which has led to depletion of essential nutrients in many of us. Some foods that can be useful additions to the fertility regimen are:

Lentils and other iron-rich, plant sources of iron are found to enhance fertility. Some key sources are spinach, beans, soybeans and all types of lentils.

Olives and other health fat sources that are critical for maintaining a healthy reproductive system for men & women. Some key sources include olive oil, canola oil, avocados, and nuts. It is important to avoid saturated fats and trans-fats which have been shown to decrease fertility.

Nuts such as Almonds and Sunflower Seeds also provide healthy oils and monosaturated fats. They can strengthen the reproductive system and boost fertility. Sunflower seeds are rich in Vitamin E which is important for production of healthy sperm. Vitamin E also seems to enhance the sperm’s ability to penetrate the egg. Other sources include tomato paste and turnip greens.

Papaya contains higher levels of vitamin C and beta-carotene which is are important nutrient to boost male fertility by improving sperm count, morphology, motility and quality. Other sources of Vitamin C are peppers, peaches, strawberries, and oranges.

Full-fat Dairy Products enhance fertility by improving ovarian function. Possible choices of foods include yogurt and other full-fat dairy products and goat cheese for those that have difficulty digesting dairy products.

Soy contain plant estrogens that are critical to hormonal balance in women. Its critical to eat small amounts of soy each day, about a quarter cup a day, from unprocessed sources such as tofu and edamame.

Brassicea Family of vegetables such as Kale, Cabbage, and Collard Greens contain compounds can improve hormonal balance in women. It contains a chemical compound that binds to environmental toxins and helps to eliminate them from the body. Other sources include broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, collard greens and cabbage.

Prunes, Raisins and other fruits and vegetables that have high antioxidant capacity which are critical in preventing free-radical damage to reproductive organs and may help prevent fertility declines in women due to age. Other sources include berries, spinach, kale and brussel sprouts.

Oysters have a high content of zinc which can lower estrogen levels in men and foster optimum sperm counts.

Alkaline foods can minimize the acidity in the cervical mucus, which can interfere with sperm. Types of alkaline foods include milk and bean sprouts. Acidic foods can raise acidity in the cervical mucus should be avoided. Types of acidic foods include red meat and black tea.


Avoid alcohol, caffeine, refined grains, sugar, prepackaged and fast foods, and non-organic Meats and dairy.

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