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Back Pain Contributions by sshowalter


Commented on Back Pain and Alpha-2-Adrenergic Agonists 13 years ago

Take a look and add your comment to our Exercise and Back Pain Experiences page.

Commented on Back Pain and Acupuncture 13 years ago

And, correct me if I'm wrong, but even if the control is truly a "control," in an attempt to test specific points, they'll use the same points for each participant, despite the fact that different points should be used for different patients depending on the specific symptoms suffered. - This again compromises the ability for placebo-controlled double-blind studies to adequately "test" the efficacy of TCM for depression; which really just shows that research, as conducted in the west, is limited in it's ability to "test" or "prove" multi-faceted treatment regimes like TCM, and NOT that TCM isn't actually effective.

And, correct me if I'm wrong, but even if the control is truly a "control," in an attempt to test specific points, they'll use the same points for each participant, despite the fact that different...


Article Revisions

For back pain, the spirit section comprises energetically oriented treatments that have to do with intention, energy healing, prayer, and in some cases god. These terms may be volatile for some, and for others they resonate. Some of these treatments have proven to be profoundly healing for certain individuals. Though some people are skeptical, prior notions of these words should be set aside when reading about these spiritual healing treatments, as many of the are truly incredible!

Many of the treatments that live in other sections on FoundHealth could easily live in this “Spirit” section as well. For example, Yoga, though a treatment that mostly involves the body, certainly has spiritual undertones and components to its practice. Meditation lives under the Mind category, but really is a blend of body, mind and a spiritual/energetic component as well. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda are examples of healing systems that have branches that span all six of foundhealth’s treatment categories, including spiritual components.

So take a look at which spirit treatments have been used for back pain, or add any that are missing!

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The ancient technique of acupuncture has become increasingly popular as a treatment for pain along with other conditions. When back pain is caused by inflammation, acupuncture can be used to directly help reduce said inflammation. Acupuncture can help correct other more subtle internal imbalances that may be contributing to the back pain as well. Acupuncture can prove to be an effective natural remedy for back pain.

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Thus far, research has not produced clear evidence of acupuncture’s effectiveness for back pain.52 In a review of 23 randomized trials involving over 6,000 patients with chronic low back pain, researchers concluded that acupuncture is more effective than no treatment for short-term pain relief, but there was no significant difference between the effects of true and sham.79

A 6-month, double-blind trial of 1,162 people with back pain compared real acupuncture, fake acupuncture, and conventional therapy.72 Both real and fake acupuncture were twice as effective as conventional therapy according to the measures used. However, there was only a minimal difference between real and fake acupuncture, which shows the significant power of the placebo effect.

Similarly, in a single-blind, sham-acupuncture, and no-treatment controlled study of 298 people with chronic back pain, use of real acupuncture failed to prove significantly more effective than sham-acupuncture.58 Also, in a fairly large randomized trial involving 638 adults with chronic back pain, there was no difference in pain at one year in patients receiving real compared to fake acupuncture (with neither group improving significantly over standard care). Both real and simulated acupuncture were, however, associated with improved function at one year.80 Other studies have failed to find benefit as well; in several controlled studies enrolling a total of over 300 people, real acupuncture again failed to prove more effective than sham-acupuncture or other placebo treatments.19,29,32,53

One study compared the effects of acupuncture, massage, and education (such as videotapes on back care) for 262 people with chronic back pain over a 10-week period.28 The exact type of acupuncture and massage was left to practitioners, but only 10 visits were permitted. At the 10-week point, evaluations showed benefit with massage but not with acupuncture. One year later, massage and education were nearly equivalent, and both were superior to acupuncture.

Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is a technique similar to electro-acupuncture that uses precision laser energy instead of electricity conducted through a needle. In a detailed review of 7 randomized trials, researchers were unable to draw any conclusions regarding the effectiveness of LLLT for nonspecific low back pain.73

Many other studies have compared acupuncture to such treatments as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), physical therapy, chiropractic care, and massage.14,33-37,59 In many of these trials, acupuncture provided benefits comparable to the other options tested. However, because TENS, physical therapy, and so forth, have not been proven effective for back pain, studies of this type cannot be taken as evidence that acupuncture is effective. One study did find acupressure massage more effective than standard physical therapy; however, it was performed in a Chinese population that may have had more faith in this traditional approach than in physical therapy.60

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Yoga on Beach

Stretching joints and muscles to their limits combined with relaxing breathing techniques will help reduce strain on muscles and joints. For this reason, yoga can be included in back pain management.

There are many yoga poses to relieve the tension and pain in our back. However, some poses can be strenuous and may result in back strain. Before giving yoga a try, it's best to check first with your doctor who could tell you if you need to avoid. It is also important to find out which yoga exercises will be the most helpful for your condition. Work with a trained yoga instructor who can help you choose the poses that will suit you best. A yoga pose should be held from five to ten seconds, depending on your level of comfort. Below are some of the yoga positions for relieving back pain:

Cobra pose. This position focuses on allowing your spine to move you. It helps align the discs on you spine and strengthen your back.

  1. Lie flat on your stomach and stretch your legs back with your heels and toes together
  2. Place your hand on the floor under your shoulders, keep your elbows in toward your body.
  3. Press your feet, thighs and hips firmly into the floor.
  4. As you breathe in, lift your chin and the your shoulders. Refrain from crunching your shoulders up your neck.
  5. Lift the upper part of your chest off the floor, but avoid pushing you ribs forward because it may harder your lower back. The back bend must be distributed evenly throughout your spine.
  6. Look upwards and hold the pose for 15 to 30 seconds, breathing easily. Go back to the starting position on an exhalation.

Leg lifts

It strengthens the abdominal and lower back muscles. Doing this exercise helps trim the waist and thighs. To get the most benefit from this Yoga Posture, make sure that the full length of your back is resting on the floor and your shoulders and neck are relaxed.

  1. Lie flat on the floor.
  2. As you breathe in, raise both legs, keeping your knees straight and your buttocks on the floor.
  3. Breathe out as you bring both legs straight down. To avoid any injuries, make sure that your lower back is kept flat on the floor while you bring you legs down.

Boat pose

This pose tones your abdomen and strengthens your back. When the boat pose, you should not hold your breath even if you are concentrating on your balance. You also need to keep your knees together

  1. Sit on the floor with your knees bent in front of you
  2. Bring your legs straight up to a 45 degree angle
  3. Your torso will naturally lean back, but you should not let your spine collapse. Balance on your tail bone. Your body should make a V shape
  4. To help with balance, bring your arms straight out parallel to the floor at about your knee level.
  5. Stay in the pose for about 10-20 seconds while breathing easily. Release your legs as you exhale and sit upright as you inhale.
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Ergonomics involves the properly setting up of an individual's office space, so that there is not excessive strain on any part of the person's body. Seat height, computer screen placement, keyboard configuration and back support are just a few among many considerations taken into account with ergonomics.

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Having poor alignment in the work place can exacerbate, and in many cases cause back pain. If you spend a lot of time sitting at your work station, it is imperative that you have proper ergonomics to mitigate this, and other, painful problems (like carpal tunnel syndrome.)

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Edited Back Pain Overview: Overview 14 years ago

Back pain affects almost everyone at some stage of their active adult life. It is one of the most frequent reasons for going to the doctor or missing work. Because it affects many people, some tend to think that back pain is simply a part of daily life. It's been estimated that about 60 to 80 percent of North Americans will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives.

Back pain may originate from structures that form the spine such as bones, joints and ligaments, the muscles and tendons that support the back, nerves that exit your back bone, or even from some internal organs. Some practitioners maintain that emotions are held in the back along the spine as well meaning that heightened emotions (like depression, stress and anxiety) can also physiologically manifest in the back as pain.

The discomfort caused by back problems varies in severity. Some people may have mild pains, but for others, it can be potentially debilitating, making it difficult to carry out many everyday activities. Back pain can last for a few days, but may also be long lasting in some cases.

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Chronic back pain and depression

Most backache starts from a physical source. However, for many people who have been suffering from chronic pain, the problem may not be limited to their muscles, nerves and bones. Medical professionals have long been aware that people who have been living with chronic pain especially of the back are at risk of depression. Among all the mental conditions, it's depression that frequently occurs with chronic back pain.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Back pain can disrupt one's sleeping pattern. The lack of sleep causes daytime fatigue, it also affects the mood significantly.
  • Back pain can result in reduction in mobility, because of this, one's normal day to day routine as well as employment may be affected. Some tend to withdraw from normal society, and this can worsen their symptoms.
  • Change in appetite is also observed in people who are depressed. If a patient with back injury fails to receive adequate nutrition, this may slow the recovery or healing.

Effects of Back Pain and Depression

  • Chronic back pain can affect one's ability to work and this can lead to financial worries which can trigger or exacerbate symptoms of depression.
  • Back pain may affect sexual ability and function, this could cause tension in relationships as well as failure to participate in everyday family activities.
  • Studies have shown a link between delayed healing after back surgery in those who are suffering with depression. It is recommended that the depression is treated before surgery.


If you're suffering from chronic back pain, your doctor may consider tests to determine the underlying problem. At the same time, your doctor will evaluate your mental state.

You may be prescribed an antidepressant that also produces pain relief. Other helpful methods that for both chronic back pain and depression can include massage, hypnotherapy and some exercises. Massage can promote relaxation and may reduce stress, thereby lowering a risk factor of developing depression, and also help ease the tension in muscles that contribute to pain levels. Hypnotherapy may help you gain some control over your feelings and pain levels. It can also improve concentration and memory. Exercise may reduce the discomfort caused by certain types of back problems. Going out to exercise with a group allows social interaction. In addition, when you engage in outdoor exercises, the sunshine and fresh air may also lift your mood.

You can manage mobility issues by breaking down your tasks into more manageable jobs that should be completed in a sensible time frame. By doing this, you're able to maintain your independence.

Your treatment for back pain may include psychological treatments which can help you cope with depression.

More on Depression


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Chronic back pain and depression

Most backache starts from a physical source. However, for many people who have been suffering from [chronic pain][3], the problem may not be limited to their muscles, nerves and bones. Medical professionals have long been aware that people who have been living with chronic pain especially of the back are at risk of depression. Among all the mental conditions, it's depression that frequently occurs with chronic back pain.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Back pain can disrupt one's sleeping pattern. The lack of sleep causes daytime fatigue, it also affects the mood significantly.
  • Back pain can result in reduction in mobility, because of this, one's normal day to day routine as well as employment may be affected. Some tend to withdraw from normal society, and this can worsen their symptoms.
  • Change in appetite is also observed in people who are depressed. If a patient with back injury fails to receive adequate nutrition, this may slow the recovery or healing.

Effects of Back Pain and Depression

  • Chronic back pain can affect one's ability to work and this can lead to financial worries which can trigger or exacerbate symptoms of depression.
  • Back pain may affect sexual ability and function, this could cause tension in relationships as well as failure to participate in everyday family activities.
  • Studies have shown a link between delayed healing after back surgery in those who are suffering with depression. It is recommended that the depression is treated before surgery.


If you're suffering from chronic back pain, your doctor may consider tests to determine the underlying problem. At the same time, your doctor will evaluate your mental state.

You may be prescribed an antidepressant that also produces pain relief. Other helpful methods that for both chronic back pain and depression can include massage, hypnotherapy and some exercises. Massage can promote relaxation and may reduce stress, thereby lowering a risk factor of developing depression, and also help ease the tension in muscles that contribute to pain levels. Hypnotherapy may help you gain some control over your feelings and pain levels. It can also improve concentration and memory. Exercise may reduce the discomfort caused by certain types of back problems. Going out to exercise with a group allows social interaction. In addition, when you engage in outdoor exercises, the sunshine and fresh air may also lift your mood.

You can manage mobility issues by breaking down your tasks into more manageable jobs that should be completed in a sensible time frame. By doing this, you're able to maintain your independence.

Your treatment for back pain may include psychological treatments which can help you cope with depression.

More on [Depression][2]


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Chronic back pain and depression

Most backache starts from a physical source. However, for many people who have been suffering from chronic pain, the problem may not be limited to their muscles, nerves and bones. Medical professionals have long been aware that people who have been living with chronic pain especially of the back are at risk of depression. Among all the mental conditions, it's depression that frequently occurs with chronic back pain.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Back pain can disrupt one's sleeping pattern. The lack of sleep causes daytime fatigue, it also affects the mood significantly.
  • Back pain can result in reduction in mobility, because of this, one's normal day to day routine as well as employment may be affected. Some tend to withdraw from normal society, and this can worsen their symptoms.
  • Change in appetite is also observed in people who are depressed. If a patient with back injury fails to receive adequate nutrition, this may slow the recovery or healing.

Effects of Back Pain and Depression

  • Chronic back pain can affect one's ability to work and this can lead to financial worries which can trigger or exacerbate symptoms of depression.
  • Back pain may affect sexual ability and function, this could cause tension in relationships as well as failure to participate in everyday family activities.
  • Studies have shown a link between delayed healing after back surgery in those who are suffering with depression. It is recommended that the depression is treated before surgery.


If you're suffering from chronic back pain, your doctor may consider tests to determine the underlying problem. At the same time, your doctor will evaluate your mental state.

You may be prescribed an antidepressant that also produces pain relief. Other helpful methods that for both chronic back pain and depression can include massage, hypnotherapy and some exercises. Massage can promote relaxation and may reduce stress, thereby lowering a risk factor of developing depression, and also help ease the tension in muscles that contribute to pain levels. Hypnotherapy may help you gain some control over your feelings and pain levels. It can also improve concentration and memory. Exercise may reduce the discomfort caused by certain types of back problems. Going out to exercise with a group allows social interaction. In addition, when you engage in outdoor exercises, the sunshine and fresh air may also lift your mood.

You can manage mobility issues by breaking down your tasks into more manageable jobs that should be completed in a sensible time frame. By doing this, you're able to maintain your independence.

Your treatment for back pain may include psychological treatments which can help you cope with depression.

More on Depression



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Edited Back Pain and Massage: Overview 14 years ago

Massage therapyMassage is among the oldest forms of therapy. It has been used for thousands of years for relieving pain, promoting comfort, healing and improving overall health. The oldest reference about massage appeared in the Nei Ching, a Chinese medical text written before 2500 BC.

Massage is involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body to restore function and relieve tension. This can be applied with the hands, fingers, elbows, forearm, knees and feet, or with mechanical aids. Some of the target tissues include muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints, or other connective tissue.

Benefits of massage

Massage has shown to benefit those who are suffering from many disorders including some types of low back pain. Massage helps reduce stiffness and swelling, increase blood circulation, relieve pain and muscle spasm. It induces a state of relaxation by improving the muscle action. Massage therapy has been found to improve the range of motion in patients with spinal cord injuries.

How it is done

Although massage promotes relaxation and alleviate pain, it shouldn't replace your regular medical care or as a reason to postpone medical consultation. If you are unsure whether massage therapy would be appropriate for your conditions, do not hesitate to discuss your concerns with your own doctor.

Massage should only be done by properly trained therapist. When choosing therapist, it is important to ask about their accreditation and experience. The massage therapist will tell you about what to expect, and will ask you about your medical and massage history, preferences, posture, and health. It's critical the therapist to know whether you have musculoskeletal conditions that are considered as contraindications to massage. Massage is usually not recommended for patients with fractures, ruptured ligament, recent trauma, osteoporosis, and prolapse intervertebral disk with nerve dysfunction.

Massage is performed based on your individual needs. It is therefore important to communicate clearly to help the therapist to come up with a massage treatment that would would suit you best.

Types of massage

Swedish massage. This is a very common type of massage therapy, it can be very gentle and relaxing. Swedish massage refers to a variety of techniques that promote muscle relaxation. It involves the use of long smooth strokes, kneading, and circular movements on superficial layers of muscle using massage lotion or oil.

Swedish massage therapy can help manage a variety of health conditions. Swedish massage is used for easing pain, improving circulation and to help individuals recover from injury. It is also used as a form of therapy for anxiety and depression.

Shiatsu massage. Shiatsu is type of massage therapy in which finger pressure is applied to the meridians, these are areas that are believed to be the lines of energy flow in the body. Having originated in Japan, this system of massage now incorporates both Japanese and traditional Chinese facets and is thought to have both physical and psychological benefits. Shiatsu may help people who are suffering from headaches, insomnia, anxiety and back pain. This massage was developed in Japan in the early 20th century. It is more vigorous than other types of massage. Shiatsu is usually done on a low table or floor mat, the pressure applied on the meridians will help relieve stiffness, aches and pains. It will also promote deep relaxation.

Deep tissue masssage. This form of massage therapy focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It can hep relieve discomfort caused by tense and contracted areas. Deep tissue massage may help relieve symptoms that may occur the following conditions: chronic pain, limited mobility, reepetitive strain injury, postural problems and muscle tension or spasm

When you have chronic muscle tension, there are usually bands of painful and rigid tissue also known as adhesions in your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These adhesions can interfere with the circulation and will cause symptoms such as pain, limited mobility, and inflammation. Deep tissue massage therapy works by breaking down these adhesions to relieve pain and restore movement. This is done by directly applying deep pressure or friction across the grain of the muscles.


Braun, M., Simonson, S. Introduction to Massage Therapy. 2007. Second Edition. Lippicott Williams and Wilkins.

Yoga Journal Oct 1982

Encyclopedia of Family Health David B. Jacoby, R. M. Youngson

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Edited Back Pain and Massage: Overview 14 years ago

Massage therapyMassage is among the oldest forms of therapy. It has been used for thousands of years for relieving pain, promoting comfort, healing and improving overall health. The oldest reference about massage appeared in the Nei Ching, a Chinese medical text written before 2500 BC.

Massage is involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body to restore function and relieve tension. This can be applied with the hands, fingers, elbows, forearm, knees and feet, or with mechanical aids. Some of the target tissues include muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints, or other connective tissue.

Benefits of massage

Massage has shown to benefit those who are suffering from many disorders including some types of low back pain. Massage helps reduce stiffness and swelling, increase blood circulation, relieve pain and muscle spasm. It induces a state of relaxation by improving the muscle action. Massage therapy has been found to improve the range of motion in patients with spinal cord injuries.

How it is done

Although massage promotes relaxation and alleviate pain, it shouldn't replace your regular medical care or as a reason to postpone medical consultation. If you are unsure whether massage therapy would be appropriate for your conditions, do not hesitate to discuss your concerns with your own doctor.

Massage should only be done by properly trained therapist. When choosing therapist, it is important to ask about their accreditation and experience. The massage therapist will tell you about what to expect, and will ask you about your medical and massage history, preferences, posture, and health. It's critical the therapist to know whether you have musculoskeletal conditions that are considered as contraindications to massage. Massage is usually not recommended for patients with fractures, ruptured ligament, recent trauma, osteoporosis, and prolapse intervertebral disk with nerve dysfunction.

Massage is performed based on your individual needs. It is therefore important to communicate clearly to help the therapist to come up with a massage treatment that would would suit you best.

Types of massage

Swedish massage. This is a very common type of massage therapy, it can be very gentle and relaxing. Swedish massage refers to a variety of techniques that promote muscle relaxation. It involves the use of long smooth strokes, kneading, and circular movements on superficial layers of muscle using massage lotion or oil.

Swedish massage therapy can help manage a variety of health conditions. Swedish massage is used for easing pain, improving circulation and to help individuals recover from injury. It is also used as a form of therapy for anxiety and depression.

Shiatsu massage. Shiatsu is type of massage therapy in which finger pressure is applied to the meridians, these are areas that are believed to be the lines of energy flow in the body. Having originated in Japan, this system of massage now incorporates both Japanese and traditional Chinese facets and is thought to have both physical and psychological benefits. Shiatsu may help people who are suffering from headaches, insomnia, anxiety and back pain. This massage was developed in Japan in the early 20th century. It is more vigorous than other types of massage. Shiatsu is usually done on a low table or floor mat, the pressure applied on the meridians will help relieve stiffness, aches and pains. It will also promote deep relaxation.

Deep tissue masssage. This form of massage therapy focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It can hep relieve discomfort caused by tense and contracted areas. Deep tissue massage may help relieve symptoms that may occur the following conditions: chronic pain, limited mobility, reepetitive strain injury, postural problems and muscle tension or spasm

When you have chronic muscle tension, there are usually bands of painful and rigid tissue also known as adhesions in your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These adhesions can interfere with the circulation and will cause symptoms such as pain, limited mobility, and inflammation. Deep tissue massage therapy works by breaking down these adhesions to relieve pain and restore movement. This is done by directly applying deep pressure or friction across the grain of the muscles.


Braun, M., Simonson, S. Introduction to Massage Therapy. 2007. Second Edition. Lippicott Williams and Wilkins.

Yoga Journal Oct 1982

Encyclopedia of Family Health David B. Jacoby, R. M. Youngson

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Back Pain Prevention

Many doctors can help you with your back pain. You may get advice from your primary doctor and also from specialists such as rehabilitation physicians and neurologists. Aside from drug treatment, they may recommend physical therapy or chiropractic sessions. While we can turn to the health care team for advice and treatment, we should should keep in mind that the we ourselves can significantly influence the success of back pain treatment.

More about Back Pain and Physical Therapy

Treatment and prevention of back pain are not limited to trips to doctors' offices physical therapy sessions. There are a number of simple yet effective ways that can help you in taking care of your back. You can prevent back pain by taking steps to improve your physical condition and using body mechanics. These solutions include exercise, stretching, yoga and other body methods such as Egoscue method of physical movement.

More on Back Pain and Egoscue Method

Back Pain and Regular Exercise

Sedentary lifestyle contributes to lower back pain. Many back problems are caused by weak and unused muscles. You need to keep your back in shape by doing regular exercises that can promote strength and endurance in your back and allow your muscles to work better. Choose exercises that won't cause strain on your back. You may benefit from low impact aerobic activities such as swimming and walking.

Abdominal and back muscle exercises are also recommended. These exercises strengthen and condition the muscles that support your spine. Exercising these important muscles gives your support system a boost, allowing it to ward off many causes of pain. You can do these exercises at home, and they do not require special exercise equipment. Remember to check with your doctor before you start an exercise program.

More on Back Pain and Exercise More on Back Pain and Yoga

More on Back Pain and Stretching Exercises

Back Pain and Massage

Massage can help relieve both acute and more chronic back pain. Back pain from muscle strain may even be treated by massage therapy. Although massage is strongly associated with complimentary therapies, its now being accepted by healthcare providers as an effective method that can help fight back pain.

More about Back Pain and Massage

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight greatly contributes to symptoms that occur with many conditions of the spine. The spine is designed to bear your weight and distribute the load while you are resting or moving. When the spine carries excess weight, it has no choice but to take up the burden, later on, this can lead to structural damage. If you are overweight, you should seek your doctor's advice for a healthy weight loss.

Stop smoking

Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of back problems. Spine researchers theorized that smoking reduces oxygen levels in the spinal tissues, and this can hinder the recovery from back surgery or from other conditions that affect the spine.

Use of proper body mechanics

Postural stress is the most common cause of low back problems. Postural causes of low back pain include: prolonged sitting in a poor position, bending in bad working positions, as well as standing or lying for a long time in a poor position. Below are ways to avoid postural strain on your back.

Adopt a good sitting posture

People who often sit for prolonged periods are likely to adopt a poor posture. Keeping a slouched sitting posture long enough will cause over-stretching of ligaments. Once a poor sitting posture has become a habit, the joints and discs in your spine may suffer, causing movements and certain position to produce pain. To prevent those problems, you need to pay attention on your posture.

You can prevent back pain by adopting a good sitting posture and choosing a seat which has a good lower back support, arm rests and a swivel base. You can use a lumbar roll, a pillow that are designed to provide comfort and relief from low back pain. Place the pillow in the small of your back to maintain your spine's normal curve while sitting. Consider placing a pillow or rolled towel in the small of your back to maintain its normal curve. Keep your knees and hips at same level.

Regular breaks from prolonged sitting

Almost everyone will notice some stiffness or discomfort after an uninterrupted car ride or a long flight. If you already have back problems, traveling for long distances will likely cause you back aches. People whose jobs involves long hours of sitting are likely to experience same problems. To lower your risk for discomfort, you should interrupt sitting at regular intervals, before you notice the pain. Take a break from sitting by standing up and bending backwards 5 or 6 times and then walk for a few minutes. Interrupting sitting regularly will reduce the pressure in the discs and ease the stress on the surrounding tissues.

Correct lifting technique

When lifting, can avoid back pains an injuries by letting the bigger muscles, such as you legs and thighs, to do the work. Before you start to lift the object, you should stand close to it and have a firm footing Lifting should be done by straightening the legs, you must attempt to retain the hollow of your back throughout the lift. Refrain from using the back as a crane to lift heavy objects. Keep it straight and bend only at the knees. Once you're upright, shift your feet to turn and avoid twisting your lower back. If possible, find a find a lifting partner, if the object is too heavy.

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Back Pain Prevention

Many doctors can help you with your back pain. You may get advice from your primary doctor and also from specialists such as rehabilitation physicians and neurologists. Aside from drug treatment, they may recommend physical therapy or chiropractic sessions. While we can turn to the health care team for advice and treatment, we should should keep in mind that the we ourselves can significantly influence the success of back pain treatment.

More about Back Pain and Physical Therapy

Treatment and prevention of back pain are not limited to trips to doctors' offices physical therapy sessions. There are a number of simple yet effective ways that can help you in taking care of your back. You can prevent back pain by taking steps to improve your physical condition and using body mechanics. These solutions include exercise, stretching, yoga and other body methods such as Egoscue method of physical movement.

More on Back Pain and Egoscue Method

Back Pain and Regular Exercise

Sedentary lifestyle contributes to lower back pain. Many back problems are caused by weak and unused muscles. You need to keep your back in shape by doing regular exercises that can promote strength and endurance in your back and allow your muscles to work better. Choose exercises that won't cause strain on your back. You may benefit from low impact aerobic activities such as swimming and walking.

Abdominal and back muscle exercises are also recommended. These exercises strengthen and condition the muscles that support your spine. Exercising these important muscles gives your support system a boost, allowing it to ward off many causes of pain. You can do these exercises at home, and they do not require special exercise equipment. Remember to check with your doctor before you start an exercise program.

More on Back Pain and Yoga

More on Back Pain and Stretching Exercises

Back Pain and Massage

Massage can help relieve both acute and more chronic back pain. Back pain from muscle strain may even be treated by massage therapy. Although massage is strongly associated with complimentary therapies, its now being accepted by healthcare providers as an effective method that can help fight back pain.

More about Back Pain and Massage

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight greatly contributes to symptoms that occur with many conditions of the spine. The spine is designed to bear your weight and distribute the load while you are resting or moving. When the spine carries excess weight, it has no choice but to take up the burden, later on, this can lead to structural damage. If you are overweight, you should seek your doctor's advice for a healthy weight loss.

Stop smoking

Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of back problems. Spine researchers theorized that smoking reduces oxygen levels in the spinal tissues, and this can hinder the recovery from back surgery or from other conditions that affect the spine.

Use of proper body mechanics

Postural stress is the most common cause of low back problems. Postural causes of low back pain include: prolonged sitting in a poor position, bending in bad working positions, as well as standing or lying for a long time in a poor position. Below are ways to avoid postural strain on your back.

Adopt a good sitting posture

People who often sit for prolonged periods are likely to adopt a poor posture. Keeping a slouched sitting posture long enough will cause over-stretching of ligaments. Once a poor sitting posture has become a habit, the joints and discs in your spine may suffer, causing movements and certain position to produce pain. To prevent those problems, you need to pay attention on your posture.

You can prevent back pain by adopting a good sitting posture and choosing a seat which has a good lower back support, arm rests and a swivel base. You can use a lumbar roll, a pillow that are designed to provide comfort and relief from low back pain. Place the pillow in the small of your back to maintain your spine's normal curve while sitting. Consider placing a pillow or rolled towel in the small of your back to maintain its normal curve. Keep your knees and hips at same level.

Regular breaks from prolonged sitting

Almost everyone will notice some stiffness or discomfort after an uninterrupted car ride or a long flight. If you already have back problems, traveling for long distances will likely cause you back aches. People whose jobs involves long hours of sitting are likely to experience same problems. To lower your risk for discomfort, you should interrupt sitting at regular intervals, before you notice the pain. Take a break from sitting by standing up and bending backwards 5 or 6 times and then walk for a few minutes. Interrupting sitting regularly will reduce the pressure in the discs and ease the stress on the surrounding tissues.

Correct lifting technique

When lifting, can avoid back pains an injuries by letting the bigger muscles, such as you legs and thighs, to do the work. Before you start to lift the object, you should stand close to it and have a firm footing Lifting should be done by straightening the legs, you must attempt to retain the hollow of your back throughout the lift. Refrain from using the back as a crane to lift heavy objects. Keep it straight and bend only at the knees. Once you're upright, shift your feet to turn and avoid twisting your lower back. If possible, find a find a lifting partner, if the object is too heavy.

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Back Pain Prevention

Many doctors can help you with your back pain. You may get advice from your primary doctor and also from specialists such as rehabilitation physicians and neurologists. Aside from drug treatment, they may recommend physical therapy or chiropractic sessions. While we can turn to the health care team for advice and treatment, we should should keep in mind that the we ourselves can significantly influence the success of back pain treatment.

More about Back Pain and Physical Therapy

Treatment and prevention of back pain are not limited to trips to doctors' offices physical therapy sessions. There are a number of simple yet effective ways that can help you in taking care of your back. You can prevent back pain by taking steps to improve your physical condition and using body mechanics. These solutions include exercise, stretching, yoga and other body methods such as Egoscue method of physical movement.

More on Back Pain and Egoscue Method

Back Pain and Regular Exercise

Sedentary lifestyle contributes to lower back pain. Many back problems are caused by weak and unused muscles. You need to keep your back in shape by doing regular exercises that can promote strength and endurance in your back and allow your muscles to work better. Choose exercises that won't cause strain on your back. You may benefit from low impact aerobic activities such as swimming and walking.

Abdominal and back muscle exercises are also recommended. These exercises strengthen and condition the muscles that support your spine. Exercising these important muscles gives your support system a boost, allowing it to ward off many causes of pain. You can do these exercises at home, and they do not require special exercise equipment. Remember to check with your doctor before you start an exercise program.

More on Back Pain and Yoga

More on Back Pain and Stretching Exercises

Back Pain and Massage

Massage can help relieve both acute and more chronic back pain. Back pain from muscle strain may even be treated by massage therapy. Although massage is strongly associated with complimentary therapies, its now being accepted by healthcare providers as an effective method that can help fight back pain.

More about Back Pain and Massage

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight greatly contributes to symptoms that occur with many conditions of the spine. The spine is designed to bear your weight and distribute the load while you are resting or moving. When the spine carries excess weight, it has no choice but to take up the burden, later on, this can lead to structural damage. If you are overweight, you should seek your doctor's advice for a healthy weight loss.

Stop smoking

Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of back problems. Spine researchers theorized that smoking reduces oxygen levels in the spinal tissues, and this can hinder the recovery from back surgery or from other conditions that affect the spine.

Use of proper body mechanics

Postural stress is the most common cause of low back problems. Postural causes of low back pain include: prolonged sitting in a poor position, bending in bad working positions, as well as standing or lying for a long time in a poor position. Below are ways to avoid postural strain on your back.

Adopt a good sitting posture

People who often sit for prolonged periods are likely to adopt a poor posture. Keeping a slouched sitting posture long enough will cause over-stretching of ligaments. Once a poor sitting posture has become a habit, the joints and discs in your spine may suffer, causing movements and certain position to produce pain. To prevent those problems, you need to pay attention on your posture.

You can prevent back pain by adopting a good sitting posture and choosing a seat which has a good lower back support, arm rests and a swivel base. You can use a lumbar roll, a pillow that are designed to provide comfort and relief from low back pain. Place the pillow in the small of your back to maintain your spine's normal curve while sitting. Consider placing a pillow or rolled towel in the small of your back to maintain its normal curve. Keep your knees and hips at same level.

Regular breaks from prolonged sitting

Almost everyone will notice some stiffness or discomfort after an uninterrupted car ride or a long flight. If you already have back problems, traveling for long distances will likely cause you back aches. People whose jobs involves long hours of sitting are likely to experience same problems. To lower your risk for discomfort, you should interrupt sitting at regular intervals, before you notice the pain. Take a break from sitting by standing up and bending backwards 5 or 6 times and then walk for a few minutes. Interrupting sitting regularly will reduce the pressure in the discs and ease the stress on the surrounding tissues.

Correct lifting technique

When lifting, can avoid back pains an injuries by letting the bigger muscles, such as you legs and thighs, to do the work. Before you start to lift the object, you should stand close to it and have a firm footing Lifting should be done by straightening the legs, you must attempt to retain the hollow of your back throughout the lift. Refrain from using the back as a crane to lift heavy objects. Keep it straight and bend only at the knees. Once you're upright, shift your feet to turn and avoid twisting your lower back. If possible, find a find a lifting partner, if the object is too heavy.

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Back Pain Prevention

Many doctors can help you with your back pain. You may get advice from your primary doctor and also from specialists such as rehabilitation physicians and neurologists. Aside from drug treatment, they may recommend physical therapy or chiropractic sessions. While we can turn to the health care team for advice and treatment, we should should keep in mind that the we ourselves can significantly influence the success of back pain treatment.

More about Back Pain and Physical Therapy

Treatment and prevention of back pain are not limited to trips to doctors' offices physical therapy sessions. There are a number of simple yet effective ways that can help you in taking care of your back. You can prevent back pain by taking steps to improve your physical condition and using body mechanics. These solutions include exercise, stretching, yoga and other body methods such as Egoscue method of physical movement.

More on Back Pain and Egoscue Method

Back Pain and Regular Exercise

Sedentary lifestyle contributes to lower back pain. Many back problems are caused by weak and unused muscles. You need to keep your back in shape by doing regular exercises that can promote strength and endurance in your back and allow your muscles to work better. Choose exercises that won't cause strain on your back. You may benefit from low impact aerobic activities such as swimming and walking.

Abdominal and back muscle exercises are also recommended. These exercises strengthen and condition the muscles that support your spine. Exercising these important muscles gives your support system a boost, allowing it to ward off many causes of pain. You can do these exercises at home, and they do not require special exercise equipment. Remember to check with your doctor before you start an exercise program.

More on Back Pain and Yoga

More on Back Pain and Stretching Exercises More on

[Back Pain and Egoscue Method ][8] Back Pain and Massage

Massage can help relieve both acute and more chronic back pain. Back pain from muscle strain may even be treated by massage therapy. Although massage is strongly associated with complimentary therapies, its now being accepted by healthcare providers as an effective method that can help fight back pain.

More about Back Pain and Massage

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight greatly contributes to symptoms that occur with many conditions of the spine. The spine is designed to bear your weight and distribute the load while you are resting or moving. When the spine carries excess weight, it has no choice but to take up the burden, later on, this can lead to structural damage. If you are overweight, you should seek your doctor's advice for a healthy weight loss.

Stop smoking

Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of back problems. Spine researchers theorized that smoking reduces oxygen levels in the spinal tissues, and this can hinder the recovery from back surgery or from other conditions that affect the spine.

Use of proper body mechanics

Postural stress is the most common cause of low back problems. Postural causes of low back pain include: prolonged sitting in a poor position, bending in bad working positions, as well as standing or lying for a long time in a poor position. Below are ways to avoid postural strain on your back.

Adopt a good sitting posture

People who often sit for prolonged periods are likely to adopt a poor posture. Keeping a slouched sitting posture long enough will cause over-stretching of ligaments. Once a poor sitting posture has become a habit, the joints and discs in your spine may suffer, causing movements and certain position to produce pain. To prevent those problems, you need to pay attention on your posture.

You can prevent back pain by adopting a good sitting posture and choosing a seat which has a good lower back support, arm rests and a swivel base. You can use a lumbar roll, a pillow that are designed to provide comfort and relief from low back pain. Place the pillow in the small of your back to maintain your spine's normal curve while sitting. Consider placing a pillow or rolled towel in the small of your back to maintain its normal curve. Keep your knees and hips at same level.

Regular breaks from prolonged sitting

Almost everyone will notice some stiffness or discomfort after an uninterrupted car ride or a long flight. If you already have back problems, traveling for long distances will likely cause you back aches. People whose jobs involves long hours of sitting are likely to experience same problems. To lower your risk for discomfort, you should interrupt sitting at regular intervals, before you notice the pain. Take a break from sitting by standing up and bending backwards 5 or 6 times and then walk for a few minutes. Interrupting sitting regularly will reduce the pressure in the discs and ease the stress on the surrounding tissues.

Correct lifting technique

When lifting, can avoid back pains an injuries by letting the bigger muscles, such as you legs and thighs, to do the work. Before you start to lift the object, you should stand close to it and have a firm footing Lifting should be done by straightening the legs, you must attempt to retain the hollow of your back throughout the lift. Refrain from using the back as a crane to lift heavy objects. Keep it straight and bend only at the knees. Once you're upright, shift your feet to turn and avoid twisting your lower back. If possible, find a find a lifting partner, if the object is too heavy.

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Back Pain Prevention

Many doctors can help you with your back pain. You may get advice from your primary doctor and also from specialists such as rehabilitation physicians and neurologists. Aside from drug treatment, they may recommend physical therapy or chiropractic sessions. While we can turn to the health care team for advice and treatment, we should should keep in mind that the we ourselves can significantly influence the success of back pain treatment.

More about Back Pain and Physical Therapy

Treatment and prevention of back pain are not limited to trips to doctors' offices physical therapy sessions. There are a number of simple yet effective ways that can help you in taking care of your back. You can prevent back pain by taking steps to improve your physical condition and using body mechanics. These solutions include exercise, stretching, yoga and other body methods such as Egoscue method of physical movement.

More on Back Pain and Egoscue Method

Back Pain and Regular Exercise

Sedentary lifestyle contributes to lower back pain. Many back problems are caused by weak and unused muscles. You need to keep your back in shape by doing regular exercises that can promote strength and endurance in your back and allow your muscles to work better. Choose exercises that won't cause strain on your back. You may benefit from low impact aerobic activities such as swimming and walking.

Abdominal and back muscle exercises are also recommended. These exercises strengthen and condition the muscles that support your spine. Exercising these important muscles gives your support system a boost, allowing it to ward off many causes of pain. You can do these exercises at home, and they do not require special exercise equipment. Remember to check with your doctor before you start an exercise program.

More on Back Pain and Yoga

More on Back Pain and Stretching Exercises

Back Pain and Massage

Massage can help relieve both acute and more chronic back pain. Back pain from muscle strain may even be treated by massage therapy. Although massage is strongly associated with complimentary therapies, its now being accepted by healthcare providers as an effective method that can help fight back pain.

More about Back Pain and Massage

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight greatly contributes to symptoms that occur with many conditions of the spine. The spine is designed to bear your weight and distribute the load while you are resting or moving. When the spine carries excess weight, it has no choice but to take up the burden, later on, this can lead to structural damage. If you are overweight, you should seek your doctor's advice for a healthy weight loss.

Stop smoking

Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of back problems. Spine researchers theorized that smoking reduces oxygen levels in the spinal tissues, and this can hinder the recovery from back surgery or from other conditions that affect the spine.

Use of proper body mechanics

Postural stress is the most common cause of low back problems. Postural causes of low back pain include: prolonged sitting in a poor position, bending in bad working positions, as well as standing or lying for a long time in a poor position. Below are ways to avoid postural strain on your back.

Adopt a good sitting posture


People who often sit for prolonged periods are likely to adopt a poor posture. Keeping a slouched sitting posture long enough will cause over-stretching of ligaments. Once a poor sitting posture has become a habit, the joints and discs in your spine may suffer, causing movements and certain position to produce pain. To prevent those problems, you need to pay attention on your posture.

You can prevent back pain by adopting a good sitting posture and choosing a seat which has a good lower back support, arm rests and a swivel base. You can use a lumbar roll, a pillow that are designed to provide comfort and relief from low back pain. Place the pillow in the small of your back to maintain your spine's normal curve while sitting. Consider placing a pillow or rolled towel in the small of your back to maintain its normal curve. Keep your knees and hips at same level.

Regular breaks from prolonged sitting


Almost everyone will notice some stiffness or discomfort after an uninterrupted car ride or a long flight. If you already have back problems, traveling for long distances will likely cause you back aches. People whose jobs involves long hours of sitting are likely to experience same problems. To lower your risk for discomfort, you should interrupt sitting at regular intervals, before you notice the pain. Take a break from sitting by standing up and bending backwards 5 or 6 times and then walk for a few minutes. Interrupting sitting regularly will reduce the pressure in the discs and ease the stress on the surrounding tissues.

Correct lifting technique

. When lifting, can avoid back pains an injuries by letting the bigger muscles, such as you legs and thighs, to do the work. Before you start to lift the object, you should stand close to it and have a firm footing Lifting should be done by straightening the legs, you must attempt to retain the hollow of your back throughout the lift. Refrain from using the back as a crane to lift heavy objects. Keep it straight and bend only at the knees. Once you're upright, shift your feet to turn and avoid twisting your lower back. If possible, find a find a lifting partner, if the object is too heavy.

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Back Pain Prevention

Many doctors can help you with your back pain. You may get advice from your primary doctor and also from specialists such as rehabilitation physicians and neurologists. Aside from drug treatment, they may recommend physical therapy or chiropractic sessions. While we can turn to the health care team for advice and treatment, we should should keep in mind that the we ourselves can significantly influence the success of back pain treatment.

More about Back Pain and Physical Therapy

Treatment and prevention of back pain are not limited to trips to doctors' offices physical therapy sessions. There are a number of simple yet effective ways that can help you in taking care of your back. You can prevent back pain by taking steps to improve your physical condition and using body mechanics. These solutions include exercise, stretching, yoga and other body methods such as Egoscue method of physical movement.

More on Back Pain and Egoscue Method More about

Back Pain and Physical TherapyBack Pain and Regular Exercise

Sedentary lifestyle contributes to lower back pain. Many back problems are caused by weak and unused muscles. You need to keep your back in shape by doing regular exercises that can promote strength and endurance in your back and allow your muscles to work better. Choose exercises that won't cause strain on your back. You may benefit from low impact aerobic activities such as swimming and walking.

Abdominal and back muscle exercises are also recommended. These exercises strengthen and condition the muscles that support your spine. Exercising these important muscles gives your support system a boost, allowing it to ward off many causes of pain. You can do these exercises at home, and they do not require special exercise equipment. Remember to check with your doctor before you start an exercise program.

More on Back Pain and Yoga

More on Back Pain and Stretching Exercises

Back Pain and Massage

Massage can help relieve both acute and more chronic back pain. Back pain from muscle strain may even be treated by massage therapy. Although massage is strongly associated with complimentary therapies, its now being accepted by healthcare providers as an effective method that can help fight back pain.

More about Back Pain and Massage

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight greatly contributes to symptoms that occur with many conditions of the spine. The spine is designed to bear your weight and distribute the load while you are resting or moving. When the spine carries excess weight, it has no choice but to take up the burden, later on, this can lead to structural damage. If you are overweight, you should seek your doctor's advice for a healthy weight loss.

Stop smoking

Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of back problems. Spine researchers theorized that smoking reduces oxygen levels in the spinal tissues, and this can hinder the recovery from back surgery or from other conditions that affect the spine.

Use of proper body mechanics

Postural stress is the most common cause of low back problems. Postural causes of low back pain include: prolonged sitting in a poor position, bending in bad working positions, as well as standing or lying for a long time in a poor position. Below are ways to avoid postural strain on your back.

Adopt a good sitting posture

People who often sit for prolonged periods are likely to adopt a poor posture. Keeping a slouched sitting posture long enough will cause over-stretching of ligaments. Once a poor sitting posture has become a habit, the joints and discs in your spine may suffer, causing movements and certain position to produce pain. To prevent those problems, you need to pay attention on your posture.

You can prevent back pain by adopting a good sitting posture and choosing a seat which has a good lower back support, arm rests and a swivel base. You can use a lumbar roll, a pillow that are designed to provide comfort and relief from low back pain. Place the pillow in the small of your back to maintain your spine's normal curve while sitting. Consider placing a pillow or rolled towel in the small of your back to maintain its normal curve. Keep your knees and hips at same level.

Regular breaks from prolonged sitting

Almost everyone will notice some stiffness or discomfort after an uninterrupted car ride or a long flight. If you already have back problems, traveling for long distances will likely cause you back aches. People whose jobs involves long hours of sitting are likely to experience same problems. To lower your risk for discomfort, you should interrupt sitting at regular intervals, before you notice the pain. Take a break from sitting by standing up and bending backwards 5 or 6 times and then walk for a few minutes. Interrupting sitting regularly will reduce the pressure in the discs and ease the stress on the surrounding tissues.

Correct lifting technique

When lifting, can avoid back pains an injuries by letting the bigger muscles, such as you legs and thighs, to do the work. Before you start to lift the object, you should stand close to it and have a firm footing Lifting should be done by straightening the legs, you must attempt to retain the hollow of your back throughout the lift. Refrain from using the back as a crane to lift heavy objects. Keep it straight and bend only at the knees. Once you're upright, shift your feet to turn and avoid twisting your lower back. If possible, find a find a lifting partner, if the object is too heavy.

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Back Pain Prevention

Many doctors can help you with your back pain. You may get advice from your primary doctor and also from specialists such as rehabilitation physicians and neurologists. Aside from drug treatment, they may recommend physical therapy or chiropractic sessions. While we can turn to the health care team for advice and treatment, we should should keep in mind that the we ourselves can significantly influence the success of back pain treatment.

More about Back Pain and Physical Therapy

Treatment and prevention of back pain are not limited to trips to doctors' offices physical therapy sessions. There are a number of simple yet effective ways that can help you in taking care of your back. You can prevent back pain by taking steps to improve your physical condition and using body mechanics. These solutions include exercise, stretching, yoga and other body methods such as Egoscue method of physical movement.

More on Back Pain and Egoscue Method

Back Pain and Regular Exercise

Sedentary lifestyle contributes to lower back pain. Many back problems are caused by weak and unused muscles. You need to keep your back in shape by doing regular exercises that can promote strength and endurance in your back and allow your muscles to work better. Choose exercises that won't cause strain on your back. You may benefit from low impact aerobic activities such as swimming and walking.

Abdominal and back muscle exercises are also recommended. These exercises strengthen and condition the muscles that support your spine. Exercising these important muscles gives your support system a boost, allowing it to ward off many causes of pain. You can do these exercises at home, and they do not require special exercise equipment. Remember to check with your doctor before you start an exercise program.

More on Back Pain and Yoga

More on Back Pain and Stretching Exercises

Back Pain and Massage

Massage can help relieve both acute and more chronic back pain. Back pain from muscle strain may even be treated by massage therapy. Although massage is strongly associated with complimentary therapies, its now being accepted by healthcare providers as an effective method that can help fight back pain.

More about Back Pain and Massage

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight greatly contributes to symptoms that occur with many conditions of the spine. The spine is designed to bear your weight and distribute the load while you are resting or moving. When the spine carries excess weight, it has no choice but to take up the burden, later on, this can lead to structural damage. If you are overweight, you should seek your doctor's advice for a healthy weight loss.

Stop smoking

Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of back problems. Spine researchers theorized that smoking reduces oxygen levels in the spinal tissues, and this can hinder the recovery from back surgery or from other conditions that affect the spine.

Use of proper body mechanics

Postural stress is the most common cause of low back problems. Postural causes of low back pain include: prolonged sitting in a poor position, bending in bad working positions, as well as standing or lying for a long time in a poor position. Below are ways to avoid postural strain on your back.

Adopt a good sitting posture

People who often sit for prolonged periods are likely to adopt a poor posture. Keeping a slouched sitting posture long enough will cause over-stretching of ligaments. Once a poor sitting posture has become a habit, the joints and discs in your spine may suffer, causing movements and certain position to produce pain. To prevent those problems, you need to pay attention on your posture.

You can prevent back pain by adopting a good sitting posture and choosing a seat which has a good lower back support, arm rests and a swivel base. You can use a lumbar roll, a pillow that are designed to provide comfort and relief from low back pain. Place the pillow in the small of your back to maintain your spine's normal curve while sitting. Consider placing a pillow or rolled towel in the small of your back to maintain its normal curve. Keep your knees and hips at same level.

Regular breaks from prolonged sitting

Almost everyone will notice some stiffness or discomfort after an uninterrupted car ride or a long flight. If you already have back problems, traveling for long distances will likely cause you back aches. People whose jobs involves long hours of sitting are likely to experience same problems. To lower your risk for discomfort, you should interrupt sitting at regular intervals, before you notice the pain. Take a break from sitting by standing up and bending backwards 5 or 6 times and then walk for a few minutes. Interrupting sitting regularly will reduce the pressure in the discs and ease the stress on the surrounding tissues.

Correct lifting technique

When lifting, can avoid back pains an injuries by letting the bigger muscles, such as you legs and thighs, to do the work. Before you start to lift the object, you should stand close to it and have a firm footing Lifting should be done by straightening the legs, you must attempt to retain the hollow of your back throughout the lift. Refrain from using the back as a crane to lift heavy objects. Keep it straight and bend only at the knees. Once you're upright, shift your feet to turn and avoid twisting your lower back. If possible, find a find a lifting partner, if the object is too heavy.

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Back Pain Prevention

Many doctors can help you with your back pain. You may get advice from your primary doctor and also from specialists such as rehabilitation physicians and neurologists. Aside from drug treatment, they may recommend physical therapy or chiropractic sessions. While we can turn to the health care team for advice and treatment, we should should keep in mind that the person who we ourselves can significantly influence the success of back pain treatment is ourselves.

More about Back Pain and physical therapyPhysical Therapy

Treatment and prevention of back pain are not limited to trips to doctors' offices physical therapy sessions. There are a number of simple yet effective ways that can help you in taking care of your back. You can prevent back pain by taking steps to improve your physical condition and using body mechanics. These solutions include exercise, stretching, yoga and other body methods such as Egoscue method of physical movement.

More on back pain Back Pain and Egoscue Method

Back Pain and Regular Exercise

Sedentary lifestyle contributes to lower back pain. Many back problems are caused by weak and unused muscles. You need to keep your back in shape by doing regular exercises that can promote strength and endurance in your back and allow your muscles to work better. Choose exercises that won't cause strain on your back. You may benefit from low impact aerobic activities such as swimming and walking.

Abdominal and back muscle exercises are also recommended. These exercises strengthen and condition the muscles that support your spine. Exercising these important muscles gives your support system a boost, allowing it to ward off many causes of pain. You can do these exercises at home, and they do not require special exercise equipment. Remember to check with your doctor before you start an exercise program.

More about back pain and yoga

Morabout b[back pain and stretching exercises

about [bpack on Back Pain and Yoga

More on Back Pain and Stretching Exercises

Back Pain and Massage

Massage can help relieve both acute and more chronic back pain. Back pain from muscle strain may even be treated by massage therapy. Although massage is strongly associated with complimentary therapies, its now being accepted by healthcare providers as an effective method that can help fight back pain.

More about [Massage and Back Pain ][9] and Massage

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight greatly contributes to symptoms that occur with many conditions of the spine. The spine is designed to bear your weight and distribute the load while you are resting or moving. When the spine carries excess weight, it has no choice but to take up the burden, later on, this can lead to structural damage. If you are overweight, you should seek your doctor's advice for a healthy weight loss.

Stop smoking

Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of back problems. Spine researchers theorized that smoking reduces oxygen levels in the spinal tissues, and this can hinder the recovery from back surgery or from other conditions that affect the spine.

Use of proper body mechanics

Postural stress is the most common cause of low back problems. Postural causes of low back pain include: prolonged sitting in a poor position, bending in bad working positions, as well as standing or lying for a long time in a poor position. Below are ways to avoid postural strain on your back.

Adopt a good sitting posture

People who often sit for prolonged periods are likely to adopt a poor posture. Keeping a slouched sitting posture long enough will cause over-stretching of ligaments. Once a poor sitting posture has become a habit, the joints and discs in your spine may suffer, causing movements and certain position to produce pain. To prevent those problems, you need to pay attention on your posture.

You can prevent back pain by adopting a good sitting posture and choosing a seat which has a good lower back support, arm rests and a swivel base. You can use a lumbar roll, a pillow that are designed to provide comfort and relief from low back pain. Place the pillow in the small of your back to maintain your spine's normal curve while sitting. Consider placing a pillow or rolled towel in the small of your back to maintain its normal curve. Keep your knees and hips at same level.

Regular breaks from prolonged sitting

Almost everyone will notice some stiffness or discomfort after an uninterrupted car ride or a long flight. If you already have back problems, traveling for long distances will likely cause you back aches. People whose jobs involves long hours of sitting are likely to experience same problems. To lower your risk for discomfort, you should interrupt sitting at regular intervals, before you notice the pain. Take a break from sitting by standing up and bending backwards 5 or 6 times and then walk for a few minutes. Interrupting sitting regularly will reduce the pressure in the discs and ease the stress on the surrounding tissues.

Correct lifting technique

When lifting, can avoid back pains an injuries by letting the bigger muscles, such as you legs and thighs, to do the work. Before you start to lift the object, you should stand close to it and have a firm footing Lifting should be done by straightening the legs, you must attempt to retain the hollow of your back throughout the lift. Refrain from using the back as a crane to lift heavy objects. Keep it straight and bend only at the knees. Once you're upright, shift your feet to turn and avoid twisting your lower back. If possible, find a find a lifting partner, if the object is too heavy.


Nutrition Almanac. John D. Kirschmann, Nutrition Search, Inc

Treat Your Back Without Surgery: The Best Nonsurgical Alternatives for Eliminating Back and Neck Pain. Stephen Hochschuler, Bob ReznikBack Pain. Mayo Clinic. 2008

Treat your lower back. Third Edition. 1985. Mc Kenzie. R. Spinal Publications_

... (more)


Shared experience with Back Pain and Acupuncture 13 years ago

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I started doing acupuncture to help treat some acute back pain I was experiencing. It worked tremendously well to say that least. I later realize that my back spasms were more than a physiological muscle problem - they were also connected to intense emotional circumstances present in my life at that time. I continued to see my acupuncturist to help treat the other, more subtle, underlying problems that were contributing to my symptoms of anxiety, depression and lethargy... I'm so thrilled I found acupuncture; not only did it help my conditions, but Traditional Chinese Medicine (of which acupuncture is one part) helped me learn to look at illness(es) completely differently than I had before.

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I started doing acupuncture to help treat some acute back pain I was experiencing. It worked tremendously well to say that least. I later realize that my back spasms were more than...

Shared experience with Back Pain and Yoga 14 years ago

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Yoga on Beach

I started a personal 20-minute at-home yoga practice nearly a year ago, after a bout of depression was causing me acute back pain/spasms specifically. Stretching my back daily and learning to follow my breath helped a lot more than my back pain - it helped my depression as well.

I would definitely recommend working one-on-one with a yoga practitioner, so you can be sure to be doing specific poses that are helping (and not over-using) your back muscles. Group classes can be great as well, just make sure you aren't pushing too hard!

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Yoga on Beach

I started a personal 20-minute at-home yoga practice nearly a year ago, after a bout of depression was causing me acute back pain/spasms specifically. Stretching my back daily and...
