There may be some spiritual blocks causing infertility, and in those cases, spiritual treatments can be helpful to a woman trying to get pregnant.
To lessen feelings of hopelessness if conception doesn't occur, couples need to determine alternatives during the course of infertility work-up. Adoption and surrogacy could be alternatives to infertility treatments.
Adoption is an option for couples struggling with infertility. Whether you have just been diagnosed with fertility problems or have been living with infertility for a long time, you may eventually realize that fertility treatments are not right for you. Later on, you and your partner would choose an alternative.
Adoption can make your dreams of becoming a parent true, but it often includes a lot issues to deal with. Adoption requires making decisions and lots of paperwork before your hopes can be realized. If you think that you and your partner will consider adoption in the future, you need to learn about the adoption process beforehand. Try to get as much information as possible.
Couples who are considering adoption need to realize that adopting child can not free them from all the negative feelings that occur with infertility. You can learn more about issues concerning adoption and fertility by joining support groups.
Also called contractual parenting, surrogacy is a reproduction method whereby a woman agrees to carry a child to term for a contracted party. The most common type of arrangement is traditional surrogacy in which the surrogate mother is impregnated with the sperm of the intended father. The child may be conceived by sexual intercourse, artificial insemination using fresh or frozen sperm or impregnated via intrauterine insemination, or intracervical insemination which is done at a fertility clinic. Another arrangement is called gestational surrogacyor the host method in which the fertilized egg of the intended mother is implanted in the womb of the surrogate mother.
Controversial issues tend to surround surrogacy. Based on research, surrogacy is the least acceptable of all artificial reproductive technologies. However, surrogacy is preferred by some couples because it it gives them an opportunity to have a child that is genetically related to them. Moreover, it can can be a quicker process than adoption.
Coping with infertility
For most people, being unable to conceive successfully results in frustration, anger, feelings of loneliness, loss and grief. There is no quick and easy formula for getting rid of the emotional burden caused by one's inability to get pregnant or to carry a baby to term. Below are some of the ways that can help couples to positively cope with infertility
Talk to others: Regrettably, our society often fails to recognize the burden caused by infertility. Some people tend to hide how they feel, later on, this can result in feelings of shame and isolation. Talking to other people who are going through the same thing can help you realize that that you are not alone. You can get support from professionals, such as counselors. If possible, look for a counselor specializes with infertility issues.
Let go of negative emotions: Everyone needs to exert efforts to be emotionally healthy. Like any disappointing news, accepting the fact that you won't have a child is something that will not happen overnight; it's a fairly long and complicated process for may people. One way to help you close in on acceptance is by trying your best to let go of unpleasant feelings such as bitterness, sadness, or regret.
Keep up with your other interests: Infertility treatment can be a long and tedious process and many couples find the agony of waiting quite unbearable. Look at the process as bus ride, the more you ask the question 'are we there yet?' the more you would get bored. Hence, you should consider diverting to attention to other things such as activities or hobbies that could relieve stress and bring you pleasure. If you have outgrown old activities, continue looking for new diversions. Consider learning new things or think of those activities that you have been longing to try.
Reassess your own reasons for wanting children: When you’re preparing yourself to accept the possibility that you may not have children, there's a need for you to look at your reasons for wanting them. Regrettably, many people want to have children because somehow it is what our society dictates. Some may decide to have kids just because everyone thinks that it is right. Ask yourself again why you want to have children, and whether you are really prepared for the challenges of parenthood.
A common cause of ovulation problems and female infertility is Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Women with PCOS do not ovulate regularly and have irregular menstrual cycles. Their ovaries contain multiple small cystic structures, usually about 2-9 mm in diameter. For those who suffer from PCOS-induced infertility, Metformin may be a viable option.
Metformin, traditionally a first-line treatment for type 2 diabetes, is also being used as a new treatment for ovulation problems in women with PCOS. Metformin can either be used alone or in combination with Clomiphene Citrate.
During the past decade, scientists have conducted several clinical studies to determine ovarian responsiveness to Metformin. One of these studies (Velasquez et. al) showed that Metfomin use promoted menstrual cycle restoration in a large majority of the participants who had menstrual disorders. Metformin was given to 22 women for 6 months. In addition to restoration of menstrual cycles in about 96% of the participants, Metformin also showed its ability to promote ovulation and pregnancy. Ovulation occurred in about 87% of the women who had menses, whereas pregnancy rate was 18%.
Many other studies suggested that Metformin improves ovarian function, helps in menstrual cycle restoration and promotes fertility. Among these was the extensive 2- year study on 43 women who had amennorrhea and hyperinsulinic PCOS. This study showed that Metformin use restored menstrual cycle in more than 90% of the participants.
Metformin helps restore normal menses and reverse infertility by lowering insulin concentrations (which is why it is used to treat type 2 diabetes as well.) Metformin mainly affects insulin sensitivity. Women with insulin resistance-related PCOS produce insulin in excessive amounts. Ovaries seem to be sensitive to high blood levels of insulin, they respond by overproducing male hormones (androgens) like testosterone and this will cause PCOS symptoms such as infertility, excessive hair growth, male pattern baldness and acne. Metformin will can cause a decrease in testosterone levels which allows the ovaries to work more efficiently.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), is a A common cause of ovulation problems and female infertility is Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Women with PCOS do not ovulate regularly and have irregular menstrual cycles. Their ovaries contain multiple small cystic structures, usually about 2-9 mm in diameter. For those who suffer from PCOS-induced infertility, Metformin may be a viable option.
Metformin, traditionally a first-line treatment for type 2 diabetes, is also being used as a new treatment for ovulation problems in women with PCOS. Metformin can either be used alone or in combination with Clomiphene Citrate.
Guided Imagery is a gentle but powerful technique that helps guide your imagination towards a specific goal. It engages the unconscious and preconscious mind to help with conscious goals such as achieving fertility. Guided Imagery involves an introduction of images into the mind that can lead it through a positive journey towards a desired goal.
Guided Imagery is a blend of mediation and self-hypnosis. Its appealing because it does not require any experience or skill on the part of the user. One can invent their own imagery or listen to a imagery that has been created by someone else, usually focused on a specific issue such as fertility.
Principles of Guided Imagery
Mind-Body connection is the basis of the guided imagery methodology. In the same way that the picture of a chocolate cake can get us to start salivating, images of relaxation, success and fertility can move the body into achieving those states. The “Altered State” is the state of relaxed focus that one is achieving during guided imagery. This state allows you to command the inner strength and will to achieve your goal. A “locus of control” factor is another key to guided imagery’s success. Since the user is in charge of the guided imagery session and the how and when to use it, it makes one feel that they have a higher sense of control their challenge and the solution. This feeling in itself fosters higher self-esteem and sense of mastery over the environment.
Meditation helps connect mind with body to achieve a state of being “present”. This state promotes deep relaxation and sense of connectedness with our purpose and goals. Several different methods of meditation are can help promote relaxation and connectedness that will promote fertility.
The role of the mind in important for fostering fertility. It has been shown, for instance, that high levels of stress can inhibit fertility by prompting higher levels of the hormone prolactin. Excessive levels of prolactin can inhibit fertility in women. Many of the mind therapies are focused on eliciting relaxation and ease tension. Other techniques help get access to underlying fears and mental “blockages” that may be affecting a couple’s ability to conceive.
Guided Imagery is a blend of mediation and self-hypnosis. Its appealing because it does not require any experience or skill on the part of the user. One can invent their own imagery or listen to a imagery that has been created by someone else, usually focused on a specific issue such as fertility involves an introduction of images into the mind that can lead it through a positive journey towards a desired goal.
Hypnotherapy is hypnosis-based techniques that help with stress reduction and also provide positive affirmations of health and well-being. Hypnotherapy techniques may help uncover a woman’s subconscious fear of pregnancy or motherhood, or help her get in touch with her childhood and how it may impact her feelings on motherhood today.
Reproductive Psychology is based on the principle that each person has a “Reproductive Story” which is defined early in life through observations of our parents, parents’ role modeling and various cultural influences. The importance of this story are strongest when there is dissonance as one faces struggle with their fertility and are ready to begin their reproductive life.
A reproductive story is formed in childhood as we make decisions about the type of parents we want to become. This path includes being like our patients and choosing not be like our parents. A teenage that says “she will always trust her kids” is making a decision that she will be unlike her parents in her own parenting style. We develop our parental identities early in life, playing house with friends or other play interactions or our interaction with our parents1.
We also internalize our memories and perceptions of our relationship with our parents. Through a myriad of childhood experiences, we form our identity and expectations of ourselves as parents. When struggling with infertility, we can feel a dissonance with our reproductive story. The core of Reproductive Psychology is helping people cope with the issues arising from this inner conflict of how its “supposed to be” versus the reality of the current situation.
Psychotherapy is a method of treatment traditionally used for coping with depression, particularly for mild and moderate cases. This method is often referred to as "talk therapy" because it involves a patient to be in dialogue with a licensed therapist. As a treatment for many chronic conditions, psychotherapy is often recommended to be used in conjunction with other treatments including medication(s). There are generally two categories of psychotherapies that may be prescribed for a depressed patient: Cognitive behavioral therapy and Psychoanalytic therapy.
The role of the mind in important for fostering fertility. It has been shown, for instance, that high levels of stress can inhibit fertility by prompting higher levels of the hormone prolactin. Excessive levels of prolactin can inhibit fertility in women. Many of the mind therapies are focused on eliciting relaxation and ease tension. Other techniques help get access to underlying fears and mental “blockages” that may be affecting a couple’s ability to conceive.
Meditation, Affirmations and Guided Imagery
Meditation helps connect mind with body to achieve a state of being “present”. This state promotes deep relaxation and sense of connectedness with our purpose and goals. Several different methods of meditation are can help promote relaxation and connectedness that will promote fertility.
Affirmations help improve emotional well-being and reinforce positive beliefs about self.
Guided Imagery is a gentle but powerful technique that helps guide your imagination towards a specific goal. It engages the unconscious and preconscious mind to help with conscious goals such as achieving fertility. Guided Imagery involves an introduction of images into the mind that can lead it through a positive journey towards a desired goal.
More on Fertility and Guided Imagery
Hypnotherapy is hypnosis-based techniques that help with stress reduction and also provide positive affirmations of health and well-being. Hypnotherapy techniques may help uncover a woman’s subconscious fear of pregnancy or motherhood, or help her get in touch with her childhood and how it may impact her feelings on motherhood today.
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Psychotherapy is a method of treatment traditionally used for coping with depression, particularly for mild and moderate cases. This method is often referred to as "talk therapy" because it involves a patient to be in dialogue with a licensed therapist. As a treatment for many chronic conditions, psychotherapy is often recommended to be used in conjunction with other treatments including medication(s). There are generally two categories of psychotherapies that may be prescribed for a depressed patient: Cognitive behavioral therapy and Psychoanalytic therapy.
Reproductive Psychology is based on the principle that each person has a “Reproductive Story” which is defined early in life through observations of our parents, parents’ role modeling and various cultural influences. The importance of this story are strongest when there is dissonance as one faces struggle with their fertility and are ready to begin their reproductive life.
A reproductive story is formed in childhood as we make decisions about the type of parents we want to become. This path includes being like our patients and choosing not be like our parents. A teenage that says “she will always trust her kids” is making a decision that she will be unlike her parents in her own parenting style. We develop our parental identities early in life, playing house with friends or other play interactions or our interaction with our parents1.
We also internalize our memories and perceptions of our relationship with our parents. Through a myriad of childhood experiences, we form our identity and expectations of ourselves as parents. When struggling with infertility, we can feel a dissonance with our reproductive story. The core of Reproductive Psychology is helping people cope with the issues arising from this inner conflict of how its “supposed to be” versus the reality of the current situation.
Beauvais-Godwin,L. Godwin R.2005.The Complete Adoption Book: Everything You Need to Know to Adopt a Child.Adam's Media.
Worell. J. Goodheart, D.2005. Handbook of girls' and women's psychological health. Oxford University Press.
There may be some spiritual blocks causing infertility, and in those cases, spiritual treatments can be helpful to a woman trying to get pregnant. *
To lessen feelings of hopelessness if conception doesn't occur, couples need to determine alternatives during the course of infertility work-up. Adoption and surrogacy could be alternatives to infertility treatments.
Adoption is an option for couples struggling with infertility. Whether you have just been diagnosed with fertility problems or have been living with infertility for a long time, you may eventually realize that fertility treatments are not right for you. Later on, you and your partner would choose an alternative.
Adoption can make your dreams of becoming a parent true, but it often includes a lot issues to deal with. Adoption requires making decisions and lots of paperwork before your hopes can be realized. If you think that you and your partner will consider adoption in the future, you need to learn about the adoption process beforehand. Try to get as much information as possible.
Couples who are considering adoption need to realize that adopting child can not free them from all the negative feelings that occur with infertility. You can learn more about issues concerning adoption and fertility by joining support groups.
Also called contractual parenting, surrogacy is a reproduction method whereby a woman agrees to carry a child to term for a contracted party. The most common type of arrangement is traditional surrogacy in which the surrogate mother is impregnated with the sperm of the intended father. The child may be conceived by sexual intercourse, artificial insemination using fresh or frozen sperm or impregnated via intrauterine insemination, or intracervical insemination which is done at a fertility clinic. Another arrangement is called gestational surrogacyor the host method in which the fertilized egg of the intended mother is implanted in the womb of the surrogate mother.
Controversial issues tend to surround surrogacy. Based on research, surrogacy is the least acceptable of all artificial reproductive technologies. However, surrogacy is preferred by some couples because it it gives them an opportunity to have a child that is genetically related to them. Moreover, it can can be a quicker process than adoption.
Coping with infertility
For most people, being unable to conceive successfully results in frustration, anger, feelings of loneliness, loss and grief. There is no quick and easy formula for getting rid of the emotional burden caused by one's inability to get pregnant or to carry a baby to term. Below are some of the ways that can help couples to positively cope with infertility
Talk to others: Regrettably, our society often fails to recognize the burden caused by infertility. Some people tend to hide how they feel, later on, this can result in feelings of shame and isolation. Talking to other people who are going through the same thing can help you realize that that you are not alone. You can get support from professionals, such as counselors. If possible, look for a counselor specializes with infertility issues.
Let go of negative emotions: Everyone needs to exert efforts to be emotionally healthy. Like any disappointing news, accepting the fact that you won't have a child is something that will not happen overnight; it's a fairly long and complicated process for may people. One way to help you close in on acceptance is by trying your best to let go of unpleasant feelings such as bitterness, sadness, or regret.
Keep up with your other interests: Infertility treatment can be a long and tedious process and many couples find the agony of waiting quite unbearable. Look at the process as bus ride, the more you ask the question 'are we there yet?' the more you would get bored. Hence, you should consider diverting to attention to other things such as activities or hobbies that could relieve stress and bring you pleasure. If you have outgrown old activities, continue looking for new diversions. Consider learning new things or think of those activities that you have been longing to try.
Reassess your own reasons for wanting children: When you’re preparing yourself to accept the possibility that you may not have children, there's a need for you to look at your reasons for wanting them. Regrettably, many people want to have children because somehow it is what our society dictates. Some may decide to have kids just because everyone thinks that it is right. Ask yourself again why you want to have children, and whether you are really prepared for the challenges of parenthood.
Beauvais-Godwin,L. Godwin R.2005.The Complete Adoption Book: Everything You Need to Know to Adopt a Child.Adam's Media.
Worell. J. Goodheart, D.2005. Handbook of girls' and women's psychological health. Oxford University Press.
Consider other options
There may be some spiritual blocks causing infertility, and in those cases, spiritual treatments can be helpful to a woman trying to get pregnant.
To lessen feelings of hopelessness if conception doesn't occur, couples need to determine alternatives during the course of infertility work-up. Adoption and surrogacy could be alternatives to infertility treatments.
Adoption is an option for couples struggling with infertility. Whether you have just been diagnosed with fertility problems or have been living with infertility for a long time, you may eventually realize that fertility treatments are not right for you. Later on, you and your partner would choose an alternative.
Adoption can make your dreams of becoming a parent true, but it often includes a lot issues to deal with. Adoption requires making decisions and lots of paperwork before your hopes can be realized. If you think that you and your partner will consider adoption in the future, you need to learn about the adoption process beforehand. Try to get as much information as possible.
Couples who are considering adoption need to realize that adopting child can not free them from all the negative feelings that occur with infertility. You can learn more about issues concerning adoption and fertility by joining support groups.
Also called contractual parenting, surrogacy is a reproduction method whereby a woman agrees to carry a child to term for a contracted party. The most common type of arrangement is traditional surrogacy in which the surrogate mother is impregnated with the sperm of the intended father. The child may be conceived by sexual intercourse, artificial insemination using fresh or frozen sperm or impregnated via intrauterine insemination, or intracervical insemination which is done at a fertility clinic. Another arrangement is called gestational surrogacyor the host method in which the fertilized egg of the intended mother is implanted in the womb of the surrogate mother.
Controversial issues tend to surround surrogacy. Based on research, surrogacy is the least acceptable of all artificial reproductive technologies. However, surrogacy is preferred by some couples because it it gives them an opportunity to have a child that is genetically related to them. Moreover, it can can be a quicker process than adoption.
Coping with infertility
For most people, being unable to conceive successfully results in frustration, anger, feelings of loneliness, loss and grief. There is no quick and easy formula for getting rid of the emotional burden caused by one's inability to get pregnant or to carry a baby to term. Below are some of the ways that can help couples to positively cope with infertility
Talk to others: Regrettably, our society often fails to recognize the burden caused by infertility. Some people tend to hide how they feel, later on, this can result in feelings of shame and isolation. Talking to other people who are going through the same thing can help you realize that that you are not alone. You can get support from professionals, such as counselors. If possible, look for a counselor specializes with infertility issues.
Let go of negative emotions: Everyone needs to exert efforts to be emotionally healthy. Like any disappointing news, accepting the fact that you won't have a child is something that will not happen overnight; it's a fairly long and complicated process for may people. One way to help you close in on acceptance is by trying your best to let go of unpleasant feelings such as bitterness, sadness, or regret.
Keep up with your other interests: Infertility treatment can be a long and tedious process and many couples find the agony of waiting quite unbearable. Look at the process as bus ride, the more you ask the question 'are we there yet?' the more you would get bored. Hence, you should consider diverting to attention to other things such as activities or hobbies that could relieve stress and bring you pleasure. If you have outgrown old activities, continue looking for new diversions. Consider learning new things or think of those activities that you have been longing to try.
Reassess your own reasons for wanting children: When you’re preparing yourself to accept the possibility that you may not have children, there's a need for you to look at your reasons for wanting them. Regrettably, many people want to have children because somehow it is what our society dictates. Some may decide to have kids just because everyone thinks that it is right. Ask yourself again why you want to have children, and whether you are really prepared for the challenges of parenthood.