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Behavioral Therapy Contributions by sshowalter

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Behavior therapy is used to help you modify and gain control over your behavior. Though helpful in isolation, behavioral therapy is perhaps most effective when combined with cognitive therapy, into cognitive-behavioral therapy.

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Behavior therapy is used to help you modify and gain control over your behavior. Though helpful in isolation, behavioral therapy is perhaps most effective when combined with cognitive therapy, into cognitive-behavioral therapy.

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Specifically for panic disorder, behavioral therapy can help you learn how to cope with anxiety-provoking situations through controlled exposure to them. Interoceptive exposure, or desensitization therapy, is a type of behavior therapy that helps desensitize you to the physical sensations that occur during a panic attack by gradual exposure to stressful situations. Symptoms of a panic attack, such as rapid heart rate and sweating, are induced in a controlled setting. You are taught to prevent the symptoms from turning into a full-blown panic attack.

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