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Experiences with Fibromyalgia and Oxycodone

10 people have experienced Oxycodone. Have you?

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9 people have tried Oxycodone 1 person has prescribed Oxycodone
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Posted 13 years ago

I would recommend it to those who need it and who can handle it properly. Your doctor needs to be involved.

This is my pill of last resort. I start with Tylenol and Ultram and walking. This is all I need most days. If this doesn't help my next step is Zanaflex, and this really does help (but I must be careful of falling). After an hour or so if the pain is still not bearable, then I take the oxycodone and go to bed.

I am never out of pain but I have learned to cope with a certain level (while taking the Tylenol and Ultram). I always wait too long before I take the Zanaflex and much too long before I take the oxycodone. I might take three 4mg tablets a day for two or three days -- and then take none for two or three weeks. I only take them when I absolutely, desperately need the relief they bring.

The need for medication varies so much from day to day -- I know the weather affects my pain level as does prior activity and pressure, and sometimes there seems to be no reason at all why the pain increases.

I am 77 years old and have had Fibromyalgia and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) for twenty years. But I am a very lucky woman who has a cup that is half-full and who can still find much joy in my life. But I dread thinking of how unbearable my life would be without my pain medications.

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Posted 13 years ago

I was 33 years old, and after a major surgery found myself bed ridden with Pain all over my body that I could not explain. Finally after months of thinking it was just the healing process, I went to see my Dr. We tried everything for the next 2 years. As a LAST resort my DR and I sat down to view my options. I was missing work, about to loose my job (which meant no more medical ins) and my family was being torn apart by my inability to participate in the day to day events. I have been on them since Feb. and I still have extreme pain due to wacky weather in my area 110 degrees, and then pouring rain in the afternoon. I have also formed a small support group, all suffering from fibro pain. Our group ranges in age from 35-80. I seem to be the one still suffering the most. I talk to my Dr regularly and she is a great help to me, she can not make the pain go away completely, but it is at least manageable now.

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spechner 13 years ago

Thank you for sharing your story with us! That's so great you were able to form a support group for people with fibromyalgia- Do you guys still meet regularly? How much oxycodone are you taking to notice a relief in your pain?

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Posted 11 years ago

I suffer from cripling fibro and the general public just doesnt get it!!!!!!! I would rather die than suffer from this. I found a pain management specialist who perscribed percocet and what do you know???? It worked!

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Posted 13 years ago

Oxycodone is the first pain medication that helped ease the pain of my fibromyalgia with very little side effects. I take it in 5mg doses (very small). I take 2 at night to help relieve the pain so I can sleep, but sometimes it takes 20mg on a bad night. the problem with it is that it's habit-forming so I'm researching something else that will work as good but I'm not having much luck.

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mat.j.collins 13 years ago

Good for you for being cautious around Oxycodone's habit-forming qualities, Susan. If you haven't already, check out the other treatment pages on FoundHealth. I'd be interested if you find resources here or outside of the FoundHealth community. Are you exploring both complementary and traditional treatments?

susan.ryerson 13 years ago

Thanks! Yes I'm exploring all types of treatment and pain management. I went through several years of trying all the prescription drugs and experienced more side effects than relief so I threw them all out. The pain however gets to me so bad some days it's almost unbearable. I know methocarbomal helps me but again, it's not for long-term use. It's quite frustrating.

mat.j.collins 13 years ago

You've identified two prescriptions you know will help you when the pain is the worst. That combined with your awareness that these are short-term solutions seems important. I hope that you can receive some support for your frustrations through sharing on FoundHealth and connecting with others with Fibromyalgia.

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Posted 10 years ago

It does not take away all of the pain and I have two kids to constantly take care of. A. Two year old and a four year old. They need me constantly and I have such a hard time just walking. I have started seeing a new doctor and he is putting me on Opana. I'm praying to God that this works for me. I'm too young to suffer like this. I want to play with my kids and have a normal life!

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Posted 12 years ago

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Posted 11 years ago

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Posted 10 years ago

email for questions.

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Posted 10 years ago

It is the one pain medication that actually takes the pain away enough that I can live a close to normal life.

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Posted 9 years ago

I am 9 days post umbilical hernia surgery. I requested Percocet because I knew this was going to throw me into a fibro flare Big time! And it did. I am glad I spoke Up and requested these specifically. The only thing that helps my pain and doesn't make me groggy to the point I can't get my chores done and function. Just because we have pain doesn't mean life doesn't still Go on. This med has always helped me immensely.

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