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Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization
What is it? Overview Usage Side Effects and Warnings

What is Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization?

Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization (EPD) is an alternative form of "allergy shot" originally popularized in the UK in the 1960s by a man named Leonard McEwan. It involves injection of very low levels of an allergen, combined with the naturally occurring enzyme beta glucuronidase. EPD proponents claim that this method gets to the root of allergy problems, and produces permanent benefits by "retraining" the immune system. Supposedly, it can successfully treat literally hundreds of medical conditions, from rheumatoid arthritis to epilepsy. However, the evidence used to support these assertions falls considerably short of meaningful.

For example, EPD proponents cite "studies" that show EPD offers cure rates approaching 85% for numerous illness. However, this body of evidence is...

Safety Issues

Whether or not EPD is effective, it does appear to be safe. No serious adverse reactions have been associated with its use. Although in theory allergic reactions could occur in response to EPD injections, the amount of allergen used in EPD is so much lower than the amount used in a normal "allergy shot" that these may not, in fact, occur.

EPD proponents claim that there can be a temporary aggravation response that is part of the healing process; however, this has not been documented.
