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Green Coffee Bean Extract
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Experiences with Green Coffee Bean Extract

136 people have experienced Green Coffee Bean Extract. Have you?

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128 people have tried Green Coffee Bean Extract 8 people have prescribed Green Coffee Bean Extract
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Posted 12 years ago

Today was Day 5, I didn't weigh myself after taking the baseline and sisn't know what to expect. I lost 4 lbs w/out changing my diet or exercise habits!!!! For me it works as an appetite supressant, I get full faster, eat less, and do not have hunger pangs in the dead hours between meals. It also appears to have a mild dieretic effect. My morning blood sugars have been consistently less than 100 and there have been NO side effects. I am looking forward to seeing what happens after a month.

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moveingon 11 years ago

ive been taking 2 capsules 2x's a day have indigestion pale stools started after 2 weeks and im not sure if the pills are causing the pale stools ?? anyone??

ilenejay52 11 years ago

check with your doctor ASAP make sure its not effecting your liver. Always play on the safe side. I am taking it so far no side effects, well i did have to change from 800mg 2x a day to 400mg 2x a day because it was making my BP go up. The lower does works just as good for me without raising my blood presure.

tradesofalljacks 11 years ago

Taking GCBE should not raise your BP. I have Hypertension and I am also sensitive to caffeine. I made sure the brand I purchased did not have any stimulates in it, that of which would easily raise your BP and Heart rate. After searching all around the web I purchased from I have lost three pounds in five days of lounging around while my herniated disc heals. It is said that GCBE works for everyone because of its mechanics, however as with everything, all products are not created equal. But with caution.

pink2pink 10 years ago

Just like "movingon" posted, I too am having pale stools, loose stools like diarrhea after taking green bean extract (2 capsules a day; 1 capsule before a heavy meal) for just 2 1/2 days. I am taking this supplement for appetite suppression, with which it seems to be helping. However, this pale loose runny (like baby food consistency) stool is a problem and mess. I might cut down to 1 capsule a day beginning tomorrow to see if situation improves.

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Posted 12 years ago

I have taken this supplement for about 10 days. I am only taking 1 - 500mg capsule a half hour before I eat dinner. I have not had any side effects to speak of but I noticed I'm having more bowel movements than usual which in my case is good. I've also noticed that my blood pressure is starting to become lower. I'm usually around 145/78-80 and the last few days it's been closer to around 138/77. I've also lost around 6 pounds during the 10 days.

My only suggestion is to take new supplements of any kind on the conservative side to start out with. Jumping into a new supplement regime WILL cause your body to say WTF?? It's a foreign substance you've not taken before - it's only common sense. For me, so far so good!

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vikdad1 12 years ago

This is fantastic advice. Sounds quite promising, keep us updated!

TIFFANYJACKSON7632 12 years ago

I just bought it this product before reading reviews which is something i don't normally do.. I cant wait to try it..I bout 2 other ones that im looking forward to trying hopefully one or all of them do the trick. I'm trying to replace my morning coffee.. so if this will give me that boost & curb my appetite.. great..Good idea to check your blood pressure too. I will be conservative not trying to get sick

wandasutton1001 12 years ago

I am on HBP also and I drink coffee every morning but I need to lose 40 pounds.The last comment was great for me.I am scared that it will give me the jitters,I hate the jitters!!! maybe I will not drink coffee for about 3 days and then start taking the green coffee in the drops. Anyone have any suggestions or comments.

sebielovic 11 years ago

pure green coffee bean will not give you the jitters for it has a very very low amount of caffine. i know its sill becouse its coffee but the caffine boost you get comes from when the beans are rosted. hope this helps :)

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Posted 12 years ago

I expereinced no weight loss when taking the extract. I did not change my eating or exercise habit.

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nje 12 years ago

I'm on my 4th day 800mg twice a day 30 minutes before meals with a 16oz bottle of water. I have not changed my diet, I have always eaten fairly healthy. I have not lost even 1 pound. I will stick it out until the bottle GCBE is gone and see if I have any results.

ilenejay52 11 years ago

There are a lot of fake Green coffee bean products out there so be careful. Make sure it is Pure extract,and has 50% Chlorogenic Acid, and from USA.

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Posted 12 years ago

I have been taking (2)800mg capsules of the green coffee bean extract for three days now. It has definitely had an effect on my body. I stay extremely busy with kids and work, so my recommendation besides drinking tons of water is to make sure you eat!!! Sometimes I forget but I quickly remember when a brain-pulsing headache hits. I have also noticed in this short amount of time, that my bowel movements are smooth and easy and usually take place about an hour or 1 1/2 hours after taking. As long as you eat within 30 mins of taking and drink plenty of fluids, I would recommend this product...oh yeah, the 5lbs in 3 days didn't hurt either and that was still with having a triple birthday party yesterday!

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anjeln777 12 years ago

I had a birthday party also, ate cake and Icecream and lost 1 pound! I was really surprised. so far since taking it for only two days I lost 5 lbs. I had to back off for a couple of days because something was making my BP go up. I was taking 4 400mg. 2 before breakfast 2 before dinner along with Raseberry Ketone. I am going to start back up today, slowly 1 400mg at dinner time, and go from there.I am a coffee drinker anyway, so I am guessing that had something to do with it. But it does work!

mert917 12 years ago

Stop the raspberry ketones - that's what's making your BP go up, not the coffee extract.

marina.shawky390 9 years ago

what should we eat ? like how much? i just started 3 days so far but for the 1st 2 days once i ate after an hour and once i forgot to eat at all! does not eating affect the results i need 20 pounds :(

any diet eating plans with the green coffee bean extract

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Posted 12 years ago

This product has more than one health benifits, with no known side effects reported from any credible sources.

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Posted 12 years ago

I am already on a great diet, and have already been losing weight, but wanted something to get me past the motivation and plateau issues so common in dieting. So far, after a few days, my weight loss is steady and I don't seem to have any side effects. I feel that this product will keep me motivated and push me over the plateaus.

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eckorntved 12 years ago

It has now been about three weeks since I began this supplement. I have inched my way to 14 pounds lost, with minor ups and downs. As long as I am going the right direction, I am happy. I am continuing my exercise routine and healthy eating habits, which I am not sure may be the reason I'm still losing. However, when I cheat on my healthy diet, I do not gain as much as I have in the past.

eckorntved 12 years ago

I have been using GCB for almost three months. My stomach is beginning to burn intensely, and my doctor told me to stay away from all caffeine, including GCB. Not sure what's going on, but I'm not continuing it for now.

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Posted 12 years ago

I have used it for 2 days along with Raspberry Ketone. I have lost 3 lbs already but I am not sure if it's worth it. My blood pressure has elavated. Higest being 159/90. I was taking two capsule of pure green coffee bean twice a day. Along with 2 raspberry twice a day with meals. I haven't had stomach issues, just felt like I was in a fog all day. I am also drink coffee, about 2 cups a day. I am going to stay off it til I can get my blood pressure back down. Then maybe only 1 a day with each.

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TIFFANYJACKSON7632 12 years ago

perhaps too much caffeine? That is known elevate your blood pressure. I am a coffee drinker so i wanted something to replace my morning coffee. I cant imagine taking both. my heart will probably be racing like jack rabbit. I too have bought the raspberry Ketone, thin tab green coffee extract & green tea fat burner. my plan is to take a weeks worth of each to see how my body takes & rotate til all the bottles are gone. between the 3.. i have a 2 month supply.. Lets see how it goes.

bethherrin 12 years ago

Green tea will elevate your blood pressure. There are some excellent decafinated coffees on the market. I love the Nescafe Primero and Maxwell house decaf instant. The Blue Donkee decaf ground is excellent also. I have purchased the Pure green coffee extract but will wait and talk to my doctor before trying it. I have BP, low blood sugar and heart issues so it is imperative that I use common sense when taking a new medication. i wanted it for my BP and blood sugar levels but also for my husband who is diabetic. I will post later when results are noted. Good luck!!!

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Posted 12 years ago

After taking the Green Coffee Bean Extract for two weeks now, no weight loss at all has been experienced. However, everyday since beginning the routine of taking the recommended dose, I have experienced severe abdominal cramping and diarrhea for about 4 hours, within a half hour. I purchased a 3 month supply, so will continue until they are gone and certainly hope in the end it is worth it. I also have not experienced the surge in energy everyone is so excited about. I am not obese, about 30 lbs overweight. After 5 weeks: Still not one pound lost. Very disappointed.

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bklana185 10 years ago

I also purchased 100 coffee green beans extract been drinking it 5 days but still dont see results.

Let.h.pourouna 9 years ago

After a month no results infact I have gained 3 kilos. I am disappointed as I exercise everyday at the gym doing classes and I walk most nights and I'm generally an active person and I am a healthy enough eater. I just can't understand whats going on .. :(

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Posted 12 years ago

It inhibits iron absorption, I don't need that to happen as being a woman who already has problems with iron levels. When I took it, it made me angry and anxious. I took "Genesis Today" 400mg per meal 30 mins prior to meal. I bet it can be habit forming as well. And, what about the bowels? Can't they too become reliant on the laxative effect it causes? The metabolism is one thing people don't want to mess with as well. I just don't think it's what they promote it as. Just another slick way to get more money from people. There is no magic pill, the only thing there is, is exercise, eat right, sleep well and be happy.

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vikdad1 12 years ago

For the most part, I agree with your sentiments.

sbla2003 12 years ago

I was most interested to read the above comments mentioning feelings of anger and anxiety. I bought a quality brand of the decaffeinated product and had one tablet only - i felt angry and anxious and could not sleep, which is unusual for me, and the following morning I had a headache. I tried it once before and felt strange and irritable then too. I got the decaf product as I don't drink coffee. I searched the web wondering if I was the only one who had these negative symptoms. Has anyone else felt these symptoms too? I would love to be able to use it to lose weight but feel concerned that this tablet is the cause of such symptoms. I am unlikely to try it again.

kirsty.mac1 12 years ago

I am reading people's feedback, my partner started taking the tablets and I have noticed his anxiety and anger especially have heightenend. He is complaining about still feeling tired. In mornings and headaches

lol3927 11 years ago

It shortened my menstrual cycle both times I went on it but just in the first month of being on it. I had an 18-day cycle the first time I started using it. I went off it for a bit after I ran out and when I went back on it, again, 18 day cycle. Also, have noticed anger and anxiety is definitely heightened.

lorette.naude 11 years ago

I have been taking the tablets twice a day, half an hour before meals for two days now, and I suppose it's a bit soon to judge. However, I was hoping for my energy levels go up, but to be honest, I have felt kind of down and it is 2pm and I am ready to take a nap. So tired!

Hschureman 11 years ago

Same boat here. Period hasn't come been using a few weeks. Getting intense burn in stomach, more frequent bowel movements, and actually a decrease in energy I napped two hours which is very unlike me to sleep in the day. Might give it another week before I call it quits

londie_girl1960 9 years ago

I have gained a few pounds instead of losing weight and I feel so very tired. I have real trouble waking up in the mornings and I feel so bloated and have swelling in my feet and ankles. Wondering if anyone else has swelling and pain?

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Posted 12 years ago

I have found that I have decreased appetite, more energy, and an overall better outlook in that I have more motivation to get up and go. I have been taking it for about 2 weeks, have lost 9 pounds, and started exercising again.

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Posted 12 years ago

I tried two brands and both made me edgy, scatterbrained with overstimuation and tightening in chest and awoke with a nausea and tightening in chest. They were very noticable symptoms with the morning nausea being especially unnerving. I am 60 years old , and have had high cholesterol for a long time so I may just be close to a heart event. However, I "do not" think these symptoms are due to the caffiene content since I have been a 2-3 cup a day coffe drinker for years and never had any problems. I cut my coffee consumption down to a cup or less a day while on the green coffee. This leads me to believe that the symptoms must be due to the CGA. What research is available on CGA in humans other than green coffee? What kind of chemical reactions could be caused by CGA to cause these symptoms. Anyway, I would be cautious if you are older or if you have any kind of heart disease.

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riseup639 12 years ago

I agree, caffiene has been constantly blamed for the negative effects people have experienced with the extract but i used a decaffinated product and i have also suffered similar digestive issues to what others have and more recently liver pain. i have no existing medical conditions. there hasnt been enough research done, the extact is being marketed in a very irresponsible way.

ilenejay52 11 years ago

I am a 60 year old female. I have diabetes and heart diease. I love this product. It lowers your blood presure and blood surgar.You must be careful not to buy a fake product. It must be pure extract with 50% Chlorogenic acid only from USA. I bought it to help with my Diabetec reversal plan Watch the vedio from Dr. Oz

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Posted 12 years ago

I used decaffinated green coffee bean extract which is supposedly better quality. a couple of weeks into it i developed severe digestive problems which ive never had before as well as pain from the area of my liver. i am a very fit and healthy person with no medical conditions. i stopped using the product a week ago and i am so much better now. what concerns me about the extract is the lack of research into long term effects on the body. it is marketed so well that people dont even consider such things. after researching the effects online i found many other people stating they had digestive trouble, and were told it was due to the caffiene. i however used a decaffinated product but suffered the same effects.

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maryvtuck 12 years ago

Just my opinion: I don't think the caffeine causes the digestive problems, because in most of the green bean coffee extracts that are on the market, there is very little caffeine. I think there is some other substance in the green coffee bean that causes problems for some people - maybe it is the CGA. I did mention that I had flu like symptoms that one can get with a detox. Everyone's body chemistry is different, so it makes sense to me that this may be great for some but not for everyone.

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Posted 12 years ago

I noticed after taking 60 days 800mg that I have to urinate more often and I'm starting to feel cramping in lower right leg,upper arms n upper back? Cld this be depletion of too much fluids ? I'm asking my Dr. for a Potassium blood test.

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bethherrin 12 years ago

Eating a banana a day will provide you with necessary potassium. Diuretics will deplete your body of potassium.

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Posted 12 years ago

I take 2- 400mg 3 times per day. It says to take 2 pills 30 minutes before you eat. I have been on it for 2 days so far..I did have diarrhea all day today. I do however feel just fine and will continue to take it. Just like taking anything that ones body is not used to would cause diarrhea or constipation. So out with the old, and in with the

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vikdad1 12 years ago

Thanks for sharing Sher! I do agree with your sentiment that anything new will have different affects on your body, but that does not mean diarrhea all day is a good thing! If you keep it up, you may get weak because your body isn't absorbing enough nutrients & is losing too much water! If it keeps happening, try lowering your dose, and then building up! Just like exercising, you don't start with running a marathon, you build up! Good luck, thanks for sharing!

sher 12 years ago

Thank you hun...I did lower it. Now i will stick to 4 a day instead of 6..i feel great today and have not been running to the have actually lost 1.2 pounds since starting it on this past Monday. However im sure it was water weight...haha It's just wonderfull that I've had no side effects....finally something that seems to be true!.

humblebumble 12 years ago

I agree a million percent with vikdad1. I have been on diets before and thought my body would adjust but let me tell adjusted in the WRONG way!! has taken me several years to repair my gut!!!! diarrhea, long term, NEVER a good thing. Loss of electrolytes, minerals, vitamins, etc. will screw up you system!!! Don't do it!!

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Posted 12 years ago

Yesterday was my first day taking 2 60mg tablets. I would like to try it for a couple more days before sharing details. Thanks

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Posted 12 years ago

nausea and stomach pain. Confusion on the right doseage.Health specialist say contridictory information. Dr. Oz says try his product and take one tablet 20 minutes before eating. But the pills inofrmation on bottle says 800 mg of coffee extract a capsule. Dr. Oz says you dont need to take more than 400 mg at a time....confused on dosage. after taking pills for a week, i develped nausea and vomited. I had to call in sick and missed a dayof work. What am i doing wrong

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anjeln777 12 years ago

Are you sure it says 800 mgs a capsule? or 800 a serving. I had to look at mine twice because I was reading it 800 mgs also, but then looked at the other side of the label and it says 400 mg per capsule. I'm thinking 400 mg ( or 1 capsule)Is plenty.

cindyfhca 12 years ago

Yes, be sure to read the label. They say a serving is 800mg., whether you get it from 1 pill or 2. I drink 1 cup of coffee every morning, and so far, my 800mg. 3x per day is fine. I've not noticed the jitters and I've not lost any sleep. But I just started. If you buy the 400mg pills, you can fine tune the doseage. It's harder to do that with the 800mg pill.

bizber 12 years ago

It's not for everyone magwheel. I threw mine away after trying it. I am otherwise health, happy and fit. The stuff made me angry, edgy, hyped up, tired, upset stomach, and sad.

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Posted 12 years ago

I am premenopausal and I began to gain weight as a result. I began taking these pills for weight loss and the weird thing is that I've become extremely aroused when I'm on them. I tried stopping for a few days and the sensations disappeared, took them again and the sensations returned. I did lose 4 pounds since but it could be a combination of my physical status, the increase in energy, and exercise. Is anyone out there experiencing this?

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dbasaldua 12 years ago

I have had the same effect as far as the arousal, I had a hysterectomy last year and wondered if there was any connection. My husband obviously enjoys the added effect but I have been on it a month I haven't lost any weight at all. I have even tried altering my diet to smaller portions and healthier options with no luck.

jessianns 9 years ago

I felt that for about the first week...then it went away:-( That may have been better than losing weight! Lol, maybe I'll stop taking them and start again!:-)

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Posted 12 years ago

I just started it since I'm borderline high blood pressure & it helped my headaches associated with this. I'm also hypothyroid & my energy level went way up after only using it once. I'm very happy with it so far. I would like to give it to my son but he's on heart meds & I'm afraid of lowering his bp too much.

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Posted 12 years ago

Two week of use and not a lost pound... I eat correctly veggies and stuff...I have not ate chocolate or chocolate products since Mother's day 2012 and have not drank pop since Jan 2010...I workout even night except for the weekends and have not seen a single result.

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btrfly1377 12 years ago

It sounds to me like between the veggies and the exercise you could be gaining muscle which would be taking the place of fat. That would not show up on the scale!! I noticed that with my diet and instantly became discouraged til I decided to go by measuring instead of that DREADED scale!! Try measuring your arms, thighs, and waist (depending on your exercises) then measuring again 2 weeks later! Also great job staying away from soda!! I know that's hard for some people but NOT drinking does more than just helping with weight!! I have read horrifying articles about soda!!

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Posted 12 years ago

yes this stuff is great and i have had no side effects at all, except it is helping me eat less and lose wt!!

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Posted 12 years ago

I have been on the Green Coffee Extract for 3 days now, I have lost 1 pound. I have an increase in energy and an increase in indigestion. Has anyone else got the indigestion?

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jane738d 12 years ago

Hello, I've been taking GCBE since 11/14/12 800mg, (2 400mg) 30 mins before meals. I weighed in at 187.5 seven days later, I weighed in at 184.5. Yes, right before Thanksgivings, now how could I resist the turkey, ham, dressing, gumbo, potato salad, cranberry sauce, cakes and pies. nevertheless, yes there have been times when I've had indigestion, but what i did was to consume more foods, it is evidence that I did not eat enough and the Chlorgenic Acids don't have sugars or starches to feed on. Try not to change your eating habits much and make sure you drink plenty of water. Good Luck. I will try to keep everyone updated on my progress. Down in Louisiana

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Posted 12 years ago

I have been using GCBE for a little more than two weeks. I am 62 yo and exercise regularly, swimming 2500 m/day or bicycle riding 15-30 mi/day. My weight loss had plateaued before I began using GCBE, but it is now trending downward again. I cannot say for sure that it is the GCBE alone that accounts for this, but the coincidence is there. No adverse side effects. I take one max strength capsule in the morning and one before dinner.

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Posted 12 years ago

It worked great for about 3 weeks. I had more energy and work up each morning ready to go. Then I started noticing that I was jittery and very irritable. I had no other new prescriptions. This lasted for over 2 weeks. I discontinued and feel fine although I miss the energy it gave me but the irritability just wasn't worth it.

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Posted 12 years ago

My brain ceased to function as ' normal ' on some levels. All motor skills were fine and in place ... memory re call very poor, + some memory loss on 2nd day of pills = stopped taking them

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Posted 12 years ago

Green coffee bean extract was recommended to me by my nutritionist. I have shed 25 pounds in 3 months and I have never felt better. However, I have been doing other beneficial things as well: I eat a diet where 50% of my daily plate consists of greens, I limit my portions, I exercise for an hour a day, I drink green tea at least 4 times a day, each time with a tablespoon of coconut oil. I have switched to cooking only in ghee or coconut oil and I have also cut out milk (in favor of nut milks) and am mostly gluten-free even though I don't suffer from Celiac. I have cut out sugar, artificial sweeteners and all processed food because I don't want preservatives and additives to enter my system.

So, because the changes I made are several, it is difficult for me to isolate the effect of green coffee bean extract. If I am ever in a situation where there is a chance to eat a big, heavy Indian, Italian or Mexican meal I take a 400 mg GCBE capsule with a full glass of water, 30 minutes before the meal. Heavy meals used to make me bloated, fatigued, sleepy before, but I can feel the impact of the GCBE as I continue to feel lithe and light even after a rare heavy meal.

I would recommend it for this very reason.

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pragya.thakur 12 years ago

It also needs to be said that one has to be careful with the brand of GCBE one chooses. The Chloragenic Acid content needs to be 400 mg and it shouldn't be diluted with fillers in the least bit.

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Posted 12 years ago

I have only taken it for two days now. I am taking it with Raspberry Ketone. I am taking 400mg twice a day. So far I have noticed diarrhea few times a day, then in the evening I feel like I am tired by 8, alomost like a "come down." I weight tomorrow so we will see. I work out though 5 times per week and eat 6 small healthy meals a day. Have been eating healthy and exerciseing for 8 weeks now and lost 13 lbs beofre taking either supplement. Just wanted something to boost metabolism and help with appetite. Will see how it goes in next dew days.

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Posted 12 years ago

Just getting started... I've made it through day 3 (where some, including me, have had side effects of severe itching)I stopped for one day and will start back tomorrow with a lower dosage. It some point I may increase again but a little at a time! BTW: I've lost one pound in 3 days!

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Posted 12 years ago

Having only been on this for 2 days, I'm hardly an expert. But, with that being said, I have noticed a distinct difference in my alertness and my hunger. I'm not jittery, yet I feel more energetic, without the nervousness. I'm satisfied with less to eat. I'm hopeful and excited about this product, especially if it works.

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eternal8615 12 years ago

Today is 2 wks for me, and as far as I can see I haven't shed a pound. I an NOT exercising though and I'm sure that couldn't hurt. I only need to lose 10-12 lbs, that's being critical on myself. I am taking 1 800mg pill before breakfast, and another before directed.I am not as hungry between meals-and no side effects that I can notice-except I happened to take my blood pressure at the food store and it was 97/55- little low....maybe coincidental??? Maybe I'll wake up next week and lose 5 lbs!! Still taking it and will contiue in hopes I shed soemthing...

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Posted 12 years ago

I'm on my second day, taking 400mg a day. It made me very anxious and angry the first day. I'm an ex coffee drinker and it made me feel like I drank a pot of coffee. I took it in the morning but was awake all night. Took another one on day 2 at breakfest. It made me anxious and hyper with slight nausea and stomach pain and had to urinate a lot. it made me very hyper and energetic but at the same time very tired if that makes sense.It makes me feel all drugged up and not the normal sense of well being and happiness that I experience daily.Also made me feel sad. I normaly have bounds of energy and excercise regularly and only need to loose around 5 Ibs. I will try it for a few more days and if the side effects continue then i will discountinue and throw them in the garbage.

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bizber 12 years ago

I stopped taking it. It was messing my system up too much. It really hyped me up and made me feel all weirded out. Also caused stomach upset. It's great to be feeling normal again! Guess the stuff is not for me. Good luck to the ones that it's working for.

marnig 12 years ago

I have been taking the Dr. Oz capsules twice a day 20 minutes before meals for about ten days now and have not lost any weight at all.. At first I found I had more energy and less appetite - I only want to lose about 7 lbs and I already eat healthy and exercise daily but the last few days I have been feeling edgy, anxious and irritable and now I last night and tonight I have been unable to sleep, which is why I'm in the kitchen on my laptop at 1.34 in the morning and have to be up by 6.30 to get the kids out before I start my day.. I think I may have to give this a miss and see if I feel any better - I have also been itchy and hot at times and i normally feel the cold!

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Posted 12 years ago

I took 800mg before my larger meal everyday for about 5 weeks. I had back to back hot flashes , (thought maybe it was menopause??) I did not get my period that month and continued on with constant hot flashes. I quit using it when my hair started to fall out. I have not had a hot flash since and I am having my normal monthly cycles. I had my TSH (Thyroid) level checked 2 months before I started taking the green coffee and it was normal , I just had It taken 4 weeks after I stopped the supplement and my TSH is high ?? I think this supplement messes with your Pitutary and thyroid . I DO NOT !!!! RECOMMEND IT!! PS No weight loss ,Blood surgar Up slightly and blood pressure unchanged.!

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faithphelps17 11 years ago

I have been taking the caplets for about a month now.I have lost 10 lbs.,it seems to give me energy and I dont feel bloated as I did before I had started taking the green coffee bean caplet.However I started noticing my hair falling out about a week ago,but Im not sure if it has anything to do with the caplets.

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Posted 12 years ago

I had a reaction of itching all over my body after using this product for about two weeks.

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Posted 12 years ago

I have been itching like crazy. Arms! Stomach and legs... This sucks

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Posted 12 years ago

I have had success with GTE. I've been able to keep my weight down, retain high energy and it supresses my apetite. I have had no side effects.

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Posted 12 years ago

I has been on it for approximately 2 months and losing weight very nicely, when my blood sugar shot up dramatically. When I was seen in the ER it was 735. Eleven months earlier my sugar was 110 and all my labs were perfect. I no longer take the capsule and now I am on insulin, Victoza and metformin orally. My sugars run about 110 now. I am really concerned about diet and exercise now. I really watch it. I am not sure if I would take this capsule again. Is there anybody out there with this type of experience? I am a pharmacist and I understand most of the mechanisms of pharmacology, patho-physiology and therapeutics. I watched the Dr. Oz episode that he discussed GCBE and I was convinced, until now. Signed, Craig Brozek

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Mpazhenao 10 years ago

That happend to me, but i expierence more side effects, my legs and arms are swelling, i gain like 15 pounds and i had headaches. I just stop to drink this pills because make mr feel really bad, i go to er and they do a lot ef exam and everything looks pretty good the doctor said that maybe it was a overdose and that cause all that effects and didnt help me to loose weight just help me to retain water. Not good for a diabetic person.

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Posted 12 years ago

I have been taking it for about 2 weeks regularly, and have noticed no difference in my weight, although I have had no adverse effects from taking it.

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Posted 12 years ago

Dr. Oz suggested these 2 supplements on his show. I Can NOT take Green Coffee in the afternoon, or I won't be able to sleep. It makes me jittery. Says it the amount of caffine is a HALF cup of coffee. What kind of half cup of coffee lasts all night? I can drink 2 Cappuccinos, and have less jitters! Ive purchased the combination with Green Bean Coffee and 80mg of Saffron Extract. The Saffron Extract Alone works better with me, for my appetite, than the comination of the two together. Saffron has no caffine, and no noticeable side effects. I don't know why Green Coffee make me jittery as if I had 4 shots of Espresso. I thought the this two combination brand work work better than one alone, but I haven't found that to be the case.

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Posted 12 years ago

Have anyone had chest pain or feel like tighttightening on your chest??? And lots of gas??

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Kelsie37 10 years ago

I have started having severe pain when swallowing where it feels like my whole esophagus is closing. There is nothing specific that will set it off, or for no reason it will start hurting.I have had extensive tests but all were considered normal :-/

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Posted 11 years ago

I'm 44 yrs.old woman, and I tried the green coffee bean pill for 3 days. I always took the pill in the morning, 30 minutes before a meal. On day one, by late afternoon, I noticed some stomach spasms, but I dismissed them as unusual, and a onetime thing, since I never have had problems with my stomach previously. I even considered myself a person with a very strong stomach. On the morning of day 2, I woke up with the same stomach cramps/spasms and I did not like it. But I ignored it and thought it was just coincidental, so I took the pill again. I had spasms all day long and into the night. For ladies that have been pregnant before, these would be spasms resembling fairly short contractions, except they involved the stomach, and not the uterus. The same thing repeated on day 3, and that was the last time I took one. My stomach spasms didn't go away for 2 more days after I stopped the pill, which concerned me, but it is now 3 days since I stopped the green coffee bean pills, and there's no sign of the pain. I was taking one 800mg pill a day (in the morning; 30 minutes before a meal) from a brand that I bought through called "Creative Bioscience". A brand I trusted, coming from . At the end, I didn't even care about weight loss. So coincidence or not, I will never put my body and stomach through this again. After all I only have one stomach that I will need for the rest of my life. Please be gentle with yours too.

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Posted 11 years ago

I have been trying this for two weeks straight with all sorts of side effects. I thought it was just me because everyone is marketing the safe and no side effects to this product. The first night I had violent vivid dreams. I have had a non stop headache for the past two weeks. I decided to stop taking them after I had the first migraine in my ENTIRE life yesterday. I have muscle twitches all over. I decided to do some further research. Yes the product does block calories from being absorbed, I have lost weight. However it is also blocks key nutrients from being absorbed as well. I added a multivitamin and some iron into my diet this week and feel slightly better, This product is not worth it to me. I feel out of my body and have brain fog. Started 24 hours after starting product. Right now I am staying hydrated to flush this out of my system. I will have to stick with less calories and more activity.

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ldeboer84 11 years ago

and yes used the product to a tee as to what Dr Oz recommended

Kokomoshun 9 years ago

I had crazy violent nightmares too! I thought that I was alone in this.

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Posted 11 years ago

I have a heart condition and hypertension and have suffered no side effects.

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Posted 10 years ago

I have not seen one single change in my weight or size. I have used it for about 10 days and do stay on approximately 800 calories a day. I also get one hour of exercise a day. It does not seem to have made any difference what so ever.

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Posted 10 years ago

There was nothing on the bottle to say take with food, after or before food. Only 2 in the morning and one in the afternoon. It made me so incredibly poorly with sicky feeling, light headed to the point I was going to pass out followed by headaches. I missed a day and took again the following day. I have done this 3 times now so I know its the tablet and not something else. Last time, I was in bed for 2 days and felt dreadful. They are now going back to Boots as they cost £23.00 and Ive only had 8 out of the jar. Avoid!!

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Posted 10 years ago

I've I been taking coffee bean and raspberry ketones for seven days i've lost 5 pounds was had severe heart palpitations for the last three days I would not recommend this product . I have since found out that Loring my calories and carbs and fat content I lost the same amount then the same amount of time. I personally think it's not worth the risk of damaging your health..

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Posted 12 years ago

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vikdad1 12 years ago

can you tell me if you felt any benefits or drawbacks from using it?

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Posted 12 years ago

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Posted 12 years ago

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Posted 12 years ago

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Posted 12 years ago

Tried it for several weeks. No negative side effects. No weight loss. I've stopped using it.

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thepeggymartin 12 years ago

Tried it for several weeks. No negative side effects. No weight loss. I've stopped using it.

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Posted 12 years ago

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Posted 12 years ago

I have had no side effects with this product,I do drink alot of coffee but has not effected my breathing or have any jitters.JUST STARTED SO IN A COUPLE OF WEEKS i GET BACK ....

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Posted 12 years ago

This stuff works the best product I ever used is here

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Posted 12 years ago

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Posted 12 years ago

Just began taking it on Monday of this week so I'm not sure yet, but my eyes have been feeling odd since I started. Almost a numb feeling like when you get them dialated at the eye Dr. I'm sure this has absolutely nothing to do with Green Coffee Bean extract, but was curious if anyone experienced the same thing.

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Posted 12 years ago

need more answers first

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Posted 12 years ago

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Posted 12 years ago

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Posted 12 years ago

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Posted 12 years ago

I have been to my doctor i actualy gained 3 pounds. I had previously lost over 20 pounds to lower sugar levels. Iit worked in the beginning but i had to keep cutting diet to keep sugar levels normal. My doctor said she was gona put me on more meds to lower my sugar thats when i started takingGCB extract. My sugar is down and eventhough i have gained weight my physical size is down. People keep asking what iam doing. So i will continue and see if the numbers come down too.

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h2n68 12 years ago

I am about a month in using GCB extract. I made some adjustments and my sugar levels are steadly droping. This is the main reason why i began to take it and i am seeing significant drop in sugar levels. I do follow a low carb diet with no extra sugars to my diet. But i have been on a srict diet since february and results would vary. Im trying to decrease insulin intake. I have not weighed my self but my work clothes are hanging off me. Go to doctor this will see how bloodwork turns out

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Posted 12 years ago

I now feel that the bloating/gas I was experiencing was a dietary issue (too much dried pears from our crop), and not due to the green coffee bean extract. Can't say that I have lost any weight, though.

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Posted 12 years ago

I am taking 2 400mg(50%chlorogenic acid) pills in the morning about 30 min before eating. I have been on it for over a month and I haven't lost any weight at all. I did try at one point taking the two pills before breakfast and two before dinner but I noticed I was having issues focusing my eyes and started having issues with dehydration so I went back to just the dose before morning. I have also noticed an increase in sex drive and less bowel spasming(severe irritable bowel) but that is about it. I haven't lost any weight, I am over weight quite a bit and am disappointed. I also have kept track of my measurement and no change there either. I even altered my diet to see if that would help. I am eating smaller portion sizes and healthier choices the majority of the time. I bought three bottles and will keep trying but not very optimistic at this point. Also, I have a bladder disease which makes most exercise very difficult as it causes intense pain and other disorders and allergies which limit what foods I can eat so weight loss has been very very difficult for me.

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Posted 12 years ago

I bought the brand that Dr. Oz had on his show. Now I'm having palpitations! I think I am going to back off for awhile to see if it is related!

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Posted 12 years ago

I have been taking only 1 800 mg. veggie capsule daily, 30 minutes before my morning meal with an 8 oz. glass of water. I started on Oct 25 at 251 lbs. and today, Nov. 2 I am at 249 lbs. (2-lbs lost). I am not a coffee drinker and I experience an overload yesterday when I had a "white coffee mocha" before eating my first meal of the day...and, later after eating too late (about3pm) my stomach became upset and I was running to the bathroom for 1-hour off and on. The caffeine intake was too much and eating late didn't help. My suggestion to everyone is to drink plenty of water, eat regular meals timely and slow down the intake....slow weight loss is so much healthier than fast weight loss. I would recommend this product to others. It does work...just watch the caffiene.

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Posted 12 years ago

I have taken 1 400mg after my lunch for a week now. i woke up yesterday with a hot red ,swollen face and a swollen tongue. Today my face is just itching and my tongue is still swollen. i have stopped taking the pill in concerns of an allergic reaction of some sort.? any others having the same?

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bizber 12 years ago

No allergic reaction lilbosha but other unpleasant symptoms. Overly hyped up, angry and irritable, sad, jittery and all weirded out, and upset stomach. Stopped taking it and feel great again. My guess is that some folks are very sensitive to the stuff and others are okay.

lil2blau 12 years ago

Not my tongue, but I have had a red hot face in color and to the touch from green coffee bean extract from Wal Mart

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Posted 12 years ago


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h2n68 12 years ago

I also had one drink and felt i was severly hungover

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Posted 12 years ago

I started Nov 10 (on day 11 now) and so far have lost about 3 pounds. Looking in the mirror I look like I've lost at least 10. I eat fairly healthy to start with and only want to lose about 15 pounds. I've had no adverse reactions. I take 1 450mg capsule 30 minutes before each meal with a full glass of water. I walk about 3 times a week about 6 or so km in all and sometimes follow with more exercises at home.

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hunt4healthandwealth 12 years ago

I started off taking only one 400 MG. My heart was racing throughout the day and as I tried to sleep. Had trouble sleeping.

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Posted 12 years ago

I've been tacking it regularly for about three weeks. So don;t really expect any results. The great thing is it doesn't cause jitters. Also, it gives you energy that you can handle. I will keep on tacking this, because even if i don't lose the amount i want at least my house is clean. By the way, don't take this anytime near bed, because you won't be sleeping anytime soon :)

Regina, 32

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Posted 12 years ago

I used 400gr twice a day for about 3 weeks. I didn't lose any weight, but kept at it. I have stopped completely now. I became depressed (I am on a low dose 20gr prozac) and jittery and was in a complete daze. Obviously, not for every one.

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Posted 12 years ago

I purchased the GCBE liquid drops and followed directions of half dropper before meals, 3 times a day.. within a couple of days I have broke out all over..small bumps w/red rash, very itchy under breasts, patches on stomach, low back and backside. I have stopped the drops and will return to the raspberry drops after a week or so. I realize there is no magic solution, but the drops make it easier to keep hunger at bay and eat less. I suppose a glass of water would do the same, good luck I know I need some. kathyo

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Posted 12 years ago

feels like it does increases your metabolism and give you energy and maintain your weight as well as eating whatever you want....i have lose two inches in 3 weeks

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Posted 12 years ago

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Posted 12 years ago

I made my own extract and take 20 drops 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day and I feel great!

I used Tanzanian peaberry green coffee beans.

My appetite is curbed quite a bit and I have been drinking green smoothies every day which last me until dinner time and drinking a lot of water.

I am looking to lose 15-20 pounds. This is only the third day and I am still at 141. But, I have high hopes:)

I'll try to keep you posted:)

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ashleynabbee07 12 years ago

First of all, I take blood pressure meds, and a anxiety pill, was on metaformin for my sugar. Metaformin would make me cough alot, as I found out online that is one of the the side effects of metaformin. So, quit taking it and started taking the GCB yesterday took 2 tablets (400mg. each) before supper. when I woke up this morning had diarrhea and my stomach was a little upset. Any suggestions? should I just take 1 pill before lunch and one pill before dinner? I really would like to give this a try. I have my routine blood work done next week and will tell my doctor about the metaformin and also tell him about GCB. It seems like every thing he tries to put me on for my sugar doesn't agree with me, other meds. caused me to sweat real bad and cause light headness. My sugar is not that high but he is using precaution and trying to put me on something. I was hoping this GCB works. I feel alot better now that I am up and moving around but don't want to have to deal with the diarrhea and sicky feeling while I am taking this.

countryglamgal8874 10 years ago

have u ever tried herbalife?

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Posted 12 years ago

The side affect that I had, it causes constipation and heavy loss of potassium.

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Posted 12 years ago

only been taking it 3 days two pills per day one in morning one before dinner. I am suffering from stomaches and diarhea. I'm hoping it will stop soon I can't leave my apt with this happening. Haven't lost anything yet so I can't say if it works yet. I've read some are using higher doses I was told to only take the 2 pills total of 400 mg. And with how my body is reacting I wouldn't want to use I will give it a week for my body to adjust and then decide if I will continue. Good luck everyone....

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Posted 12 years ago

I had taken the GCBE by Jarrow Co.of L.A. Ca. They were 400 mg capsuls taken once in am and once at pm meals.I started on 11-13-12 @ 222.3 lbs and stopped on 12-19-12. At that time I weighed 205.2 lbs. Great and fast weight loss except that I am still losing weight after the stoppage. I weighed myself this morning 1-1-13 and weighed in at 191.0. I find myself being very tired during the daytime but I attribute that to the fact that I am up at least once every hour to urinate.I was still taking my multivitamin during the whole time and I have added an Iron supplement in an effort to solve my HEAVY LEGS and ARMS feeling. I had been drinking at least a qt of Gatorade O2 when I first get up and about 3/4 of a gal of diet Ice Tea during the day for energy. My food consumption has not changed but I am now drinking just pure water. I would like to hear from someone with any ideas on my symtoms. I must say it does work but I might suggest only 1 capsul daily....

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Posted 12 years ago

it curves my appetite for a few hrs,,but then i want to eat everything in sight. does that happen to anyone else?? ive been using it for almost 2 wks now.

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Posted 12 years ago

Seems to be good if you can get pass the nausea after eating.

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Posted 12 years ago

I hope kidney stones are not related to trying this. Had some recent pain. Anyone else? What to do ?

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Posted 12 years ago

This is only my 3rd day of taking it. I did notice a higher energy level. I have had mild diarrhea in the morning along with something that seems like mild flu symptoms. I'm going to try a smaller dose, and then I will work up to the suggested dose. Having worked for a nutritionist, at one point, I know these symptoms often occur when the body is detoxing. I am thinking that, in my case, my liver may be detoxing and melting fat, and this could have something to do with the diarrhea. One of my reasons for trying these was to help my liver, since gall bladder issues (mine was removed) often mean the liver is having issues with processing fat. I doubt the diarrhea is being caused by caffeine, in my case, since there is such a small amount of caffeine in the capsules. Will see how it goes for a couple of weeks and get back to you.

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Posted 12 years ago

It mde me very ill on 2 diff occasions and so i have stopped trying it and would like a return label so i can get my money back...tell me how to get one!! e-mail to

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Posted 12 years ago

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Posted 12 years ago

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Posted 12 years ago

I was on Green Coffee Bean Extract for 2 months. Since I was exercising at curves I had measurements and monthly weight stats on record. I took the first month with no change, but I was taking it the same time I ate breakfast. After remembering that requirement the second month I took it 1/2 hour ahead with 1 glass of water. I lost 2 to 3 inches on my waist and abdomen, and lost 1 pound. However, my stomach started hurting and eating made it worse. My doctor said it was the extract. I stopped and my stomach immediately started feeling better. But I have gained 3 to 4 pounds back in a week. Dr. Oz, what happened?

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Posted 12 years ago

I just started this today:) I have been eating good and going to the gym so I'm just trying to get more weight off. I've been having a shake for breakfast and a shake for lunch. I'm not sure if i should be taking the pill with my shakes or only at dinner:(

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Posted 12 years ago

I have only been taking the green coffee bean extract for two weeks, and i feel great. I haven't had a chance to weigh myself and see if its working or not since i've been away from home. Tonight i noticed i have a spot of skin on my stomach that's sort of a yellow-brown, just curious if the two could be related?

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Posted 12 years ago

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Posted 12 years ago

I took it for a couple weeks and got really awful diareha, but I don't know if it caused it or not. I was hoping this site would help me there.

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Posted 12 years ago

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Posted 12 years ago

Dizziness, severe headaches, and nausea. Haven't lost an ounce, but lost 2 days of work because the dizziness is so severe.

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Posted 11 years ago

I took it foe two weeks and experienced mild cramps and no weight.loss. I only need to loose about 10 pounds. I was eating balanced meals and working out. About the begi king of the third week I began experiencing leg and arm numbness!!! Stopped taking and it went away. I believe it was lowering my BP too low so my circulation was effected and I was not perfusing my extremities!!! Never again!

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Posted 11 years ago

Bought it for my hubby & me. I have fibromyalgia and thought that considering I cannot do any exercise that it would be the perfect weight loss solution for me. However, I got numbness and tingling in my legs at 1200mg per day. Hubby was ok he is fairly healthy 48yo. I tried it for one month and did not lose any weight but did not gain any either which is good.

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Posted 11 years ago

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olabisidebakin 11 years ago

I started taking the green tea fat burner 2days ago and now I have chest pain. If I stop the diet pills, will my chest pain stop. I need help.

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Posted 11 years ago

I am taking coffee beens extract but gain some. I am not sure weather I gain because my thyroid issue or it's just not working with me

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Posted 11 years ago

I've been using them for about 5 days now and have lost two pounds. Not seriously dieting but eating a balanced diet. Yesterday I started getting blisters in my mouth. Today they are worse. Anyone experience this yet? I drink an average of 10 cups of coffee a week.

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Posted 11 years ago

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Posted 11 years ago

I started it because i am on a Diabetec reversal plan, It helps to lower blood sugar. I stoped all my diabetec meds because i did not want to worry about my BS dropping to low.I am on a very healthy diet and feel great. No side effects for me. But everyone is different so listen to what your body tells you.

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Posted 11 years ago

I m on my 3rd day with green coffee bean maxx in combination with both through the free trial. I eat sooo much less than before even forget to eat .... i take 2 pills of each so 4 pills every day. green coffe bean 30 min before food and then while m eating 1 liposom! I realized side effects...! I tried the first one sunday after a big mean: MY mistake! I kept vomiting everywhere. Learned from my mistake and actually did what the package says.. Every time I take the pills I feel a bit weird... I do go for number 2 A LOT! but dont have diherrea or anything like that. I started drinking A LOT of water as Im always thirsty and obv need to pee a lot as well. After taking the pills I get hot flashes ( my bf even realized my red cheecks and got concerned) I sweat and feel very hot and cold .... I took diet pills in the past which were much more worse and got my heart racing like I was on proper drugs. Those feel ok and as its just day 3 I will continue for now. If the sideeffects get worse I will stop.

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ilenejay52 11 years ago

I dont think you need to take both meds just green coffe beans 1 pill 2x a day. That will cut down on side effects. You should not be having any side effects. The side effects you describe is not good.

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Posted 11 years ago

Since taking the pills, I have started to have bright red blood in my stool. I have never had this problem before and this started two weeks after I started taking the pills 2 xs a day. I saw my primary doctor and she stop taking them immediately.

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Posted 11 years ago

I began taking GCBE on 3/26 and I weighted today I lost a total of 6lbs. Although I have experienced severe gas.cramps in my stomach ( trapped gas) very painful. That's the only side effect I came across. I have stopped taking it for a day now my gas is subsiding, not sure if I am doing to take it again or try Garcinia Cambogia or Raspberry Ketones, I am not sure that the weight loss was worth all of the pain I encountered I am sure there are other supplements that doesn't have sure a painful side effect.( has anyone else experienced this?)

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tray_chicago 11 years ago

yes, i've experienced the same thing. terrible bloating and gas pains. I'm not one to typically have gas and so far i haven't lost weight. and because of the bloating i feel heavier!

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Posted 11 years ago

I started Monday..i lost 3 pounds going to skip a day or 2 just because im on hbp meds.. im taken toalin as does cause you to go very often..but other then that i just think its cleaning you out..nothing bad to say..hope this helps someone

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Posted 11 years ago

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amanda_sokolosky 11 years ago

ive been doing it for a week and have noticed good changes

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Posted 11 years ago

i lost 20lbs.iam happy.

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Posted 11 years ago

Without dieting or exercise, I am loosing 3.5 kgs a DAY! Feel great, no side effects. I am recommending it to all my friends ( who feel they need to loose weight) . Some friends do not believe me and say it is just fluid, but that is their choice, I can only keep going and loose another 20 kgs, as the first 10 kgs have gone!

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Posted 11 years ago


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Posted 11 years ago

I drink a protein shake for breakfast, and have tracked all my food on my fitness pal (that alone makes you eat less cause it makes you accountable for what you put in your mouth), and have also been taking green coffee bean extract, along with green tea extract, omega 3,6&9, and a mulit vitamin. I have lost 5pounds in the first week, I have had no side effects. I purchased all my products at popey's (Canada) I feel like I have more energy and am not hungry all the time, I have also added protein to each meal, which helps you feel fuller for longer. I would recommend taking this product, but DO NOT ORDER FROM THE INTERNET!!! go talk to a nutritionist or a health professional, SO you make sure you are getting the right product, and not some crap off the internet that is filled with caffine and makes you feel like like your on speed.

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Posted 11 years ago

I have never taken any type of supplement before and this one has been very effective for me. However, make sure you drink enough water while taking the capsule. I am a nurse and was in surgery for 6 hours without any water yesterday, I am now dehydrated and playing catch up on fluids. Just fyi :)

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yarngirl35 11 years ago

I took GCBE for a little less than a week. I stopped because I was getting terrible muscle cramps all over my body. Seeing your post, I think it was really dehydrating me, as dehydration is a known cause of muscle cramping. I also experienced very dry mouth. Even though it has been several days that I've stopped taking it, still getting the muscle cramps and dry mouth. This product definitely is not for me.

yarngirl35 11 years ago

I should add that I drink lots of water throughout the day and despite this, my mouth still was dry. Weird.

Has tried it
Posted 11 years ago

Help? I am on day 2 of PURE Indian coffee bean extract (taking 1/8 of a tsp 2x day), not in a pill form. Noticing redness on my stomach, and what seems to be popping veins in my legs? Totally active, cardio 1 hour body attack 3xweek) 46 years old, going through menopause...........sleepless nights are norm so i cannot blame the first night on it..........thanks, anyone?

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Posted 11 years ago

I buy green coffee from** and i had a damn got price there!! They have a promo code to get 10% off !! (april13)

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Posted 11 years ago

I have been taking this product for 2 weeks and feel awful. I sleep through the night but have NO energy. I am a runner and since taking this product I can not get through a run it's like I hit the "wall" from the first step. Also I have not dropped one single pound. I will no longer be taking this product.

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Posted 11 years ago

I had kidney pain and frequent painful urination after only three days of taking it. The health food store told me to take 400 mg 3x a day. Maybe this was too much, but I would not try it again ;since I had many hours of a very painful experience. I stopped taking it 24 hrs ago and I am just starting to recover.

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Posted 11 years ago

ive been taken this for 2 weeks now and no results yet all i feel is very bloated anyone can help tat be great should i take it ye or stop thanx

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Posted 11 years ago

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Posted 11 years ago

I took it for 1 month and did not lose an oz. what did I do wrong I took it as directed.

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Posted 11 years ago

I'm going to start taking this tomorrow before my lunch - I've decided to take it easy for the first day or so to make sure that I don't have any adverse reaction to it. Background: I'm 24, not overweight at all, I exercise 5 times a week and I attempt to eat a healthy diet. I just want something to help me tone up.

To the people talking about how it inhibits iron absorption - if that's true, I hope it does. I have hemochromatosis (iron overload) and if there's something that can help stop my body from holding excess iron that would be wonderful. Side note - hemochromatosis occurs in 1 of every 200-300 people and it is rarely diagnosed. It causes iron to sit around your organs and if left untreated it will slowly eat away at them and cause organ failure. Most women aren't diagnosed until they're 50 and men are 40. I was lucky and was diagnosed when I was 20. I thought I had low iron -- the symptoms are identical. I know this is going off topic here, but I just want to spread information about it because it's a disease that is never talked about but it should be. So many people die from this when they're older because they have no idea that they have it. It's easily treated -- you just need to have phlebotomies (a bag of blood drawn) once in a while to keep iron levels down. So long as you do that, your life expectancy is normal.

Anyways, I'll come back and post my results in a few weeks.

PS- can people please post what brand they purchased and the ingredients? That would be helpful. I went onto and bought theirs. It says that it's FDA approved, GCA, etc. Only ingredients are the bean and vegetable cellulose. There is also a contact number on the site which I called because I mistyped my mailing address - I was glad someone actually picked up on the other end. Made me feel better about the company I was purchasing it from.

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clouddancer 11 years ago

So How did it work for you? I am in the same situation, not overweight but would like to lose maybe 7 lbs and tone up, got my product from vitalmend also, 800mg. I am going to take just 1 capsule per day with the bigger evening meal as i think 1600 would be too much for me. I am concerned about the side effects especially the dioahear and itching, swelling and numbness, as you are already slim and healthy would you tell me how its been for you? thanks Z

moroz.megan 11 years ago

To be honest I stopped taking it after only a week and a half or so. I've suffered from anxiety in the past and it just set it off. I felt jittery the whole time that I was taking them and I didn't see any results either.

My mom tried to take them at the same time but immediately stopped because it gave her diahrrea and an upset stomach. To be honest this makes me a bit weary of it because if what this really does to people is just make them go to the bathroom a lot, it will dehydrate them and if that's the case, you're not really losing weight, you're just losing all of your water and that isn't healthy.

It's a bit annoying because I bought from a good brand so it was expensive and I got zero results from it. But then again, maybe if I'd tried to keep going with it I would've seen a difference.

I've actually gone to and I'm going to try some of their herbal teas which are supposed to help with any bloating and indesgestion issues so I'll see if that works for me instead.

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Posted 11 years ago

Awaiting further detail from this user...

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Posted 11 years ago

Terrible gas but sticking it out. only been taking it for about 1 week. haven't seen any results yet but willing to give it a shot and endure the gas if it works!

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Posted 11 years ago

I started taking GCB July 19th. They come in 500mg capsules. I took one 30 minutes before supper. Next morning 30 minutes before breakfast. That evening 30 minutes before supper. I am 6'3", 210lbs. I figure because of my size it would take a few days to kick in. The pharmacist who sold me the product, referred to my size and stated that I may need to increase the dosage. I am on Metformin for type II Diabetes. I exercise at a gym every other day and eat a proper diet to keep glugose levels in the normal range. The following morning I took 2 capsules before breakfast. That afternoon I went to the gym for my regular routine. I could not finish. I had an attack of low blood sugar,where I was on the verge of passing out and required an immediate boost of sugar. I drank some apple juice to correct the drop. I took 1 capsule before supper. That evening and throughout the night I had to get out of bed every hour on the hour to void, however there was little fluid. I figured this was my body releasing the toxins. These symptoms have not stopped. I have stopped taking the capsules. The constant feeling of having to void has not stopped. I have been off the capsules for 3 days now. The urge to void has subsided a bit but continues. My BMs are fluid. Each time I drink anything I need to void almost immediately. I hope I haven't damaged my kidneys. I see my GP next week. I will submit his diagnosis.

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Posted 11 years ago

It really works

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Posted 11 years ago

Except I am experiencing stomach pains right after I take the Green Coffee Extract

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Posted 11 years ago

Before taking GCBE, I lost 20 pounds in 8 weeks on my own due to healthy eating of vegetables and proteins and exercise. I take no meds or vitamins. I began taking GCBE (real deal, no fillers) 2 weeks ago. I take 1 pill (400mg) half hour before breakfast with a glass of water and another pill before dinner (as instructed) on Dr. Oz show. I have lost no weight and after 3 days developed a horrible itching all over my upper torso. As I opened the lid to my second bottle of GCBE this morning, reality slapped me square in the face. I forgot to take my GCBE pill before dinner last night and I am barely itching this morning. I have also experienced some light dizziness and fatigue. No more of this mess for me. Through additional research, I have learned my itching from taking this supplement has caused my liver to work harder which is causing the itching. BEWARE! I'm going to lose weight the correct and hard way. Eating right is a lifestyle!

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esyours 11 years ago

I take green coffee bean 30 minutes before a meal but sometimes I don't get to eating for and hour or so.......will it still work? Also, I have been taking garcinia cambogia with the gree coffee beans. I have not lost 1 pound....maybe it cause I am missing that 30 minute window. Any ideas

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Posted 11 years ago

have any one experience hair loss after using gcbe?

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Posted 11 years ago

Started 4 days ago and have already lost 9 lbs! I am also eating a well balanced healthy diet and have not exercised yet.

I have had some diarrhea but not ongoing and I have a very sensitive stomach. The biggest issue for me is restless nights, haven't slept good since started but as long as I am losing weight I don't care,won't keep taking these forever. I also eat my last meal late so will not do that anymore as that is probably why I can't sleep.

Since I have started menopause I am having a really hard time losing weight so I am thrilled with the results so far.

The results will vary depending on how much you have to lose. If you only have 10 lbs to lose then it may not work but me, I have about 80-100 lbs to lose.

If I get more side effects then I will stop.

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Posted 11 years ago

When I tried the Purely Inspired Green Coffee Bean supplement, which consisted of two 400mg servings per day, I had high hopes. I unfortunately stopped taking the product after about three days due to extreme diarrhea. I'd prefer working out to severe diarrhea, personally.

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Posted 11 years ago

Awaiting further detail from this user...

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Posted 10 years ago

great website for Green Coffee Bean Extract

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Posted 10 years ago

ive tried this green coffee bean and milk thistle at different times, I've found to be getting a white tongue and sore throat , a thrush like symptoms in my mouth, has this happened anyone else

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Posted 10 years ago

I have been using it since Sept. 3 along with a healthy diet and have lost 20 lbs in 5 weeks! I just went to the doctor and she gave me a high 5 because all my bloodwork is normal, sugar is normal for the first time she has known me in 5 years and my bp is normal. :)

That being said I have been having stomach discomfort and wondering if it's causing it. I won't stay on it for much longer if that's the case but it helped me get a great start on losing weight.

I take it twice a day and still have my morning coffee, no jitter at all.

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Posted 10 years ago

I am using this product for about 1 month,but i am not getting any result.from-Rita bhanja.kolkata

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Posted 10 years ago

I have tried, its been my third month and there are no side effects so far although weight loss results can be seen only if exercise and proper diet can be maintained along with it..

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Posted 10 years ago

I have lost 10 lbs using this. I take one cap before every meal. Helps me with hunger and has worked for me. I buy creative bioscience brand. I get it at walgreens.

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Posted 9 years ago

I started the Extreme Green Coffee Bean liquid using 1/2 a dropper twice a day before each meal. I was told with Juvenile Type 1 diabetes the green coffee bean would be better to use with my insulin and it wouldn't interfere with my glucose readings but since I have been taking this liquid I noticed I have had a scratchy cough like something is tickling my throat, I am thinking this could be an allergic reaction to the Green Coffee Bean? is this a side affect for this liquid? I know I have had it with other medications that do not agree with me, this irritating cough out of no where. Thanks Kelly

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Posted 9 years ago

I took the extract as recommended on the bottle and after the first couple of weeks, I developed severe vertigo. I stopped taking it and it took about 2 weeks for the vertigo to subside.

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dodgegirlsrule 9 years ago

What is vertigo? How are you feeling?

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Posted 9 years ago

If you are trying to lose weight and can handle the knots in your stomach with a little pain as you would with regular diarrhea by all means go out and get you a bottle. I started to have diarrhea less than 24 hours after my first dose. It really cleans you out. Let's see how much weight I will lose in the first few weeks. 

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Posted 9 years ago

I am taking GCBE 1pill 3x a day and GCE 2 pills 3x a day I lost weight in the first 72hrs. I am eating with out getting bloated and the blah feeling and my belly has gone down I am also not having daily stomach pain no more and my body feels better but I hit day 4 yesterday and by noon I am dizzy and blurred vision today is day 5 and it's getting worse so I decided to take 3 a day of the GCE instead of 6 but no changes so now I am headed to the hospital because something is not right with my head and vision..

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Posted 9 years ago

Today was day 4, i only take it twice per day ,but once i forgot to eat after i took it and once i ate an hour later!

Still didnt notice any results not even in my appetite but my bowel movements are smoother!!

will give another week before i might increase to 3 pills per day and more consistent eating schedule!

my inquiry is does not eating affect the results ? and what happens after we stop talking does the metabolism slows down again? and how long should we take it for ?

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Posted 9 years ago

I tried the Starbucks Refreshers drink packets and they have green coffee extract in them. I was drinking one every morning for energy as opposed to coffee because I find regular brewed coffee really disgusting. I started to notice that I would have to use the bathroom after I had my drink nearly every morning which was definitely good because I had been previously constipated (I have medical problems with my stomach, partially impacted I believe). I experimented by stopping my drink intake for a week and went back to stomach aches and not using the bathroom. I haven't talked with my doctor about it yet but from the research I've done so far, this extract is used for weight loss which makes sense. I've started shedding pounds out of no where even though my slightly unhealthy diet hasn't changed. I would say that it definitely does work for weight loss and giving you an energy boost, at least from my experience.

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Posted 8 years ago

Serious question...I am into week number three and although have lost a few pounds, I'm finding my hair is becoming thinner, texture is changing. Am I the only one??

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