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Depression Contributions by sshowalter


Anxiety and depression are certainly two sides to the same coin; depression can be considered a symptom of anxiety disorder, and anxiety can be considered a symptom of major depressive disorder. This makes the delineation between the two conditions somewhat tricky, but do not worry, alternating bouts of the two is common.

It would be useful for you to figure out what exactly characterizes your "anxiety" and "depression" in order to find the most effective treatment options. For example, if your anxiety is characterized by obsessive circular thinking, meditation can help calm the mind and exercise can release some of your stress. If your depression is characterized by a lack of energy, taking herbs that work as stimulants might help give you energy.

As you can see, treatments vary depending on the type of symptom being experienced. If you are on some medications for one of the aforementioned conditions, be sure to see if the side effects of them might be causing the other condition. Otherwise, try and figure out the root cause(s) of your conditions and work on treating those!

Anxiety and depression are certainly two sides to the same coin; depression can be considered a symptom of anxiety disorder, and anxiety can be considered a symptom of major depressive disorder. This...

Answered What diets are good for depression? 14 years ago

There are so many dietary regimes that claim to be really great for helping treat depression and other chronic health conditions! Some of these even greatly contradict one another, like vegetarianism/veganism vs. paleo/primal diets. There seems to be evidence that backs up the elimination of meat and an emphasis on grains, as well as evidence that backs up the elimination of grains and an emphasis on meat. With such varying opinions on what might be the healthiest diet, it is important for you start by merely having intention around the foods that you choose to eat. What are you consuming every day? Where does it come from? How was it processed? How does eating it make you feel (in the moment and long after the fact)? The most important thing to remember is that since each and every individual is different, with a personal constitution that is unlike anyone else's, what might be considered an "ideal" diet will vary from person to person.

That being said, there are some staples about diet worth mentioning. For example, it is widely accepted that highly refined foods made of simple carbohydrates and other sugars are considered to be toxic inside the body. Alcohol and caffeine (especially in large doses) have a similar effect. Processed foods that they include ingredients that are unrecognizable and unpronounceable should be avoided as well. And finally, meat products that are laden with hormones and antibiotics aren't good for the human body either; by eating them we ingest these synthetic drugs that were consumed by the animals as well.

Ultimately, ruling out the aforementioned ingredients will definitely help you feel happier and healthier. Once you've shifted to a more whole-foods approach to eating (with a lot of vegetables and fruits at the base) whether or not you eat grains, meat, both or neither is really up to how consuming this substances makes you feel. The greatest determiner of your health is how you feel and though this is a subjective experience, it can sometimes indicate a great deal more than any laboratory test a doctor could administer to you!

Good luck, and remember, bring intention to your eating habits! --

There are so many dietary regimes that claim to be really great for helping treat depression and other chronic health conditions! Some of these even greatly contradict one another, like...

Answered How is depression diagnosed? 14 years ago

A formal diagnosis will have to be done by a practitioner. However, you can read through the 9 symptoms that doctors rate the presence of to determine a diagnosis of major depressive disorder (a person need have 5 of the 9 symptoms present for at least 2 weeks).

The good news is, you don't need to have a formal diagnosis to begin treating your fact you don't even need to have 5 of the 9! As you determine which symptoms you have, you can begin to treat each of them in your own way. For example, if you are having trouble sleeping, you can start an exercise regime to help tire out your body and get you ready for sleep. You can change your eating habits to not include spicy or sugary foods before bed. You can drink some chamomile tea to help calm your nerves. You can do some meditation to quiet your mind... you see, the possibilities are endless!

So really take a look at what the symptoms are of your personal depression, and try to make small changes where you can. Remember that there is no "magic bullet" to treating depression, so with or without a diagnosis, (and with or without a prescription antidepressant), you'll probably find that seeking a variety of treatments is what will help you cure your symptoms.

A formal diagnosis will have to be done by a practitioner. However, you can read through the 9 symptoms that doctors rate the presence of to determine a diagnosis of [major depressive...

Answered Is my mother, who is 84, depressed? 14 years ago

It is so great of you to be sensitive to this matter for your mother's sake as depression in the older persons generation often goes undetected. You're right that medication, 'a normal slowing-down of life' (maybe meaning physical or mental slowing), the loss of loved ones/friends, social isolation, these are all part of the process of aging (the social isolation piece true here in the west more than in other cultures). But, if she is experiencing prolonged periods without enjoying much, periods of severe sleeping changes (too much or too little), increased sadness, increased substance use and/or a fixation on death, she may be depressed.

It might be worth asking her why she's exhibiting the symptoms that you've seen her exhibit; the symptoms that made you ask us a question. For example, 'Mom, you don't seem to have wanted to come to dinner recently, why not?' or 'You used to play cards with friends once a week, but now you say you'd rather watch TV, why is you don't want to go out-we can tape your show(s)!'

Sometimes we feel these kind of questions will disempower our parents who, for our entire lives, have been making their own decisions (many of which we'd never dream to question). But at this stage in life, you might be surprised at the answers you receive, and they might just be glad that someone noticed the change.

I'd also advise that you discuss these changes with her Doctor and/or pharmacist as combinations of medication are OFTEN the culprit in mood changes for any person, any age, who is one numerous pharmaceuticals.

Read more about Geriatric Depression.

It is so great of you to be sensitive to this matter for your mother's sake as depression in the older persons generation often goes undetected. You're right that medication, 'a normal slowing-down...


Natural ups-and-downs are a normal part of life, so in some facet, everyone will experience periods of lows throughout life. (In fact, there are some theories that describe why it was evolutionarily necessary that we as humans become depressed at times.) Luckily however, knowing how to deal with depression can keep it from becoming a debilitating illness that renders you unable to function in your daily life. If you have a clinical depression, hopefully you are working with a practitioner who is prescribing you with many different treatments (maybe medicine in combination with some other therapies like mind, body, and nutrition therapies as well.) If you have a milder form of depression, you can actually begin to self treat it by trying different therapies. Starting to exercise, eliminating excess sugar, alcohol and caffeine, spending regular time with friends, taking up a new hobby... all of these are ways to help your depression and luckily, you don't even need a doctor to begin these treatments! Be sure to be patient as changing your routine takes time and relief may come in waves. You may even want to speak with a health coach, therapist, social worker or loving family member or friend to help you set up a treatment regime. Good luck, but just know, you don't have to live at the depths of your depression forever!

Natural ups-and-downs are a normal part of life, so in some facet, everyone will experience periods of lows throughout life. (In fact, there are some theories that describe why it was...


Just like adults, the signs and symptoms of depression can vary person to person. Some people exhibit depression by oversleeping while others have insomnia. Some have outburst of anger and fiery emotion while others become pensive, introverted and quite. In adolescents, girls can tend to doubt their abilities and physical appearance when they become depressed while boys either bottle emotions up showing little difference to their normal state but may be prone to outbursts of anger. Both genders of adolescents (and adults for that matter) can have digestive issues due to depression as well as sleeping problems and problems focusing.

Just like adults, the signs and symptoms of depression can vary person to person. Some people exhibit depression by oversleeping while others have insomnia. Some have outburst of anger and...


It's true, all of the categories can be really confusing. Basically according to the DSM-IV, the main categories of depression are Major Depression, Bipolar Depression and Dysthymic Depression (also known as minor depression). All other categories of depression are sub-sets of one of these three major categories. So really, there is no difference between atypical depression and major depression because atypical is actually a subset of major depression; it is a type of depression that can accompany the diagnosis of major or minor depression. Part of the reason it is called atypicaldepression is that symptoms can be the opposite of what you might expect; namely over-eating and over-sleeping. Read more at atypical depression.

It's true, all of the categories can be really confusing. Basically according to the DSM-IV, the main categories of depression are Major Depression, Bipolar Depression and Dysthymic Depression (also...


Yes! Also, check out the article on Childhood Depression.

Studies have shown that low folate levels are present in depressed individuals. Additionally, trials have shown that supplementing folate through diet or folic acid supplements can quicken recovery from a depressive episode and even enhance the effects of antidepressants. Read more at Depression and Folate.

Studies have shown that low folate levels are present in depressed individuals. Additionally, trials have shown that supplementing folate through diet or folic acid supplements can quicken recovery...


MBSR urges individuals to center their attention moment to moment in a non-judgmental way helping them to cope with the stress that often accompanies depression and other chronic diseases. The key concept of MSBR is to cultivate mindfulness through sitting meditation and through mindful body movement which will then translate into the participants' daily lives. Individuals cultivate an awareness of the unity of the mind with the body through mindful meditation, and begin to see how unconscious thoughts and feelings can undermine both emotional and physical health. Participating in yoga or other forms of martial arts can bring awareness to the movement of their body.

It is said that through these practices, people can benefically effect both their states of emotional arousal as well as physiological symptoms such as blood pressure and heart rate.

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy is a combination of MBSR and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which focuses on how thinking can impact feeling and is specifically used for treating depression.

MBSR urges individuals to center their attention moment to moment in a non-judgmental way helping them to cope with the stress that often accompanies depression and other chronic diseases. The key...

Answered What causes depression? 14 years ago

There is no one cause for depression and in fact, for most people, depression results from a combination of mental, physical and emotional triggers. You can read more on the FoundHealth Depression Causes page. It is important to treat all of the causes you can identify. An example of a mental trigger would be low self-esteem and a treatment could be self-affirmations or a change in circumstance; physical triggers could be low levels of serotonin in the brain and exercise, diet and/or medical interventions would help this depression component; emotional triggers can be the loss of a loved one and sometimes the best treatment for this is emotional support from groups, friends or family member. If you can identify your own personal causes, you can better treat them. You don't even need a doctor to start doing small things that will help with your depression like diet, exercise and getting out into the sun! (Though you might want to see one if your symptoms are overwhelming, debilitating or you are having suicidal thoughts.)

There is no one cause for depression and in fact, for most people, depression results from a combination of mental, physical and emotional triggers. You can read more on the FoundHealth [Depression...

Answered Alternative practitioners? 14 years ago

This is a tough question to answer. First off, I think most 'alternative' practitioners would agree that there is no 'right' or 'best' way to treat depression (or any other condition for that matter) and that treatment is highly individualized depending on the person.

That being said, I think that many TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) practitioners, who give herbs and acupuncture treatments, would say that they have had success in treating some of the symptoms as well as the underlying energetic imbalance (qi) that can cause depression.

Ayurveda practitioners can also offer herbs to help the dosha (personal constitutions) imbalances that might be causing depression symptoms.

Herbalists can also offer herbal treatments that can aid in treating the symptoms (like insomnia, mood swings, eating/digestive issues, muscle tension and general malaise).

Naturopathic doctors (NDs) are trained just like MDs (and can prescribe pharmaceutical drugs should this be necessary) but will often opt for more natural treatments (including a discussion around diet) first.

Also, physical therapists, message therapists, energetic workers (like reiki practitioners), psychotherapists and many other people can help in your treatment of depression even if they don't fall into your idea of a practitioner. The best thing to do is to seek help, and be self-reflective in how the process and treatments are or are not working for you. No one can tell you the right answer or what is the best treatment; its up to you to figure out what works for YOU. How empowering eh?

This is a tough question to answer. First off, I think most 'alternative' practitioners would agree that there is no 'right' or 'best' way to treat depression (or any other condition for that matter)...


When people talk about 'lifestyle changes' they often mean diet, exercise and maybe even social outlets or outlooks on life.

I'd say that it is good to change up your routine if you've been depressed because your old routine is probably contributing to your depression in some way. And which one is the best to start with? Well, that's up to whatever speaks to you; there's no 'right' way to begin!

If you are in need of some new (more positive maybe) people in your life, I might start by suggesting that you get involved in some new circles of people. Maybe get out, go to some new places and make some new connections. Do some volunteer work that will allow you to interact with others; join a gym and take some classes; get involved in neighborhood book group; take a class at a local community college etc.

If your diet is out of whack, this is another great place to start as what you eat (or don't eat) can have a profound effect on how you feel (and your brain chemistry as well!) Try to cut out too much alcohol, caffeine, refined carbohydrates and sugars. Make sure you're getting a lot of varied fruits and vegetables, whole grain bread products and non-processed/frozen but fresh meats.

If you don't get out of the house a lot, exercising can be great for feeling better in your body and producing the endorphins needed to help you feel good! It is suggested that everyone get their heart rate up and going 30+ minutes 5 times a week. You can start this by walking swiftly, jogging, biking, swimming, lifting weights, dancing or myriad other activities. Pick one that feels good for you!

Finally, adjusting your outlook can help as well! Find a new project for which there is an incentive to complete by a certain date. Take up meditation or some other form of breathing exercises that can help keep you cool, calm and collected throughout your day!

Any and all of these are 'lifestyle changes' but the most important thing to change is whatever YOU think will be the best in helping you treat your depression!

Hope that helps!

Read more on Depression and Exercise

Depression and Nutrition

Depression and Stress Reduction

When people talk about 'lifestyle changes' they often mean diet, exercise and maybe even social outlets or outlooks on life.

I'd say that it is good to change up your routine if you've been...


Meditation can absolutely help in fighting depression! It seems that often a contributing factor to our depression in the west (I know that is a generalization, but it is often true) is our persistent and circular thinking. Some, especially ancient cultures, have a way of slowing the mind so as not to get so caught up in the mind (the use of which is after-all, only one way of 'knowing').

Most of us use our minds at work (and not our bodies), we never let our minds rest (since we feel that 'haste makes waste'), we 'relax' by watching TV (which actually drains us of mental energy instead of building us up after a day of constant thinking), we move our bodies much less than our ancestors, we find it uncomfortable to just 'be' with someone without 'doing' something, and then - to top it all off - we try to THINK our way out of our sadness through so-called 'rationalization'.

It takes work - in the form of mental-training - to help our minds stop thinking 'way too much.' This is where meditation comes in. Many people find that a daily yoga, meditation, tai chi, or qi gong practice often helps them to 'quiet the mind.'

Someone once explained it to me like this when I first began learning to meditate. They said, 'Thoughts will come into your mind, this is inevitable. But you can choose not to dwell on them. It's kind of like when a plane goes overhead; you know that it's there because you hear it, but it doesn't necessarily cause you to stop whatever you're doing and you don't have to look up at it. The same is true of your thoughts. When a thought comes up and you may get a little lost in it, just remember to focus on your breath and not on the thought.' - Easier said than done, I know.

But helping train your mind to be less 'chatty' as I call it, can help calm your soul as well. It's helped me with my depression (specifically my circular-thinking), but it takes time to find a practice that works well for you. And once you find one, only then does the journey actually begin.

Meditation can absolutely help in fighting depression! It seems that often a contributing factor to our depression in the west (I know that is a generalization, but it is often true) is our persistent...


There are innumerable other illnesses that might co-exist with depression. A diagnosis of Anxiety Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder are often found in the same person as there are many similar symptoms and mental illnesses can often overlap. But, it is not uncommon to find people with other illnesses while having depression such as type-2 diabetes, cancer, fibromyalgia, migraines, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, Parkinson's disease, cystic fibrosis, arthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases and many more.

To read more on Depression and Anxiety, click that link!

There are innumerable other illnesses that might co-exist with depression. A diagnosis of Anxiety Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder are often found in the same person as there are many similar...


Some studies are being done on the direct effects of hypnosis on certain conditions including depression. The results seems promising. Working with a hypnotherapist and using cognitive hypnotherapy (a form of hypnotherapy specifically being used for the treatment of depression) can help to lessen symptoms like anxiety, stress and insomnia. It is important to remember that, like almost all treatments, this is not a one-stop answer to treating your depression. One treatment will not cure anyone of anything. Hypnotherapy is a process just like talk therapy and any other treatment regime. The great thing is that there are few, if any, known side effects to using hypnotherapy and there are potential benefits to be had.

Check out more on Depression and Hypnotherapy.

Some studies are being done on the direct effects of hypnosis on certain conditions including depression. The results seems promising. Working with a hypnotherapist and using cognitive hypnotherapy...


It's true that flaxseed is high in omega 3s which are important for everyone to get enough of, especially if you are feeling depressed.

There is some discussion around if/how well flaxseed oil is absorbed into one's system. It is a popular choice for vegetarians looking for an alternative to fish oil supplements which are also high in omega 3s.

When choosing supplements, be sure to look for high quality products; not all supplements are created equal! Get as much omega 3s from your diet as you can! (Many people who work with a practitioner when taking supplements find that taking them can boost the initial levels of omega 3s and then diet can sustain this level over time.)

It's true that flaxseed is high in omega 3s which are important for everyone to get enough of, especially if you are feeling depressed.

There is some discussion around if/how well flaxseed oil is...

Answered How can acupuncture help me? 14 years ago

It's true! Many people find relief with acupuncture! Check out FoundHealth's article on Depression and Acupuncture.

Answered What are Omega-3s? 14 years ago

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids that the body cannot produce on its own, and must be supplemented through diet. Many studies have found that the body's normal functions, including producing the right balance of hormones in the brain, are aided by omega-3s. Therefore, it is thought that lacking adequate amounts of these good fats (derived from foods such as avocados, fish, flaxseeds, eggs and more) alters the hormonal balance in the brain.

Since depression is often due to a hormonal imbalance in the brain, making sure you eat enough omega-3s can help some people greatly improve their depression symptoms.

Read more on Depression and Omega 3s.

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids that the body cannot produce on its own, and must be supplemented through diet. Many studies have found that the body's normal functions, including producing the...


That's true! Check out the FoundHealth articles and on Depression and Nutrition.


Commented on Depression Overview 14 years ago

Great article!

Article Revisions

The mind and the body are absolutely intertwined, and at times we can treat ailments of the body with the mind, and those of the mind with the body. A great natural way to cure depression is to focus on modalities that address both aspects, especially since depression symptoms often include both mental aspects and physical sensations. Yoga, meditation, exercise, guided imagery hypnotherapy, dance and music therapy and many more natural mind-body therapies can be used as they include both mental and physical components.

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Diet for depression Diet (and nutritional deficiencies) can play a large role in the manifestation and perpetuation of a depression diagnosis. Similarly then, diet and dietary supplements can be a wonderful natural remedy for depression; that is, assuming you’re consuming natural foods! Omega-3s and fish oil supplements can be specifically helpful as these fatty acids are essential but not produced by the body. Vitamin D (which is actually a “precursor hormone”) is responsible for making many biological functions possible in the body, including hormone balance, which is often cited as being partly responsible for depression and depression symptoms. Choosing a diet full of high quality foods that does NOT include processed sugars, processed oils, and/or processed animal products and excludes excess caffeine and alcohol is a wonderful natural remedy for depression.

Mind-Body Therapies for depression

The mind and the body are absolutely intertwined, and at times we can treat ailments of the body with the mind, and the mind with the body. A great natural way to cure depression is to focus on modalities that address both aspects, especially since depression symptoms often include both mental aspects and physical sensations. Yoga, meditation, exercise, guided imagery hypnotherapy, dance and music therapy and many more natural mind-body therapies can be used as they include both mental and physical components.

  • Depression and Guided Imagery
  • Depression and Meditation
  • Depression and Hypnotherapy
  • Depression and Acupuncture
  • Depression and Aromatherapy
  • Depression and Yoga
  • Depression and Tai Chi Chuan
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One of the most well-known and effective natural remedies for depression is psychotherapy. Psychotherapy has the ability to help cure depression as it both helps people understand the mental causes of their depression, and aids them in creating new thought patterns and emotional habits that can sustain them throughout life. Other therapies however can also be helpful to naturally treat depression.

Check out all other Depression Treatments.

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One of the most well-known and effective natural remedies for depression is psychotherapy. Psychotherapy has the ability to help cure depression as it both helps people understand the mental causes of their depression, and aids them in creating new thought patterns and emotional habits that can sustain them throughout life. Other therapies however can also be helpful to naturally treat depression.

Check out all other Depression Treatments.

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Diet for depression Diet (and nutritional deficiencies) can play a large role in the manifestation and perpetuation of a depression diagnosis. Similarly then, diet and dietary supplements can be a wonderful natural remedy for depression; that is, assuming you’re consuming natural foods! Omega-3s and fish oil supplements can be specifically helpful as these fatty acids are essential but not produced by the body. Vitamin D (which is actually a “precursor hormone”) is responsible for making many biological functions possible in the body, including hormone balance, which is often cited as being partly responsible for depression and depression symptoms. Choosing a diet full of high quality foods that does NOT include processed sugars, processed oils, and/or processed animal products and excludes excess caffeine and alcohol is a wonderful natural remedy for depression.

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Herbs for Depression St. John’s Wort and Kava are the two herbs most commonly used as natural remedies for depression (and sometimes anxiety). In fact, St. John’s Wort is prescribed more frequently than antidepressant medications in other countries like Germany. When looking for these or other herbs for depression, it’s important to buy high quality herbs and to consult with a trained practitioner (like a licensed herbalist or naturopathic doctor.) Many clinical trials have proven the efficacy of different herbs for the treatment of depression, citations of which can be found alongside the shared personal experiences with herbs for depression liked below.

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Herbs for Depression St. John’s Wort and Kava are the two herbs most commonly used as natural remedies for depression (and sometimes anxiety). In fact, St. John’s Wort is prescribed more frequently than antidepressant medications in other countries like Germany. When looking for these or other herbs for depression, it’s important to buy high quality herbs and to consult with a trained practitioner (like a licensed herbalist or naturopathic doctor.) Many clinical trials have proven the efficacy of different herbs for the treatment of depression, citations of which can be found alongside the shared personal experiences with herbs for depression liked below.

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Edited Depression Resources: Overview 13 years ago
Natural Remedies for Depression There are many natural remedies for depression available that can both treat the cause of depression as well as mitigate some depression symptoms. Some widely known natural remedies for depression include herbs like St. John’s Wort and Kava, dietary changes (restrictions and/or supplements), mind based therapies like psychotherapy, body therapies like yoga, exercise and massage, and spiritually based therapies like meditation and hypnotherapy. Below are some benefits of these natural treatments for depression:
  • Herbs, supplements and relaxation techniques can help reduce depression symptoms without dramatic side effects which can be associated with depression medications
  • Natural remedies can address the root cause of depression (depending, of course, on the person and their unique cause). Stress or dietary deficiencies are examples of depression causes that can often be treated through natural remedies.
  • Natural remedies for depression encourage contact with other types of health professionals such as massage therapists, acupuncturists and herbalists that can expand your methods of approaching depression treatment.
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There are m many natural remedies for depression available that can both treat the cause of depression as well as mitigate some depression symptoms.

Some widely known natural remedies for depression include herbs like St. John’s Wort and Kava, dietary changes (restrictions and/or supplements), mind based therapies like psychotherapy, body therapies like yoga, exercise and massage, and spiritually based therapies like meditation and hypnotherapy. Below are some benefits of these natural treatments for depression:

  • Herbs, supplements and relaxation techniques can help reduce depression symptoms without dramatic side effects which can be associated with depression medications
  • Natural remedies can address the root cause of depression (depending, of course, on the person and their unique cause). Stress or dietary deficiencies are examples of depression causes that can often be treated through natural remedies.
  • Natural remedies for depression encourage contact with other types of health professionals such as massage therapists, acupuncturists and herbalists that can expand your methods of approaching depression treatment.
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Edited Depression Resources: Overview 13 years ago
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The incidence of depression is highest among those of reproductive age (25-45) which is common of very few chronic conditions. This leads many to believe that there may be an evolutionary purpose to the manifestation of mild depressive symptoms; that is in fact adaptive as opposed to the common held believe that depression is maladaptive.3

Psychology Pain Hypothesis- Psychological pain many have informed our ancestors that certain circumstances in the social environment (such as that which caused the loss of a family member) could have detrimental physical consequences to them and the others in the community.1

Honest Signaling Theory- Maintains that the exhibited symptoms of depression, such as crying and loss of appetite or activity engagement, signaled to others in the community that the sufferer needed support.2

Social Navigation Hypothesis- Hypothesizes that depressed individuals will consider a wider range of (including costlier and riskier) possible solutions to a problem than their less-desperate non-depressed fellow community members.16 Additionally, the loss of pleasure in normal activities may have also served to force the sufferer to focus on fixing the problem by preventing cognitive distractions.3

Bargaining Theory- Depressive signals compel reluctant community members to respond to the sufferer's need in order to ensure their ability to contribute to the community, thus ensuring the sustainability of the community writ large (e.g. if a sufferer no longer does their piece of the communal work, community members would work to alleviate the person's pain in order to make sure they can to the work that will benefit everyone).3

Prevention of Infection- When the symptoms of depression are manifested manifest in fatigue and sleep, it is hypothesized that this was a forced-induced rest period necessary for the conservation of energy and re-allocation of that to certain parts of the body (i.e. the immune system).4

Analytical Rumination HypothesisHypothesis- Depression causes the affected individual to excessively ruminate on solving the problem at hand.5 Also, as stated in the social navigation hypothesis, the loss of pleasure in normal activities forces the individual to focus on fixing the problem at hand by preventing cognitive distractions.3


  1. Neese, R. M (2005). Is Depression and Adaptation? Archives of General Psychology (American Medical Association). 57(1) 14-20. doi: 10.1001/archpsych.57.1.14
  2. Hagen, E.H. (2003). The Bargaining Model of Depression. Genetic and Cultural Evolution of Cooperation.
  3. Watson, P.J., Andrews, P.W. (2002). Journal of Affective Disorders 72, 1-14.
  4. Kinney, D.K. & Tanaka, M. (2009). An evolutionary hypothesis of depression and its symptoms, adaptive values and risk factors. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 197, 561-7.
  5. Andrews, P.W. & Thompson, J.A. (2009). The Bright Side of Being Blue: Depression as an Adaptation for Analyzing Complex Problems. Psychological Review 116, 620-54.
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Acupuncture, is the most well-known branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and a 4,000 year old medical system. Health, as defined in TCM, is generally described as having balanced energy in the body. Acupuncture is used to restore the body's energy balance and to improve or maintain the health of the patient. There are different types of acupuncture including traditional/classical, auricular, trigger point and single point acupuncture. TCM and classical acupuncture are based in theoretical and philosophical (such as Yin and Yang and the Five Elements) concepts and use these to explain disease and physiological function. Trigger and single point acupuncture are often considered "medical acupuncture" and the points of needle entry are determined more on neurophysiology and anatomy1. Auricular acupuncture maintains that ailments of the entire body can be addressed on points on the outer ear.

Find other natural remedies for depression.

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Acupuncture, is the most well-known branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and a 4,000 year old medical system. Health, as defined in TCM, is generally described as having balanced energy in the body. Acupuncture is used to restore the body's energy balance and to improve or maintain the health of the patient. There are different types of acupuncture including traditional/classical, auricular, trigger point and single point acupuncture. TCM and classical acupuncture are based in theoretical and philosophical (such as Yin and Yang and the Five Elements) concepts and use these to explain disease and physiological function. Trigger and single point acupuncture are often considered "medical acupuncture" and the points of needle entry are determined more on neurophysiology and anatomy1. Auricular acupuncture maintains that ailments of the entire body can be addressed on points on the outer ear.

Find other natural remedies for depression.

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Acupuncture, is the most well-known branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and a 4,000 year old medical system. Health, as defined in TCM, is generally described as having balanced energy in the body. Acupuncture is used to restore the body's energy balance and to improve or maintain the health of the patient. There are different types of acupuncture including traditional/classical, auricular, trigger point and single point acupuncture. TCM and classical acupuncture are based in theoretical and philosophical (such as Yin and Yang and the Five Elements) concepts and use these to explain disease and physiological function. Trigger and single point acupuncture are often considered "medical acupuncture" and the points of needle entry are determined more on neurophysiology and anatomy1. Auricular acupuncture maintains that ailments of the entire body can be addressed on points on the outer ear.

Find other natural remedies for depression.

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Acupuncture (especially when used in conjunction with Chinese herbs) is said to help restore balance to the energy fields that run through the body. Acupuncture uses sterile, disposable, single-use, and hair thin needles which are inserted into points on the body that have scientifically and empirically validated therapeutic effects on the brain, nervous system, blood circulation, internal organs, and hormones. The brain and spinal nerves, when stimulated with acupuncture needles by a qualified Acupuncture Physician, can aid in treating the symptoms associated with many forms of depression.

Acupuncture is most often used in conjunction with Chinese herbs to treat many chronic diseases and the same is true of its effectiveness in the treatment of depression. Read more about [ Depression and Chinese Herbs][1].

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Nutritional imbalances can absolutely lead to the manifestation of depression. Less concerned with a formal diagnosis of depression, many holistically-minded health providers would address what an individual "feeds" their body, believing that what the person consumes is either exacerbating the symptoms of or, conversely, can be changed to help them cure depression. Toxicity and systemic imbalances in the body are caused from lacking adequate nutrition, and this can directly contribute to depression.1 An practitioner less concerned with the formal diagnosis would focus on the individual's specific symptoms and diet, to see how the two are correlated.

Understanding the underlying nutritional imbalances that cause an individual's depression can help the practitioner personalize their nutritional therapy. This personalized treatment is then related to that person's underlying cause or imbalance that has been identified, hopefully making it more effective.

Depression and Toxic Foods

There are certain foods that create a high level of toxicity in the body and mind. Eliminating these foods can decrease the toxicity that can reduce optimal brain function.

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  • High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), other forms of refined sugar (and even pure sugars like honey and maple syrup9) can increase inflammation of the brain and need be eliminated. These sugars reacts with proteins and forms little crusts called AGEs (advanced glycation end products) which can damage brain cells and tissue.
  • Trans or Hydrogenated Fats are found in many processed foods and likewise need be eliminated. They damage cells and interrupt normal brain function.2
  • Caffeine modifies dopamine and epinephrine levels, inhibits the breakdown of AMP (used for intracellular signaling) and sensitizes receptor cites all of which can cause both depression and anxiety symptoms.7

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  • Alcohol is a depressant which slows down the brain's activity and can leave the person feeling depressed after the "high" from alcohol is gone but before the chemicals realign themselves.

A recent study notes the that fructose malabsorption might play a role in early signs of mental depression.5 For individuals who have problems absorbing fructose, they should aim to consume 0-25g of fructose per sitting and avoid foods containing high levels of fructose, HFCS, sorbitol and short-chain fatty acids (i.e. fermentable-olio-di-monosaccharides and polyols or FODMAPs).6

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  1. The Ultramind Solution, Mark Hyman, MD, 2009
  2. Dietary fats and the risk of incident Alzheimer disease, Morris M.C. et all, 2003
  3. Life Extension, "A Drug-Free Cure for Depression": James S. Gordon, Donna Caruso
  4. Morris, M.S., Fava, M., Jacques, P.F., Selhub, J. & Rosenberg, I.H. (2003). Depression and folate status in the US population. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 72(2) 80-7. Retrieved June 1, 2010 from ProQuest Psychology Journals. (Document ID: 305028821).
  5. Ledochowski, M., perner-Unterweger, B., Wildner, B. and Fuchs. D.(1998) Fructose Malabsorption is Associated with Early Signs of Mental Depression. European Journal of Medical Research 17;3(6) 295-8. Retrieved from PubMed-ID: 9620891
  7. Greden, JF, Fontaine, P, Lubetsky, M. & Chamberlin, K (1978). Anxiety and depression associated with caffeinism among psychiatric inpatients. American Journal of Psychiatry 135, 963-966
  8. Akbaraly, T.N., Brunner, E.J., Ferrie, J.E., Marmot, M.G., Kivimaki, M., & Singh-Manoux, A. Dietary pattern and depressive symptoms in middle age. The British Journal of Psychiatry (2009) 195, 408–413. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.108.058925 Retrieved on 10/8/10 from:
  9. Dr. Lea Kabala's site "Health Matters." Accessed on 10/10/10, from
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Nutritional imbalances can absolutely lead to the manifestation of depression. Less concerned with a formal diagnosis of depression, many holistically-minded health providers would address what an individual "feeds" their body, believing that what the person consumes is either exacerbating the symptoms of or, conversely, can be changed to help them cure depression. Toxicity and systemic imbalances in the body are caused from lacking adequate nutrition, and this can directly contribute to depression.1 An practitioner less concerned with the formal diagnosis would focus on the individual's specific symptoms and diet, to see how the two are correlated.

Understanding the underlying nutritional imbalances that cause an individual's depression can help the practitioner personalize their nutritional therapy. This personalized treatment is then related to that person's underlying cause or imbalance that has been identified, hopefully making it more effective.

Depression and Toxic Foods

There are certain foods that create a high level of toxicity in the body and mind. Eliminating these foods can decrease the toxicity that can reduce optimal brain function.

  • High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and , other forms of refined sugar (and even pure sugars like honey and maple syrup9) can increase inflammation of the brain and need be eliminated. These sugars reacts with proteins and forms little crusts called AGEs (advanced glycation end products) which can damage brain cells and tissue.
  • Trans or Hydrogenated Fats are found in many processed foods and likewise need be eliminated. They damage cells and interrupt normal brain function.2
  • Caffeine modifies dopamine and epinephrine levels, inhibits the breakdown of AMP (used for intracellular signaling) and sensitizes receptor cites all of which can cause both depression and anxiety symptoms.7

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  • Alcohol is a depressant which slows down the brain's activity and can leave the person feeling depressed after the "high" from alcohol is gone but before the chemicals realign themselves.

A recent study notes the that fructose malabsorption might play a role in early signs of mental depression.5 For individuals who have problems absorbing fructose, they should aim to consume 0-25g of fructose per sitting and avoid foods containing high levels of fructose, HFCS, sorbitol and short-chain fatty acids (i.e. fermentable-olio-di-monosaccharides and polyols or FODMAPs).6

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As discussed in other sections, there are certain foods that create a high level of toxicity in the body and mind. Eliminating these foods can decrease the toxicity that reduce optimal brain function.

Some studies have suggested that gluten can be a cause of depression in many individuals. The paleo diet eliminates gluten, along with all other grains, and is certainly beneficial to individuals for whom gluten is a sensitive substance which may in fact contribute to their symptoms.

Many paleo dieters claim to feel wholly different after eliminating the consumption of grains, starchy vegetables and otherwise processed foods.

As with all dietary changes, it is important to continually self-assess whether or not the diet is working for you. You can try all kind of different, even opposing, dietary regimes (like paleo vs veganism!) but ultimately your own subjective experience will tell you the consumption of which foods leave you feeling the happiest and healthiest.

Find other natural remedies for depression.

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Shared experience with Depression and St. John's Wort 13 years ago

I was lucky enough to try some St. John's Wort right out of a garden last summer. I wasn't in the depths of my depression at the time, but chewing and then consuming this flower had an immediate effect on my mental state. I can't speak to the supplement, but it seems like a powerful substance with clear healing properties!

I was lucky enough to try some St. John's Wort right out of a garden last summer. I wasn't in the depths of my depression at the time, but chewing and then consuming this flower had an immediate...

Shared experience with Depression and Psychotherapy 13 years ago

I happen to think that psychotherapy is extremely useful for treating not only depression, but for dealing with life in general. There are cognitive insights to be had, but perhaps more useful is creating a healthy relationship with the practitioner in which you can express your emotions without judgment. Good therapists (and good life or wellness coaches too for that matter) can give you support that is often difficult to find in the real world.

I happen to think that psychotherapy is extremely useful for treating not only depression, but for dealing with life in general. There are cognitive insights to be had, but perhaps more useful is...

Shared experience with Depression and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 13 years ago
Shared experience with Depression and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 13 years ago

If this is similar to meditation for depression, then I've tried mindfulness based stress seems there are a lot of overlaps between the two. And I certainly LOVE meditating for's helped me tremendously!

If this is similar to meditation for depression, then I've tried mindfulness based stress seems there are a lot of overlaps between the two. And I certainly LOVE meditating for...

Shared experience with Depression and Meditation 13 years ago

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Meditation has absolutely helped me in fighting depression! It seems that often a contributing factor to our depression in the west (I know that is a generalization, but it is often true) is our persistent and circular thinking patterns...we never let ourselves have a moment's rest. Some, especially ancient, cultures have a way of slowing the mind so as not to get so caught up in the mind (the use of which is after-all, only one way of "knowing").

Most of us use our minds at work (and not our bodies), we never let our minds rest (since we feel that "haste makes waste"), we "relax" by watching TV (which actually drains us of mental energy instead of building us up after a day of constant thinking), we move our bodies much less than our ancestors, we find it uncomfortable to just "be" with someone without "doing" something, and then - to top it all off - we try to THINK our way out of our sadness through so-called "rationalization".

It takes work - in the form of mental-training - to help our minds stop thinking "way too much." This is where meditation comes in. Many people find that a daily yoga, meditation, tai chi, or qi gong practice often helps them to "quiet the mind." I have ABSOLUTELY found this to be the case. A simple yoga practice that focuses on the breath and ends in a meditation has changed my depressed state immensely. This is not to say that I am never depressed anymore, but they come less frequently, and I am more able to accept them as part of the normal ups-and-downs of life. (This sounds cliche until you try it and know how profound it really is.)

Someone once explained it to me like this when I first began learning to meditate; They said, "Thoughts will come when you're sitting in meditaiton - it is inevitable. But you can choose not to dwell on these thoughts that arise. It's kind of like when a plane goes overhead; you know that it's there because you hear it, but it doesn't necessarily cause you to stop whatever you're doing and you don't have to look up at it, and eventually it passes. The same is true with your thoughts. When a thought comes up and you may get a little lost in it, just remember to focus on your breath and not on the thought. Practicing this in meditation will make it easier not to focus on negative thoughts in your real life." - Easier said than done, I know. Practice!

But helping train your mind to be less "chatty" as I call it, can help calm your soul as well. It's helped me with my depression (specifically my circular-thinking), but it takes time to find a practice that works well for you. And once you find one, only then does the journey actually begin.

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Meditation has absolutely helped me in fighting depression! It seems that often a contributing factor to our depression in the west (I know that is a generalization, but it is often...

Shared experience with Depression and Yoga 13 years ago

I started doing yoga to help calm my mind - to help stop the over-analytic and circular loops that perpetually took up my energy. I started to see profound effects pretty quickly - within about 2 weeks. Working with a practitioner one-on-one, we created a 20 minute personal practice that focused on simple moves that were guided by my breath and a period of meditation in a seated lotus position (the stereotypical "meditation" looking pose.)

I'm convinced yoga can work for people in different ways, but people need to be specific about what they're looking for. Going to yoga classes at the gym can be a great physical exercise, but might not include the breathing and meditation components that you want. Likewise, a yoga practice with simple poses may not physically stretch your muscles and get your heart pumping, so if this is what you're looking for, seek a more strenuous yoga practice.

In the end, finding effective treatments is all about self-reflection... no one treatment works for everybody, and really, you're the only one who knows what works for you.

I started doing yoga to help calm my mind - to help stop the over-analytic and circular loops that perpetually took up my energy. I started to see profound effects pretty quickly - within about 2...

Shared experience with Depression and Acupuncture 14 years ago

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I started doing acupuncture for some acute back pain I was experiencing, but it wasn't long before I realize the back pain was really a symptom of my severe depression. Acupuncture not only helped with the immediate spastic pain I was experiencing, but I continued to work with my acupuncturist, and eventually correct many of the underlying imbalances contributing to my depression.

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I started doing acupuncture for some acute back pain I was experiencing, but it wasn't long before I realize the back pain was really a symptom of my severe depression. Acupuncture...

Shared experience with Depression and Psychodynamic Therapy 14 years ago

I think being in somesort of formal therapeutic relationship is critical for helping treat your depression. Find a therapist that you feel gels with you and your style - don't be afraid to go for a few sessions and then try someone else. If you're going to delve into really personally stuff, you'll want to be with someone you really trust can help you. I finally found someone I love, and they have helped me tremendously work through some issues that contributed to my depression.

I think being in somesort of formal therapeutic relationship is critical for helping treat your depression. Find a therapist that you feel gels with you and your style - don't be afraid to go for a...

Shared experience with Depression and Exercise 14 years ago

It's always helpful to get the endorphins (happy neurotransmitters) flowing through can totally help elevate your mood!

Shared experience with Depression and Vitamin D 14 years ago

I've never taken a supplement, but I believe we are all supposed to be exposed to the sun each day. Our bodies need the sun for vitamin D, and people seem to be so afraid of skin cancer they lather up in sunscreen every day, even in the winter (mostly on the face via a moisturizer) but the body needs some sun exposure. I'm lucky that I live in California, so can feasibly spend time in the sun a few times a week. I have found that getting out in the sun not only feels great on my skin (thus giving me vitamin d) but also gets me out of the house - both of these things have helped with my depression... (it's hard to site just 1 thing as the thing that "treated" my depression...after all, it's an on-going treatment, and multi-faceted at that!)

I've never taken a supplement, but I believe we are all supposed to be exposed to the sun each day. Our bodies need the sun for vitamin D, and people seem to be so afraid of skin cancer they lather...

Shared experience with Depression and Veganism 14 years ago

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Vegan Meal

Since there isn't yet a section on vegetarianism, I'll vote for veganism for depression (something I have tried in spurts). I find that by eliminating meat from my diet, I am not ingesting additional hormones that might be altering my brain chemistry and contributing to my depression. Honestly, I think veganism is merely taking this one step further, to include the elimination of all animal products.

Frankly, I think that any dietary change that causes an individual to opt for higher quality foods and causes them to be more deliberate with their food choices, is a useful and helpful treatment for depression, or any other mood disorder.

I would certainly recommend taking the time to critically think about what you eat and reflect on how your body feels depending on what you eat. If you feel lighter and better without meat products, then eliminate them; if, on the contrary, eliminating meat causes you to be tired and left without energy, then keep it in...either way, be deliberate about what you eat, and eat what makes you feel good. In my opinion, no one diet will work for everyone.

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Vegan Meal

Since there isn't yet a section on vegetarianism, I'll vote for veganism for depression (something I have tried in spurts). I find that by eliminating meat from my diet, I am not...
