No, excessive worry and anger are not the signs of depression in women. Reather worriedness and anger are another mental condition.
CROCUS SATIVUS is 1st grade herbal medicine for both anxiety and depression treatment.
Sometimes we see a depressed person has lack of personal hygiene due to taking no interest in bathin, cuttin nails , cutting hairs, wearing dirt ,prespired cloths. The lack of hygiene is a sign of...
The depression shows many symptoms. They are Angeriness, irritability, insomania, Anorexia nervosa, weeping easily, weeping alone, want alone to live and sometimes many physical abnormality. The...
Anxiety and depression are certainly two sides to the same coin; depression can be considered a symptom of anxiety disorder, and anxiety can be considered a symptom of major depressive disorder. This...
For many of us, depression and anxiety form two halves of the same problem. A simplistic but valid model says that depression involves regret about the past, while anxiety represents fear of the...
As I have answered elsewhere, I think it's important to first try to figure out the cause of your depression before just treating its symptoms. This may not be easy, but I would encourage you to not...
I tend to see any health problem has having been caused by something, and the best treatment would be the one that actually addresses or fixes the underlying cause. The problem with depression is...
When teen depression goes untreated, it can lead to attempts of homicide or suicide and can be a very serious debilitating condition. These are tragedies however that can be prevented when there is...
First, keep in mind that depression and anxiety often coexist. They also feed off each other. So most treatments that affect one will affect both. The mindfulness-based treatments are good because...
The symptoms of many forms of depression can be similar; fatigue, loss of interest in otherwise pleasurable activities, significant changes in eating habits, anxiety, sleeping problems etc. The...
I don't know if St. John's Wort is the most popular drug-free treatment available on the market, but I have read that St. John's Wort is prescribed more in England that are pharmaceutical...
There are so many dietary regimes that claim to be really great for helping treat depression and other chronic health conditions! Some of these even greatly contradict one another, like...
A practitioner must diagnosis you with depression for your to get a prescription, but the good news is not everyone needs a formal diagnosis because many people can cure depression on their own-senza...
Omega-3 essential fatty acids are considered “essential” because they are not manufactured by the body and must be taken in as part of a diet. They are long-chain, polyunsaturated fatty acids. There...
Alcohol is a depressant, meaning it temporarily reduces the ability for the brain to function as it normally would. In depressed individuals, drinking alcohol can actually exacerbate their symptoms,...
It is so great of you to be sensitive to this matter for your mother's sake as depression in the older persons generation often goes undetected. You're right that medication, 'a normal slowing-down...
Natural ups-and-downs are a normal part of life, so in some facet, everyone will experience periods of lows throughout life. (In fact, there are some theories that describe why it was...