This plant is still widely unknown in western herbal and botanic practice, though there have been many studies on the plant, or parts of the plant. Perhaps the most popular, resveratrol, part of the Japanese Knotweed, has been studied extensively.3
Begin with a low dose of Japanese Knotweed, and increase every week and monitor symptoms and the infection itself. Work with a certified practitioner for specific dosage recommendations depending on your particular condition and other herbs or medications being taken along with the Japanese Knotweed.
This plant is still widely unknown in western herbal and botanic practice, though there have been many studies on the plant, or parts of the plant. Perhaps the most popular, resveratrol, part of the Japanese Knotweed, has been studied extensively.3
Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) is considered to be one of the main herbs that can help lower, or even eliminate, lyme (specifically leptospira and treponema denticola) spirochetes loads in the body, support the innate immune function to help respond to the borrelia infection, and treat some of the symptoms of Lyme disease including central nervous system confusion, arthritic and bacterial inflammation, protects against endotoxin damage, reduce Herxheimer reactions and is a cardio-protector.1
Also, knotweed enhances blood flow to difficult-to-reach areas and helps other herbs and/or drugs, and the body's own response to kill the spirochetes that reside in these specifically difficult-to-reach areas.
Stephen Harrod Buhner (expert in the field and author of Healing Lyme) states that Japanese Knotweed can also help to treat the following as are specifically associated with Lyme Disease: "Neuroborreliosis, bulls-eye rash, acarodermatitis chronica atrophicans, low immune function spirochete infection, Lyme arthritis, endothelial damage from Lyme and Lyme coinfections, cardiac involvement, post-Lyme-disease syndrome, bartonella coinfection."2
It is also a good source of vitamin C.
(The other "main" herbs are Cat's Claw and Andrographis.)
Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) is considered to be one of the main herbs that can help lower, or even eliminate, lyme (specifically leptospira and treponema denticola) spirochetes loads in the body, support the innate immune function to help respond to the borrelia infection, and treat some of the symptoms of Lyme disease including central nervous system confusion, arthritic and bacterial inflammation, protects against endotoxin damage, reduce Herxheimer reactions and is a cardio-protector.1
Also, knotweed enhances blood flow to difficult-to-reach areas and helps other herbs and/or drugs, and the body's own response to kill the spirochetes that reside in these specifically difficult-to-reach areas.
Stephen Harrod Buhner (expert in the field and author of Healing Lyme) states that Japanese Knotweed can also help to treat the following as are specifically associated with Lyme Disease: "Neuroborreliosis, bulls-eye rash, acarodermatitis chronica atrophicans, low immune function spirochete infection, Lyme arthritis, endothelial damage from Lyme and Lyme coinfections, cardiac involvement, post-Lyme-disease syndrome, bartonella coinfection."2
It is also a good source of vitamin C.
(The other "main" herbs are Cat's Claw and Andrographis.)
Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) is considered to be one of the main herbs that can help lower, or even eliminate, lyme (specifically leptospira and treponema denticola) spirochetes loads in the body, support the innate immune function to help respond to the borrelia infection, and treat some of the symptoms of Lyme disease including central nervous system confusion, arthritic and bacterial inflammation, protects against endotoxin damage, reduce Herxheimer reactions and is a cardio-protector.1
Also, knotweed enhances blood flow to difficult-to-reach areas and helps other herbs and/or drugs, and the body's own response to kill the spirochetes that reside in these specifically difficult-to-reach areas.
Stephen Harrod Buhner (expert in the field and author of Healing Lyme) states that Japanese Knotweed can also help to treat the following as are specifically associated with Lyme Disease: "Neuroborreliosis, bulls-eye rash, acarodermatitis chronica atrophicans, low immune function spirochete infection, Lyme arthritis, endothelial damage from Lyme and Lyme coinfections, cardiac involvement, post-Lyme-disease syndrome, bartonella coinfection."2
It is also a good source of vitamin C.
(The other "main" herbs are Cat's Claw and Andrographis.)
Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) is considered to be one of the main herbs that can help lower, or even eliminate, lyme spirochete (specifically leptospira and treponema denticola) spirochetes loads in the body, support the innate immune function to help respond to the borrelia infection, and treat some of the symptoms of Lyme disease including central nervous system confusion, arthritic and bacterial inflammation, and skin involvement among othersprotects against endotoxin damage, reduce Herxheimer reactions and is a cardio-protector.1
Also, knotweed enhances blood flow to difficult-to-reach areas and helps other herbs and/or drugs, and the body's own response to kill the spirochetes that reside in these specifically difficult-to-reach areas.
Stephen Harrod Buhner (expert in the field and author of Healing Lyme) states that Japanese Knotweed can also help to treat the following as are specifically associated with Lyme Disease: "Neuroborreliosis, bulls-eye rash, acarodermatitis chronica atrophicans, low immune function spirochete infection, Lyme arthritis, endothelial damage from Lyme and Lyme coinfections, cardiac involvement, post-Lyme-disease syndrome, bartonella coinfection."2
It is also a good source of vitamin C.
(The other "main" herbs are Cat's Claw and Andrographis.)
Common names for Japanese Knotweed (polygonum cuspidatum) include bushy, Chinese, or Japanese knotweed, mexican bamboo, Hu Zhang, kojo, itadori and hojang. From the Polygonacae family, this difficult to eradicate herb does resemble the bamboo plant, though the leaves are markedly different.
The following are among some of the many actions associated with Japanese Knotweed:1
Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) is considered to be one of the main herbs that can help lower, or even eliminate, lyme (specifically leptospira and treponema denticola) spirochetes loads in the body, support the innate immune function to help respond to the borrelia infection, and treat some of the symptoms of Lyme disease including central nervous system confusion, arthritic and bacterial inflammation, protects against endotoxin damage, reduce Herxheimer reactions and is a cardio-protector.1
Also, knotweed enhances blood flow to difficult-to-reach areas and helps other herbs and/or drugs, and the body's own response to kill the spirochetes that reside in these specifically difficult-to-reach areas.
Stephen Harrod Buhner (expert in the field and author of Healing Lyme) states that Japanese Knotweed can also help to treat the following as are specifically associated with Lyme Disease: "Neuroborreliosis, bulls-eye rash, acarodermatitis chronica atrophicans, low immune function spirochete infection, Lyme arthritis, endothelial damage from Lyme and Lyme coinfections, cardiac involvement, post-Lyme-disease syndrome, bartonella coinfection."2
It is also a good source of vitamin C.
(The other "main" herbs are Cat's Claw and Andrographis.)