I am a student at UC Berkeley studying Sustainable Food Consumption and Community Health. I love learning about health and the many different ways to treat health challenges. I have always had a passion for food, and I love sharing my knowledge and health tips with others (They are mostly diet, and herb related).... (more)
Eating lots of fruits and vegetables, and staying away from processed foods! I also try to exercise daily, even if it's just a brisk walk.
I have had some stomach challenges, and have used integrated health methods to solve my problems. Not only did I try out traditional medicine, but I also used herbs, changed my exercise routine and most importantly, my diet.... (more)
How much do you take before each meal to see the best effect?
Vitamin D has been very helpful for my mood and seasonal depression, especially when it's winter time, and sun exposure is limited. Make sure to take high-potency capsules for the best results! I usually take about 2,000 mg a day of Vitamin D.
Vitamin D has been very helpful for my mood and seasonal depression, especially when it's winter time, and sun exposure is limited. Make sure to take high-potency capsules for the best results! I...
... (more)I was on the GAPS diet to help clear out my gut. I have had many stomach issues since I can remember and nothing seemed to help my problems. I was recommended the GAPS diet, and followed it for about 6 months. After being on the diet and taking the biocut, my stomach has been much healthier and stronger. I no longer follow the GAPS diet, but the cleanse from it has helped my stomach to tolerate foods I used to not be able to handle. I think that it would be beneficial to my body to go on the GAPS diet periodically to keep my gut clean and clear of all the unhealthy, bad bacteria that I once had.
I was on the GAPS diet to help clear out my gut. I have had many stomach issues since I can remember and nothing seemed to help my problems. I was recommended the GAPS diet, and followed it for about...
... (more)The GAPS diet is typically prescribed to children and adults suffering from:
Although the name of the diet lends itself to treating psychological problems, the GAPS diet can be followed by anyone looking to cleanse their gut of harmful bacteria, and anyone looking to enhance their overall well-being.
The GAPS diet is typically prescribed to children and adults suffering from:
Although the name of the diet lends itself to treating psychological problems, the GAPS diet can be followed by anyone looking to cleanse their gut of harmful bacteria, and anyone looking to enhance their overall well-being.
The GAPS Diet, short for The Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet, is a diet discovered and developed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. She found a significant connection between brain function and the gut. Through the GAPS diet, patients follow a strict diet, avoiding foods that feed on bad bacteria, and add ample amounts of probiotics to heal their gut and surpress symptoms of neurological and psychiatric conditions such as ADHD, bipolar, autism, schizophrenia, and Depression. Although the GAPS diet focuses on brain function, following this diet can also benefit anyone suffering from poor stomach function.
The GAPS diet has 3 main principles:
1. Healing the Gut: This is the main concept of the GAPS diet. Through the strict diet, and avoidance of foods that feed on bad bacteria, the gut has time to heal and rid itself of harmful bacteria that is flourishing in the gut. It’s important to consume foods that nourish the gut and contribute to the creation of healthy flora.
2. Beneficial Bacteria: Part of the healing process is adding essential probiotics back into the gut to prevent future health conditions and allow the gut to become stronger. While starving the gut of bad bacteria, it’s important to stay away from foods that encourage the growth of bad bacteria, and support the growth of new, good bacteria. This step is about repopulating the gut with essential bacteria.
3. Eliminating Toxins: Toxins in the body can alter the brain function, only contributing to mental challenges. Elimination of toxins is also achieved through the strict diet. Consuming foods that are easy to digest, and drinking fresh juice helps eliminate toxins from the body. Strengthening the gut is an essential part of the healing process.
I used EFT for my anxiety and it was very helpful. What is nice about it is once you learn the technique, you can utilize it whenever needed. I found that it was on necessary to see the therapist a few times before I became comfortable with using EFT on my own. Its a great, simple tool that relaxes the body and distracts the mind.
I used EFT for my anxiety and it was very helpful. What is nice about it is once you learn the technique, you can utilize it whenever needed. I found that it was on necessary to see the therapist a...
... (more)If you love drinking tea, try rooibos as another option!
Thanks for sharing your experience! How long have you been off the wheat and sugar to notice a difference in your inflammation?
I tried a raw food diet to cleanse my body, and found it very helpful and successful. I did become a little light headed on the third day but after that my body got used to the diet. I would recommend this diet to anyone looking to cleanse their body. It may not be the best diet to on on longterm.
I tried a raw food diet to cleanse my body, and found it very helpful and successful. I did become a little light headed on the third day but after that my body got used to the diet. I would recommend...
... (more)How long were you on the Acutane for? Glad to hear it was helpful for your skin, and overall well-being! Thanks for sharing with us!
Accupuncture was very helpful in treating my stomach problems. I saw an accupunturist every month for a year. After my treatment, I noticed a big improvement in my stomach. Don't be afraid of the needles. They are very very thin, and do not hurt at all. I have a low tolerance for pain, and was fine. It's also a very relaxing process.
Accupuncture was very helpful in treating my stomach problems. I saw an accupunturist every month for a year. After my treatment, I noticed a big improvement in my stomach. Don't be afraid of the...
... (more)