This section with spiritual treatments for lyme disease comprises energetically oriented treatments that have to do with intention, energy healing, prayer, and in some cases god. These terms may be volatile for some, and for others they resonate. Some of these treatments have proven to be profoundly healing for certain individuals with lyme disease. Though some people are skeptical, prior notions of these words should be set aside when reading about these spiritual healing treatments, as many of the are truly incredible!
So take a look at which spirit treatments have been used for your health challenges, or add any that are missing!
Lyme disease is a condition which is often hard to diagnose or treat. However, acupuncture can help to at least mitigate some symptoms of the disease and support the body's natural ability to help itself as well.
In one study, cat's claw was found to help significantly relieve symptoms of Lyme Disease in patients who had been unresponsive to antibiotic treatment. The majority of those same patients who were retested for the disease in a follow up test actually tested negative for the disease.. 3 This study has been sited widely, though there were some flaws to it's initial design, including the fact that the treatment group received more than simply cat's claw; they received a specific blood-type diet, enzyme supplements, vitamin and mineral supplements, laser detoxification, skin brushing, laughter, prayer, and emotional release practices among other treatments.2 4
According to expert Stephen Harrod Buhner's view, cat's claw is useful for lyme infections in the following specific areas:
Frequently asked questions. American Lyme Disease Foundation website. Available at: . Accessed October 5, 2008.
Lyme disease. Lyme Disease Foundation website. Available at: . Accessed October 5, 2008.
Lyme disease. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases website. Available at: . Accessed October 5, 2008.
As an extremely complex disease with different manifestations depending on the infected individual, there are myriad new treatments, many of which are only now beginning to be known by the general public.
Herbal treatments seem to be particularly good for treating lyme arthritis or other inflammation symptoms associated with the disease, as well as with collagen tissue and immune support. In some cases, herbs are actually also noted as being just as effective (and in some cases more effective) in acting as antimicrobials as traditionally prescribed antibiotic drug regimes as well (in addition to their ability to treat the symptoms of the disease.)
In fact, most of the herbs listed in detail below have many curative properties that can treat many if not all of the major symptom groups implicated in Lyme Disease.
Sometimes, people seem to consider herbal/dietary/other treatments as being experimental and traditional medical treatments as being main-stream, but in the case of the Lyme Disease, which is not well understood, all treatments are equally experimental in nature, as no one is quite sure what works.1
Smilax, a systemic herb, specifically lessens Herxheimer reactions from infectious spirochetes, helps modulate the immune response to these infectious agents, has anti-inflammatory properties which helps with the arthritic symptoms, is a neuroprotector which helps with central nervous system function, and helps reduce the skin reactions experienced by some people with Lyme Disease.
Common names for Simlax (smilax glabra) include sarsaparilla, tu fu ling, dobukurya, t'obongnyong, dwipautra, among others. The root of this plant, from the smilacaceae or liliaceae family, is used as the medicine.
Smilax, a systemic herb, specifically lessens Herxheimer reactions from infectious spirochetes, helps modulate the immune response to these infectious agents, has anti-inflammatory properties which helps with the arthritic symptoms, is a neuroprotector which helps with central nervous system function, and helps reduce the skin reactions experienced by some people with Lyme Disease.
Much research has been done on astragalus in general, so much so that medline (health information from the National Library of Medicine as part of the National Institute of Health) lists nearly 800 citations for studies that include astragalus, not including the studies that have been done in China.
Stephen Harrod Buhner (expert in the field and author of Healing Lyme) surmises that to prove the boosting of immune function, most studies and trials have been focused on the use of astragalus in the treatment of cancer, or as a supplement to chemotherapy. Other studies have focused on astragalus as a treatment for heart disease, for its anti-inflammatory activity, neurological action(s), in treating fatigue, and hepatitis.
Coming from the leguminosae family, the root of astragalus (astragalus membranaceous, A. membranaceous), or huang-qi (in Chinese) is the part of this plant used for medicine. Traditionally sliced thinly and dried, this root can also be found powdered or ground as it is often distributed through western practitioners.
Astragalus primarily acts as an immune enhancer/modulater/stimulant (depending on what the body needs it to be), has antiviral, antibacterial, tonic, diuretic functions in the lungs, spleen, and GI tract. It is also a heart protector.1
This plant is still widely unknown in western herbal and botanic practice, though there have been many studies on the plant, or parts of the plant. Perhaps the most popular, resveratrol, part of the Japanese Knotweed, has been studied extensively.3
Begin with a low dose of Japanese Knotweed, and increase every week and monitor symptoms and the infection itself. Work with a certified practitioner for specific dosage recommendations depending on your particular condition and other herbs or medications being taken along with the Japanese Knotweed.
This plant is still widely unknown in western herbal and botanic practice, though there have been many studies on the plant, or parts of the plant. Perhaps the most popular, resveratrol, part of the Japanese Knotweed, has been studied extensively.3
Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) is considered to be one of the main herbs that can help lower, or even eliminate, lyme (specifically leptospira and treponema denticola) spirochetes loads in the body, support the innate immune function to help respond to the borrelia infection, and treat some of the symptoms of Lyme disease including central nervous system confusion, arthritic and bacterial inflammation, protects against endotoxin damage, reduce Herxheimer reactions and is a cardio-protector.1
Also, knotweed enhances blood flow to difficult-to-reach areas and helps other herbs and/or drugs, and the body's own response to kill the spirochetes that reside in these specifically difficult-to-reach areas.
Stephen Harrod Buhner (expert in the field and author of Healing Lyme) states that Japanese Knotweed can also help to treat the following as are specifically associated with Lyme Disease: "Neuroborreliosis, bulls-eye rash, acarodermatitis chronica atrophicans, low immune function spirochete infection, Lyme arthritis, endothelial damage from Lyme and Lyme coinfections, cardiac involvement, post-Lyme-disease syndrome, bartonella coinfection."2
It is also a good source of vitamin C.
(The other "main" herbs are Cat's Claw and Andrographis.)
Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) is considered to be one of the main herbs that can help lower, or even eliminate, lyme (specifically leptospira and treponema denticola) spirochetes loads in the body, support the innate immune function to help respond to the borrelia infection, and treat some of the symptoms of Lyme disease including central nervous system confusion, arthritic and bacterial inflammation, protects against endotoxin damage, reduce Herxheimer reactions and is a cardio-protector.1
Also, knotweed enhances blood flow to difficult-to-reach areas and helps other herbs and/or drugs, and the body's own response to kill the spirochetes that reside in these specifically difficult-to-reach areas.
Stephen Harrod Buhner (expert in the field and author of Healing Lyme) states that Japanese Knotweed can also help to treat the following as are specifically associated with Lyme Disease: "Neuroborreliosis, bulls-eye rash, acarodermatitis chronica atrophicans, low immune function spirochete infection, Lyme arthritis, endothelial damage from Lyme and Lyme coinfections, cardiac involvement, post-Lyme-disease syndrome, bartonella coinfection."2
It is also a good source of vitamin C.
(The other "main" herbs are Cat's Claw and Andrographis.)
Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) is considered to be one of the main herbs that can help lower, or even eliminate, lyme (specifically leptospira and treponema denticola) spirochetes loads in the body, support the innate immune function to help respond to the borrelia infection, and treat some of the symptoms of Lyme disease including central nervous system confusion, arthritic and bacterial inflammation, protects against endotoxin damage, reduce Herxheimer reactions and is a cardio-protector.1
Also, knotweed enhances blood flow to difficult-to-reach areas and helps other herbs and/or drugs, and the body's own response to kill the spirochetes that reside in these specifically difficult-to-reach areas.
Stephen Harrod Buhner (expert in the field and author of Healing Lyme) states that Japanese Knotweed can also help to treat the following as are specifically associated with Lyme Disease: "Neuroborreliosis, bulls-eye rash, acarodermatitis chronica atrophicans, low immune function spirochete infection, Lyme arthritis, endothelial damage from Lyme and Lyme coinfections, cardiac involvement, post-Lyme-disease syndrome, bartonella coinfection."2
It is also a good source of vitamin C.
(The other "main" herbs are Cat's Claw and Andrographis.)