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Heart Attack and Thrombolytic Agents

Written by ColleenO.

Thrombolytic agents are drugs that dissolve or break up blood clots in the coronary artery. They may be given via an IV. Early treatment, within three hours of the heart attack, offers the best chance for good results. Your medical history, age, and condition may prevent treatment with these drugs.

Common thrombolytic agents include:

  • Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)
  • Streptokinase
  • Reteplase
  • Tenecteplase
  • Lanoteplase

Effect of Thrombolytic Agents on Heart Attack

Thrombolytic agents are sometimes used after a heart attack to restore blood flow to the heart muscle. They do this by dissolving or breaking up blood clots in the coronary artery.

Read more details about Thrombolytic Agents.

Possible side effects of thrombolytic agents include:

  • Stroke
  • Hemorrhage

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