Traditional Chinese herbal medicine is part of a comprehensive and unique approach to healing developed over many centuries in Asia. Along with acupuncture, herbs are a part of this approach to healing, the umbrella term to which is simply "Traditional Chinese Medicine."
Traditional Chinese herbal medicine is part of a comprehensive and unique approach to healing developed over many centuries in Asia. Along with acupuncture, herbs are a part of this approach to healing, the umbrella term to which is simply "Traditional Chinese Medicine."
Traditional Chinese Medicine is concerned with correcting any underlying imbalances that are present in the body. By correcting these problems, the body become stronger, better at fighting off any infections and, hopefully, eventually becomes condition/symptom-free!
Traditional Chinese herbal medicine is part of a comprehensive and unique approach to healing developed over many centuries in Asia. Along with acupuncture, herbs are a part of this approach to healing, the umbrella term to which is simply "Traditional Chinese Medicine."
Traditional Chinese herbal medicine is part of a comprehensive and unique approach to healing developed over many centuries in Asia. Along with acupuncture, herbs are a part of this approach to healing, the umbrella term to which is simply "[Traditional Chinese Medicine ][2]." [2]: traditional-chinese-medicine/overviewTraditional Chinese Medicine is concerned with correcting any underlying imbalances that are present in the body. By correcting these problems, the body become stronger, better at fighting off any infections and, hopefully, eventually becomes condition/symptom-free!
A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 29 people suggests that the use of an herbal formula originating in this system may be helpful for CFS.27
One study performed in Hong Kong provides weak evidence that acupuncture might be helpful for chronic fatigue syndrome.34
Traditional Chinese Medicine is concerned with correcting any underlying imbalances that are present in the body. By correcting these problems, the body become stronger, better at fighting off any infections and, hopefully, eventually becomes condition/symptom-free!
Traditional Chinese Medicine is concerned with correcting any underlying imbalances that are present in the body. By correcting these problems, the body become stronger, better at fighting off any infections and, hopefully, eventually becomes condition/symptom-free!
Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), of which Chinese herbs are one branch, is concerned with maintaining or regaining balance among the body's energies. Specific herbs for depression are used to help move Qi (the energetic life-force) so that it flows naturally and does not encounter stagnant patches around the body (in depression stagnation is most often found in the chest and liver.)
Find more natural remedies for depression.
Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), of which Chinese herbs are one branch, is concerned with maintaining or regaining balance among the body's energies. Specific herbs for depression are used to help move Qi (the energetic life-force) so that it flows naturally and does not encounter stagnant patches around the body (in depression stagnation is most often found in the chest and liver.)
Find more natural remedies for depression.
Since each individual's constitution, depression causes and symptoms may vary, practitioners can administer personalized formulas to their patients. However, there are common combinations for the treatment of depression including Tiao Qi Zhi Yu Tang (meant to regulate the Qi & Treat Depression Decoction)1.
Read more about Depression and Tiao Qi Zhi Yu Tan
For working with the depression symptoms of insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, and restlessness a formula Suan Zao Ren Tang (Zizyphus Spinosa Decoction) is often used.
When working with the depression symptom of sorrow, the herbal combination Gan Mai Da Zao Tang (Licorice, Wheat & Red Dates Decoction) is sometimes used.
When dealing with fear, a common symptom of depression, An Shen Ding Zhi Wan (said to quite the spirit and stabilize the mind) is often used.
When dry heat and sweating symptoms accompany one's depression, Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang (Dang Gui Six Yellows Decoction) can be administered.
Chinese herbs are most often used in conjunction with acupuncture to treat many chronic diseases and the same is true of their joint effectiveness in depression treatment.
Read more on Depression and Acupuncture
Since each individual's constitution, depression causes and symptoms may vary, practitioners can administer personalized formulas to their patients. However, there are common combinations for the treatment of depression including Tiao Qi Zhi Yu Tang (meant to regulate the Qi & Treat Depression Decoction)1.
Read more about [Depression and Tiao Qi Zhi Yu Tan][1].
For working with the depression symptoms of insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, and restlessness a formula Suan Zao Ren Tang (Zizyphus Spinosa Decoction) is often used.
When working with the depression symptom of sorrow, the herbal combination Gan Mai Da Zao Tang (Licorice, Wheat & Red Dates Decoction) is sometimes used.
When dealing with fear, a common symptom of depression, An Shen Ding Zhi Wan (said to quite the spirit and stabilize the mind) is often used.
When dry heat and sweating symptoms accompany one's depression, Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang (Dang Gui Six Yellows Decoction) can be administered.
One pilot study using Chinese herbs alone found that 100% of the participants obtained some decrease in their depression symptoms1. However, many TCM practitioners will use herbal treatment in conjunction with acupuncture ([Depression and Acupuncture][2]) and dietary changes as part of the depression treatment regime. It is important to inform your practitioner(s) of all medicines you are taking so as to avert the side effects of any drug/herb interactions.
Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), of which Chinese herbs are one branch, is concerned with maintaining or regaining balance among the body's energies. Specific herbs for depression are used to help move Qi (the energetic life-force) so that it flows naturally and does not encounter stagnant patches around the body (in depression stagnation is most often found in the chest and liver.)
Find more natural remedies for depression.
Chinese herbs are most often used in conjunction with acupuncture to treat many chronic diseases and the same is true of their joint effectiveness in depression treatment.
Read more on Depression and Acupuncture