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Hypnosis has been recognized for many yeas as an effective technique for controlling various symptoms. It may improve immune function, promote relaxation, control stress, ease pain and feelings of anxiety. Below are some of the health conditions in that may respond to hypnotherapy:
- Tension or Migraine headaches
- Asthma
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Phobias
- Stress
- Cancer-related pain
- Eating disorders
- Indigestion
- Fibromyalgia
Effect of Hypnotherapy on Depression
Hypnotherapy is therapy done while the patient has undergone hypnosis or a sleep-like state ("hypnosis" is derived from the Greek term "hypno" meaning sleep). Also sometimes referred to as a trance...
Read more about Depression and Hypnotherapy.
Effect of Hypnotherapy on Migraine Headache
Hypnotherapy can be used be treat migraine headaches and some studies have shown that hypnosis can be as effective as medication in treating migraine headaches.
Read more about Migraine Headache and Hypnotherapy.
Effect of Hypnotherapy on Fibromyalgia
Hypnosis reduces pain, boosts energy, and promote comfort among fibromyalgia sufferers. It may help relieve the following symptoms:
- muscle pain
- morning fatigue
- sleep difficulties
Read more about Fibromyalgia and Hypnotherapy.
Effect of Hypnotherapy on Melanoma
Hypnosis has been used for thousands of years in various forms to aid in healing. In the last 200 years, it has been studied as a science, and shown to have powerful healing effects on some...
Read more about Melanoma and Hypnotherapy.
Effect of Hypnotherapy on Infertility
Hypnotherapy is hypnosis-based techniques that help with stress reduction and also provide positive affirmations of health and well-being. Hypnotherapy techniques may help uncover a woman’s...
Read more about Infertility and Hypnotherapy.
Effect of Hypnotherapy on Allergic Rhinitis
Hypnosis might be helpful for treating allergic rhinitis for a variety of reasons. First, stress is generally accepted as playing a role in triggering or worsening allergic conditions such as...
Read more about Allergic Rhinitis and Self-hypnosis.
Effect of Hypnotherapy on Cervical Cancer
Hypnosis has been used for thousands of years in various forms to aid in healing. In the last 200 years, it has been studied as a science, and shown to have powerful healing effects on some people....
Read more about Cervical Cancer and Hypnotherapy.
Effect of Hypnotherapy on Psoriasis
Hypnosis might be helpful for treating psoriasis for a variety of reasons. First, emotional stress is generally accepted as playing a role in triggering or worsening psoriasis; by helping the patient...
Read more about Psoriasis and Hypnosis.
Uses of Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is commonly used for the treatment of addictions, as well as for reducing fear and anxiety surrounding stressful situations, such as surgery or severe illness. Other relatively common uses for hypnotherapy include insomnia, childbirth, pain control in general, and nocturnal enuresis (bed wetting). However, the evidence that hypnotherapy is effective for these uses remains incomplete at best.