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Experiences with GAPS Diet

3 people have experienced GAPS Diet. Have you?

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3 people have tried GAPS Diet 0 people have prescribed GAPS Diet
Has tried it
Posted 13 years ago

We haven't been on the diet long enough to judge yet

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ritasharma 13 years ago

Would love to hear more about experience in a couple of weeks.

Has tried it
Would recommend it
Posted 13 years ago

Really gave me a lot of energy and made a lot of inflammation go away. I did it for about 6 months. It was worth the effort of the extra cooking for sure!

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Has tried it
Would recommend it
Posted 13 years ago

I was on the GAPS diet to help clear out my gut. I have had many stomach issues since I can remember and nothing seemed to help my problems. I was recommended the GAPS diet, and followed it for about 6 months. After being on the diet and taking the biocut, my stomach has been much healthier and stronger. I no longer follow the GAPS diet, but the cleanse from it has helped my stomach to tolerate foods I used to not be able to handle. I think that it would be beneficial to my body to go on the GAPS diet periodically to keep my gut clean and clear of all the unhealthy, bad bacteria that I once had.

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