The spirit section for congestive heart failure (CHF) comprises energetically oriented treatments that have to do with intention, energy healing, prayer, and in some cases god. These terms may be volatile for some, and for others they resonate. Some of these treatments have proven to be profoundly healing for certain individuals with congestive heart failure. Though some people are skeptical, prior notions of these words should be set aside when reading about these spiritual healing treatments, as many of the are truly incredible!
Many of the treatments that live in other sections on FoundHealth could easily live in this “Spirit” section as well. For example, Yoga for Congestive Heart Failure, though a treatment that mostly involves the body, certainly has spiritual undertones and components to its practice.
So take a look at which spirit treatments have been used for CHF, or add any that are missing!
Regular exercise in general can help the body function properly therefor helping to heart conditions like CHF. More than merely stretching and burning calories, yoga has breathing and meditation components inherent in the practice as well. Aligning the body and mind through breath, stretching, and quieting of the mind can help all of its systems function more properly, including supporting the heart.