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Menopause Contributions by ninapricelac


Answered How long does Menopause last? 12 years ago

Each woman's experience of menopause is different. When it starts, how long it lasts and what symptoms she experiences, are different for each woman.


Shared experience with Menopause and Acupuncture 12 years ago

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are excellent for all women's issues especially those related to menopause. At this age keeping your body in balance is crucial as are plenty of exercise, good diet, good sleep, good mood and satisfying life choices.

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are excellent for all women's issues especially those related to menopause. At this age keeping your body in balance is crucial as are plenty of exercise,...

Shared experience with Menopause and Essential Fatty Acids 12 years ago

Most people can benefit from daily Omega 3 at any age. The caveats mentioned here are worth noting. Vegetarians and vegans can benefit from omegas which come from algae or from the Udo's oil products.