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Pillar Palatal Implants Contributions by patxwa


Shared experience with Sleep Apnea and Pillar Palatal Implants 13 years ago

Prior to the procedure, I had two sleep studies, documenting 19 episodes of apnea per hour. A diagnosis of moderate, bordering on severe sleep apnea. One year after the procedure, and another sleep study, I am down to 15 episodes per hour. This is considered mild apnea. I am not obese, quite the contrary, only 185 pds and over 6 ft tall male. No weight loss came into consideration. It worked in my case. Not a complete fix, obviously, but a step in the right direction.

Prior to the procedure, I had two sleep studies, documenting 19 episodes of apnea per hour. A diagnosis of moderate, bordering on severe sleep apnea. One year after the procedure, and another sleep...
