ADHD can manifest itself in very different ways. Everyone, adults and children alike, occasionally forget things, go through periods where they find it difficult to concentrate, and can even become hyperactive after having to sit too long in class or the office! Usually, ADHD is diagnosed when inactivity, hyperactivity and impulsivity happen in all of the person's life situations (like school, home, work, pleasure activities, play etc.)
However, I would guess that some of the obscure symptoms of ADHD are a result of these inattention or inability-to-focus symptoms that accompany those with ADHD. For example, a child who is unable to focus in class might have a hard time learning to read/do arithmetic/any other discipline; this inability to learn or remember might then be considered "symptoms" of the child's ADHD.
Remember that the symptoms of ADHD can be attributed to any number of things. Even before a formal diagnosis, which may not even be necessary, you can address each of the symptoms from which you/your child are suffering. For example, if one of the main problems is fidgeting, perhaps it you aren't moving enough in your daily routine. Do you exercise at least 5 times a week? Do you sit at a desk most of the day and never walk around? Or maybe an over-consumption of caffeine or sugar keeps you jittery. You might want to choose a less inflammatory diet and switch to some decaffeinated beverages. You might find that changing or tweaking some basic things in your life can help treat the symptoms from which you suffer. (This is not to say, of course, that all cases of ADHD can be cured through diet and exercsise, but in my personal opinion, MANY of them actually could be...)
Of course, obscure symptoms would not be used in a formal diagnosis of ADHD, nor should the presence of them necessarily be attributed to ADHD. After all, there are many other things that could cause a child to fall behind in school (if we're sticking with that same example). But obscure symptoms might well point to underlying causes that can then be treated.
ADHD can manifest itself in very different ways. Everyone, adults and children alike, occasionally forget things, go through periods where they find it difficult to concentrate, and can even become...
... (more)Homeopathy is among the most promising therapies in this category. A number of studies suggest that homeopathic remedies are an effective treatment for reducing the symptoms of ADHD. Additional therapies include:
Homeopathy is among the most promising therapies in this category. A number of studies suggest that homeopathic remedies are an effective treatment for reducing the symptoms of ADHD. Additional therapies include:
The “Spirit” section on foundhealth comprises treatments that have to do with intention, energy healing, prayer, and in some cases god. These terms may be volatile for some, and for others they resonate. Some of these treatments have proven to be profoundly healing for certain individuals. Though some people are skeptical, prior notions of these words should be set aside when reading about these healing treatments, as many of the are truly incredible!
Many of the treatments that live in other sections on FoundHealth could easily live in this “Spirit” section as well. For example, Yoga, though a treatment that mostly involves the body, certainly has spiritual undertones and components to its practice. Meditation lives under the Mind category, but really is a blend of body, mind and a spiritual/energetic component as well. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda are examples of healing systems that have branches that span all six of FoundHealth’s treatment categories, including spiritual components.
Movement has been shown to promote calmness and attentiveness in those seeking ADHD treatment. Mind-body therapies, like yoga, especially seem to be helpful for treating Attention Deficit Disorder. On a purely physical level, the stretching and aerobic aspects of yoga can work and ultimately calm the muscles, while the meditative component can help to quite the mind.
According to acupuncture, life force circulates in the body along 12 major energy pathways called meridians. There are over 1000 acupoints acupuncture points within the meridian system that can be stimulated to optimize the flow of the life force or qi.
An trained practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) or acupuncturist will typically diagnose the patient by studying a patient's pulse and using other diagnostic tools. Using the meridian system, acupuncture uses special needles placed into acupoints to rebalance the energy on specific meridian pathways. The intended effect is to correct the flow of energy, and restore health and function. Some practitioners use acupuncture for ADHD treatment.
According to acupuncture, life force circulates in the body along 12 major energy pathways called meridians. There are over 1000 acupuncture points within the meridian system that can be stimulated to optimize the flow of the life force or qi.
An trained practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) or acupuncturist will typically diagnose the patient by studying a patient's pulse and using other diagnostic tools. Using the meridian system, acupuncture uses special needles placed into acupoints to rebalance the energy on specific meridian pathways. The intended effect is to correct the flow of energy, and restore health and function. Some practitioners use acupuncture for ADHD treatment.
In the Feingold Diet, the following substances are eliminated completely from a childthe person's diet.
The Feingold Diet, created in the 1960s, came about after a pediatrician, Dr. Benjamin Feingold, discovered that many of his patients with ADHD exhibited more symptoms after ingesting foods containing high concentrations of [salicylates salicylates (a food preservative used in toothpaste, among other things).
Twenty-five years ago the National Institute of Mental Health convened a consensus panel which concluded that 8 to 10 percent of children with ADHD are sensitive to salicylates and benefit from the Feingold diet.
In the Feingold Diet, the following substances are eliminated completely the person's diet.
The Hospital for Sick Children in London conducted a study and it was published in Lancet, a leading British journal. The study demonstrated that most children with severe ADHD were salicylate sensitive, but that 90 percent of these children have additional food intolerances. So while many may benefit from the Feingold diet, the majority of children with ADHD they have more than this one food sensitivity and may need to eliminate other food substances as well. The British researchers performed exhaustive dietary trials, closely supervised by hospital dietitians. After determining that 80 percent of the children had apparent food sensitivities that were causing their hyperactivity, they then performed double blind, placebo controlled challenges with the offending foods. Using this most rigorous clinical research method, the investigators confirmed the presence of food intolerance in the majority of children with ADHD.
The foods to which children with ADHD most commonly had allergic reactions were cow's milk (which included milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream), corn (an additive in many prepared foods), wheat, soy and eggs. Altogether, 48 different foods were incriminated as triggers for hyperactivity.
The Feingold Diet, created in the 1960s, came about after a pediatrician, Dr. Benjamin Feingold, discovered that many of his patients with ADHD exhibited more symptoms after ingesting foods containing high concentrations of salicylates (a food preservative used in toothpaste, among other things).
Twenty-five years ago the National Institute of Mental Health convened a consensus panel which concluded that 8 to 10 percent of children with ADHD are sensitive to salicylates and benefit from the Feingold diet.
Mercury exposure is among the most commonly cited environmental factors that can contribute to ADD and ADHD, and can also contribute to autism. Mercury is a biproduct of many industrial and waste plants and is can cause individuals problems in functioning including attention deficit disorders.
Often cited in fish, foods with high mercury levels should be avoided so as not to consume too much mercury. Ironically, low levels of omega 3 fatty acids can also contribute to ADD/ADHD, and some of the foods with high omega 3 amounts include fish. Therefore, it is important to know about the fish you consume:
How high are the levels of mercury in the particular kind of fish you are eating? - Some fish have higher levels of mercury, on average, than others. The American Heart Association states that Salmon, Sardines Clams, Crab, Scallops, and Sole have among the lowest levels of mercury, while swordfish, shark, golden bass/snapper and mackerel have some of the highest.25 In general, fish that are predators who live longer have more of a chance of building up mercury levels in their tissues (hence the reason shark and swordfish are among those with the highest levels of mercury)
In what kind of environment did the fish live? - If fishing or farming of fish occurs near industrialized plants, the water may be contaminated with high levels of mercury that are released into the air and can then accumulate in streams and ponds near the plants. The Environmental Protection Agency recommends reading their Fish Advisory Website26 or checking with your state or local health department for information about fish caught near your home.
How was it caught? - Perhaps less applicable to the mercury discussion, it is good to remember how a fish is caught when deciding whether or not to consume it. The repercussions of catching or farming fish in an unhealthy manner include personal or group sickness to the fish or humans, and damage to the natural environment. The Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch program offers great information on how to shop for sustainably caught or farmed seafood. They have also partnered with Whole Foods to provide a sustainably caught seafood purchasing experience in their stores. Ask your fish purveyors if they carry sustainably caught/farmed products, and purchase these fish!
What kind of packaging did it come in? - The packaging of fish or any food, like plastic, tin, aluminum etc. is important to note as these can affect the food itself, the person consuming it, and the health of the environment.
Read more about mercury exposure and autism.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with the neurological function of the brain. Strongly linked to genetic and environmental influences, researchers have yet to identify an exact cause. That said, researchers have found links between these potential cause and risk factor to attention deficit disorder: