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Drugs Contributions by sshowalter

Article Revisions

Edited Melanoma and Drugs: Viruses 14 years ago
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Edited Melanoma and Drugs: Overview 14 years ago
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Edited Melanoma and Drugs: Overview 14 years ago

There are a broad number of drug treatments that are used to reduce or eliminate melanoma tumors, and combat the spread of melanoma. Some treatments are used by themselves, while other protocols incorporate multiple treatments together, designed to improve the results.

Some treatments are used when tumors are present and measurable. These treatments tend to focus on the goal of reducing or eliminate tumors that are already present. Other treatments are used in what is called the "adjuvant" setting, which means that there is no evidence of melanoma tumors in the body. These adjuvant treatments focus on the goal of preventing melanoma tumors from forming in the future.

Experimental treatments are usually being tested in a clinical trial. In order for you to get into a clinical trial to receive the experimental treatment, you need to find it, qualify for it, and get accepted into it. Once accepted, many trials will pay for the treatment, and some will even pay for travel expenses.

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If the melanoma is Stage 2 or higher, your doctor may recommend one of a number of treatments used to stop the growth of melanoma, kill tumors, or prevent recurrence. The only FDA approved “standard” treatment for melanoma is called Interferon. Through a number of studies this treatment has been shown to have some positive effect on the chances that melanoma spreads or recurs.

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Edited Melanoma and Drugs: Biotherapies 14 years ago
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Edited Melanoma and Drugs: Vaccines 14 years ago
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Edited Melanoma and Drugs: Chemotherapy 14 years ago
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