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Hemorrhoid Banding
What is it? Overview Usage Side Effects and Warnings

Hemorrhoid Banding Side Effects and Warnings

Written by FoundHealth.

Possible Complications

Complications are rare, but no procedure is completely free of risk. If you are planning to have hemorrhoid banding, your doctor will review a list of possible complications, which may include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Recurrence of hemorrhoids
  • Swelling and pain from remaining hemorrhoids
  • Adverse reaction to the local anesthetic (if used)

Call Your Doctor

After arriving home, contact your doctor if any of the following occurs:

  • Passing large amounts of blood
  • Signs of infection, including fever and chills
  • Pain that you cannot control with the medicines you have been given
  • Constipation or trouble urinating
  • An aching feeling develops in the area between the rectum and the genitals

In case of emergency, CALL 911.



Posted 13 years ago

I had the banding done on 12-15-11 and I was told it would not be painful at all and it was a very simple procedure. Well my rear must be of the unusual type. If I had to rate my pain on a 1-10 I would give myself a 10.5. I am a 64 yr old male and of all my lifes experiences related to pain this was by far the worst. After the Dr. was finished and was aware of my agony he indicated that my follow-up in 2 weeks he would use a local. I also will take measures to self-medicate prior to the procedure!

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abdultawakuli 9 years ago

I had a my 3 piles banded about six weeks ago i was truggling with gas pain for 4 days that pushing to toilet more than normal so lately the pain has gone away another pelvic pain has started to hurt me with constipation. After the procedure i have anal blockage that has not recovered so far. I am feeling that my anus is so narrow and constipated and see the stool is coming in different shapes and sometimes thinner sausages and sometimes see a very slight pinkish blood when clean after BM. My GP says I am still in recovery and nothin wrong is other than hemorrhids. I am really geting worried about anal blockage and presence of blood on the toilet paper and pelvic pain. Is anyone experienced the same I am doing. Could anyone help what it is please? I am waiting for your answer please..

Posted 12 years ago

I had banding done a week ago. The doctor had to stop before he was finished because I was in too much pain. I have since developed a bladder infection and have had terrible spasms in my rectum, just like contractions when having a baby! And I'm still wiping blood each time I go to the loo. Dreadful. Will never have it done again regardless of the doctor saying I will have to go back in a couple of months.

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Posted 12 years ago

my son had it yesterday and is in absolutely the worst pain i ever saw.if doctor does not call in pain meds.i will help self medicate.

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Posted 11 years ago

This is the worse pain I have ever endured in my 61 years of life. To advertise it as pain free is an incredible leap into fairy tale. A bowel movement is a preview of hell, which is just the climax of a constant, depressing, strength sapping, white hot ache, that threatens ones very spirit. Hip replacement is a walk in the park in comparison. Banding should be used to extract information from terrorists. God help and heal me.

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LindaJolley 11 years ago

I love your post! Made me laugh out loud! I had banding done 2 days ago and did not expect so much pain. I am 64 yrs. of age.

Lawdogyankee 8 years ago

Scheduled for the procedure in conjunction with a colonoscopy but seriously thinking twice

Posted 11 years ago

oh my gosh you all did make me laugh even though I too am in pain. I had the procedure done a week ago today and I hate to go to the toilet. I know that it might take another banding to get it right but hell no I will not have this done again. seems like the early sixties is hemorrhoid time. Hope we all feel better. God Bless.

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Posted 10 years ago

I HAD A BANDING IN CONJUCTION WITH A COLONOSCOPY.The procedure was done early in the morning and I was home before lunch feeling great.I have endured many painful experiences being in the construction industry.By early evening I was in pain that I could not possibly describe. Between one ambulance to one hospital and a transfer to another I had been given the maximum amount of morphine with no effect.The attempt to rectify the resultant problem was nothing short of horrific.The banding I have to say has negated the inconvenience of the original haemorrhoid, but if I was asked was it worth the after effects and the associated pain. Not in a million years.I must say though that I may have just been one of the unlucky ones that experience these terrible side effects but I would jump in front of a train and take my chances I would never advise anybody to take the same risk with banding.If your hemorrhoid is manageable though inconvenient think twice.

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Posted 10 years ago

My pain was from the air from the ennema and then what he pumped in I thought I would die worse than labor excruciating doubled over horror I did not feel the procedure though

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Posted 10 years ago

I just had the procedure yesterday. So I was told not to eat anything after 12 midnight. At 3:30 AM I had a cup of coffee with creamer.

I check in at 5:30 and 6am had some blood work done. 6:15 Then they took me to my bed had me put on the gown and started a IV. The Nurse asked if I had anything to eat or drink. I told her I has some coffee with creamer at 3:30 in the morning. She said didn’t you get instructions to not eat or drink. I said just phone instructions and they said just don’t eat after midnight, I did not hear anything about drinking. She said she will tell the anesthesiologist….

6:45 my doctor came and said we have 2 options. 1. Have just local anesthesia 2. Reschedule

I said I’m scared now.. She said I will get some shots in my sphincter and it will feel like a Bee Sting for about 5 seconds. Since I was there and been through all the pre stuff and hooked up to IV already… I said ok lets go local.

They wheel me in the operating room..have me slide over to the table. The table a two piece table and has a big hole where my butt goes, I try to turn on my side and she says you will be laying on your back. Then I see them affixing stirrups for my feet to go and I’m really scared now!

They try to put my feet in them and I am tense..they said relax and go to your happy place…I said I’m trying but this doesn’t help. Doctor cuts a joke “for some people this is a happy place” ha ha

My feet are in the stirrups and the only thing covered is my chest with 5 people in the room. Now I know what goes on when people are out. I feel a cool breeze on my anal region and I am really scared, what is next!

Anesthesiologist says I can’t give you anything to make you sleepy but would you like some pain medication in your IV, it may help take the edge off. I said definitely YES!

Meanwhile I feel some cleansing and poking going on..I’m thinking to myself hey careful with the scrotum area. Then It Begins…. Needle #1 not outside the anus area but right inside on one side of the sphincter…I came up off the table and the two bright spotlights were going out and coming back on, but no one was at the light switch! They said just breath your doing fine…as they pull it out and stick it back in a little deeper. So that is two pokes on one side. THREE more needles (6 pokes) in other areas. And that was the worst part I was numb in the “Area” The rest was just feeling some pressure no pain.

I went home with a prescription for percocet and I expected when the local wore off I would be in pain. I didn't take anything just so I can see what kind of pain I would be in. I went to bed not in much pain, just discomfort. I woke up and still no pain. I am now 24 hours past the procedure and no real pain yet. I am however dreading the time I need to have a bowel movement.

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Posted 10 years ago

I have had banding twice and I am so thankful to be rid of the pain that the hemorrhoid gave me. They put me under and the operation was no problem. It hurt a little the first day and so I took Tylenol. All in all, no problem. You will want to keep your stool soft, so use Miralax.

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Posted 10 years ago

I have had two babies and I am not exaggerating when I say that the pain of having my piles banded was very similar to being in the mid stages of labour. I literally felt a bearing down pain that took my breath away. No pain relief offered (one nurse offered me some paracetamol from her handbag rather than go to the trouble of asking a doctor to prescribe), and they sent me home. Not exepecting this I had driven myself to hospital and had no one to accompany me home so struggled back alone. Not totally recovered yet (two weeks on) so not sure if it has worked. I am not saying "don't have this done" but do consider sedation, having someone with you, take your own hefty painkillers and book a couple of days of work. Like childbirth, hot baths help to relieve the pain.

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Posted 10 years ago

I had my banding done on Friday, three days ago....the procedure was painless and the recovery so far has been fine... I was uncomfortable for about an hour or two afterwards..,took some panadol...and have been fine? I'm not sure if this is normal or not because everyone seems to be in such pan during and afterwards?

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Posted 10 years ago

I had 3 hemorrhoids banded, very little pain,no more bleeding but have had a constant gnawing pain in my left groin ever since,some relief after a bowel movement so was it worth it I don,t know.8 week,s ago now.

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Posted 10 years ago

Had piles banded on 11th November. The procedure was painless and I was nor warned of any side effects except that a might have a little pain and just take Paracetamol. I am 66 and about an hour later and for 2 days it was like being in the mid stages of labour, horrendous. I am now going mad with anal itch, just like I had before the procedure, so I don't know what to do. Any suggestions anyone?

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Posted 10 years ago

I had a colonoscopy and 3 internal piles banded 2 days ago and was told about the gas pain in the bowel and was told that because the piles are internal, there would be no anal or rectal pain. HA!! I feel like I've sat on a star picket. I'm 43, have had cancer twice and this pain in my bum is up there with the cancer surgery (including two rib removals. I've been passing gas quite pleasantly as it scratches the itch I have on my anus but I need to be sitting on the toilet to do this. Walking hurts - I look like I've been horse riding for a fortnight. I certainly can't sit and while I'm walking around to relieve the gas pain, lying down with my butt in a rubber ring cushion is the most comfortable. I would NEVER have this done again - I'd prefer to keep using apple cider vinegar to shrink my piles (it stings but it works!) and Soov lignocaine to numb them afterwards. I know it's only been two days and I really feel for you guys on here that have had this pain for weeks, but I hope I wake up feeling better tomorrow. My piles didn't cause me anywhere near this much pain. I'm dreading my first poo - gawd help me I'm scared to push so am taking Movicol. I'm already on very strong painkillers for previous chronic pain and I'm still needing about 60mg of codeine to help my poor botty (which will probably clog me up again). My beautiful patient husband has been a wonderful nurse! Good luck everyone and I hope you all feel heaps better soon ;)

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Posted 9 years ago

I had the banding done on the 19 th of June. I feel so much better after reading a few of these post, because my experience was horrible. Trying to go to the bathroom is so frightening, yes I'm drinking aloe Vera juice, recommended, laxatives. Nothing is working my bowel movement is so painful a hard brick. Tomorrow I'm off to the hospital. I just want to go the bathroom regular again. I can handle the bindings, just please prepare your patients what to expect. No instructions, no explaining just one two three bam. I did ask when I have to go to the bathroom, I was told just go to the bathroom regular. Now! I have these awful spasms that contract because I have to go, but I don't want to cry as I'm going.

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Posted 9 years ago

My hemorrhoids were definitely manageable!!!!! Although going through this again I would say no no no. Change my diet all the way.

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Posted 9 years ago

I wasn't told before I went that id be undergoing this surgery! I was told I would feel like id been kicked in the bottom but it would ease off within 24 hours! I had three banded at 9.30 am wit no anaesthesia; I was wheeled back into recovery and he only aftercare I got was to take some paracetamol and to rest. Well I went hot and nauseous and felt faint with the pain. I sat in the car with window wide open passing in and out o consciousness whilst I kept thinking the paracetamol will take the edge off soon!! 11.30 I tried lying in bed but the pain I was feeling was so intense I couldn't focus on anything, it also was making m groin area feel really tight and was leading to a weird sensation when trying to urinate. By 3pm I was rolling around in despair to which I went to the bathroom and rather disgustingly managed to squeeze the bands off! within 20 minutes the relief came and the nausea subsided and I was able to sleep for an hour. I know I probably haven't helped myself in the long run and am going to have to explain myself to the hospital, however I have never ever felt such pain; I would have rather gone through childbirth again!

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Posted 9 years ago

My discomfort was from the air from the ennema and then what he injected in I believed I would die worse than labor excruciating unbearable more than excruciating doubled over horror I did not experience the process though

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Posted 9 years ago

These comments sound as if these folks had internal hemorrhoids banded??? I have external hemorrhoids. I am considering having them banded because I bleed constantly and often bleed excessively for three days at a time. I can't imagine wearing sanitary pads to manage my hemorrhoid bleeding for the rest of my life. The agony that you folks all have described, was that from banding of external hemorrhoids? I need to know before I make my decision whether or not to have the procedure.

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Posted 9 years ago

I have been struggling with distressing external hemorrhoids for a months. My life has been depressed, I went to a professionals. She suggested that i do surgery treatment but I do not have enough cash for the process. I seemed for other choices to treat external piles then I found a website that has Hemr Eze vegetarian Capsules and helped me a lot on getting rid of my piles.

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Posted 9 years ago

I was banded I have 4 hemorrhoids.after surgery, my nurse told me the doctor was unable to band me. But I had so much pain I new something was done. She told me to get up and sit in he chair next to my bed. I did, but had to use the bathroom that's when the pain hit home. I pooped all over, the bands hung out causing a mess on the floor and the toilet seat. blood and yellow poop that seemed to stain everything. There was another man and his wife at the hospital. I told the nurse to please call someone to clean up the room. I had poop on my butt, legs the bottoms of my feet were coverd and my smock.She told me to just get dressed and let her know when my ride was there to pick me up. My pain got over a 10 + I heard the lady tell her husband she needed to use the washroom. I have HEP.C so I ran back in front of the lady, shut the door in her face she told me I was not nice and also told her husband. He was mad but also full of gas, he was also banded I turned the water as hot as it would get covered every thing with hand soap and cleaned up everything as good as I could it took around 45min. I mean on my hands&knees, 4 rubber banded bloody hemorrhoids pounding! the nurse knocked and ask was I alright. I just asked would she please get one of my depends real fit brief and please get my bag of clothes, I had brought wet wipes flushables& water to drink. I called my ride and got as cleaned up as good as possible and got dressed. I asked for a rubber tube to sit on, the nurse did not want to walk down the hall to get one. Ok so I hide in the bathroom, wait for my ride to come. he comes, so I came out. I Think everyone was mad at me. I was in pain, my Doc. gave me 7.5 mil.vicoprofen for pain as we the hit all bumps down to my ride, I ask her one more time what my Doctor had done to me she said nothing just the scope top&bottom. And that I could eat my normal diet today .rest up today normal activity tomorrow.I got home. now I have been stuck in the back and belly with a filet knife and this pain was worse. Being hungry I ate some turkey dressing pumpkin pie dinner rolls took two vico's. went too sleep, when I woke up around 3 hours later was coverd in blood in my hair my pillow was coverd my depends was full I had 104 temp was fat from gas for the next 24 hours I sat on the can passing the most gas I ever had in my life. my kidneys shut down I jumped in to the shower that's when I found out the shower would make you pee I could not get ahold of the doctor it was sunday I just took showers because I always felt like I have to pee the suprep bowel prep kit was what messed up my kidneys do not recommend this two part prep kit This is the stuff you need before lots of water wipes but paper towels after the prep has started depends briefs or pads for your underpants talk to your doctor before and after so you know what he did to you do not eat after keep lots water pass as much gas as you can right after the procedure,while your at the hospital. take hot baths when you get home maralax the first thing, only do soft foods &broths no spice for at least till your bands fall off, even then that may be too soon. I am 56 years old man never had trouble peeing but now am still having to use the warm shower to pee I FOUND OUT MY DOCTOR TOOK OUT SOME Bacteria from out of my belly and banded 4 hemorrhoids. I"ve had to hide bloody pads, paper towels and clean up the bathroom for the last 35 years so I would do it all again, but I would get the most info as I could before hand. I hope this helps. good luck and be strong boys & girls!

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Posted 8 years ago

I had a large pile banded last week, with plans to do another large one next month. They used the CRH O'Regan System. After reading this page of horrific experiences I realize how lucky I am. The O'Regan system took about 5 minutes from the time my doctor walked in til he was walking out. There was some stinging initially and some aching in the area of the band, manageable with Advil. It actually feels better when I get up and move about (they warn you not to sit for more than 2 hours). Day 5 of recovery, still some aching which comes and goes. Lots of water intake and two servings per day of Metamucil, bowel movements are no problem. The only weird side effect was urination, it required great concentration to relax my muscles for the first few days, but everything has worked out OK. Highly recommend this technique.

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Posted 7 years ago

I had a colonoscopy with banding of just one pile 3 days ago. OH MY GOD the pain I am in!!!! It seems the piles are worse now then before.

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Posted 7 years ago

I had three hemorrhoids banded 4 weeks ago, the procedure was done without any anesthetic, it was horrible I was screaming. I have a high pain 5tolerance, had two natural delivery but this was the worsted. The Dr. Sent me home without any pain management. After 4 days of unimaginable pain I went to the walk in clinic, they gave me percocet which slightly relieved the pain.its been 4 weeks now since the procedure,I still in pain, hemorrhoids are still there and I think they are thrombosis.i regretted doing today procedure. It bothers me that health care professionals empathize on how painless and successful this procedure is while majority of people who underwent this procedure have very negative experiences. Oh and the specialist gave me an appointment to see him 5 day and advice me to take more frequent sitz bath even though I expressed my severe this age of medicine,This kind of procedure is unacceptable.

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Posted 2 years ago

I had three piles banded and although on clopidogrel no mention was made to stop it or about the risks involved. I had only gone for a review but he banded the piles there and then. Eleven days after I had a massive life threatening bleed and when I rang 999 was told the wait for an ambulance could be up to eight hours. I was pouring blood from my rectum. I had to get a friend to take me to A&E. I was immediately rushed into resus room and they fought all day to try and save my life. I was being given bloods and platelets but the massive bleed continued. Early evening I had to be transferred to a city hospital for life saving surgery. I am still recovering three months later and have been left with a catheter and anaemia. This was all caused by the blood thinner clopidogrel not being stopped. Ask lots of questions and think carefully before having banding done if you are taking blood thinners. I am very lucky to still be here.

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