I tried two brands and both made me edgy, scatterbrained with overstimuation and tightening in chest and awoke with a nausea and tightening in chest. They were very noticable symptoms with the morning nausea being especially unnerving. I am 60 years old , and have had high cholesterol for a long time so I may just be close to a heart event. However, I "do not" think these symptoms are due to the caffiene content since I have been a 2-3 cup a day coffe drinker for years and never had any problems. I cut my coffee consumption down to a cup or less a day while on the green coffee. This leads me to believe that the symptoms must be due to the CGA. What research is available on CGA in humans other than green coffee? What kind of chemical reactions could be caused by CGA to cause these symptoms. Anyway, I would be cautious if you are older or if you have any kind of heart disease.
I tried two brands and both made me edgy, scatterbrained with overstimuation and tightening in chest and awoke with a nausea and tightening in chest. They were very noticable symptoms with the morning...
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