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Gluten-Free Diet
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Experiences with Gluten-Free Diet

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Posted 12 years ago

I started the gluten-free diet before found out that I have celiac disease, so my experience may not apply to everyone. That being said, I feel like someone smacked me in the head and said 'be healed!' It's really that dramatic. I'm WAY smaller, I sleep better, my anemia is going away, I can exercise harder without getting tired, I'm happier, calmer, more energetic... it's ridiculous how well things have been going!

I started feeling better emotionally in about a day. So, to anyone who's curious, it's really not hard to try this out and see if it works for you. Give it a week if you want to be sure. It might be the best thing you ever do for yourself.

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Posted 12 years ago

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vikdad1 12 years ago

Hi loki- do you mind sharing a gluten-free diet impacted your energy level on a day-to-day basis? I am considering experimenting with it.

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Posted 12 years ago

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Posted 12 years ago

I don't have Celiac Disease but I have IBS and food allergies. This gluten free diet is so much easier on my guts that my total health improved.

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calibilly 12 years ago

I was thinking of trying it for my IBS. It just seems soo hard to do. I love bread, cereal, ect. And gluten is in everything!!

judithellen17 12 years ago

It is! It was hard for me to start. It's still hard to keep it up sometimes. But it makes such a difference in how I feel! I read some where that about 70% of our immune system is in our guts. WOW! If's that's true no wonder. My energy goes thru the roof as long as I keep up the diet. In a very short time I will feel the affects if I don't. And the swelling is awful. In just a few days of being on the diet, everyone started asking me if I had lost weight.

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Posted 12 years ago

Have been on a gluten-free diet for 2 months now. The pain is gone in my lower abdomen, my fog in my brain is gone. I do not feel dark inside but happier about life and getting well. I do have type 2 diabetes and I do not eat a lot of fruit at the moment but once I get my sugar levels under control I will. I will never go back to eating processed or sugar again!

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