( 1 ) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3481605.stm
( 2 ) http://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/02/health/power-of-positive-thinking-may-have-a-health-benefit-study-says.html
( 3 ) http://brainhelper.org/index.php/Stress-News/The-Benefits-of-Optimism-for-Stress-Management.html
( 4 ) (see abstract 111); http://stress.about.com/od/optimismspirituality/a/optimismbenefit.htm
( 5 ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TheEndurance:Shackleton'sLegendaryAntarctic_Expedition
( 6 ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellen_keller
Believe in yourself: It’s your body, and your life, and you are in control. Sometimes all of us need a little help, and that’s what your doctors are doing – giving you a little help. But remember, it’s your body. You are as much a part of this fight against melanoma as any drugs, medicines, or supplements. You can be in control: remember, you are the one who is going to beat cancer, because you are the most powerful weapon of all! Of course, sometimes when you’re feeling down, its hard to believe in yourself all the time. Here are some tips you can try in those moments:
Think Positively – Maintaining a positive attitude, even in the face of great challenge, is an important part of navigating life’s complexities, and an important part of healing. Positive thinking can be an important tool in your fight against melanoma. Here are some ideas for how you can maintain a positive attitude and positive thinking:
Surround yourself with positive people. The people around you can have a profound influence on your own life and attitude. When you are facing a difficult challenge like melanoma, it’s important to surround yourself with the people in your life who are positive thinkers with positive attitudes. When you do spend more and more time with positive people, you will find that their attitude starts to transfer to you.
Maintain a Positive Self-Image – Maintaining a positive self image is an important tool in your battle. Just because you are feeling ill, tired, etc. doesn’t mean you have to feel bad about yourself. Additionally, it is important that you not “spiral” down as you fight your battle with melanoma. Some tools that might help you are: dressing up, keeping yourself groomed and clean, wearing your favorite clothes, going out with friends, and more. You don’t, and shouldn’t let your fight with melanoma stop you from taking care of yourself in a broader sense.
Remember, you can win! – There are thousands of people out there who have faced the same challenge you are facing, and beat it. You can do that too, so believe in yourself and your ability to heal.
Maintaining a positive attitude, and positive thinking as you fight melanoma is sometimes hard to do, but very important to the success of your treatment. Those who fight and beat melanoma, even at Stage 4, often cite their ability to think positive thoughts, and stay positive overall, as one of the most important tools in their melanoma treatment fight. Remember: many people before you have beaten melanoma, and you can too! Don’t ever forget that.
Many patents patients who beat melanoma say that one of the most important things they did that helped a lot was maintaining and positive attitude and positive thinking. The most important attitude of all is to remember and repeat to yourself that you can win! So don’t ever give up. Take mental breaks from your fight with melanoma to get out, get away and forget about it. And when you start feeling down, repeat positive thoughts to yourself. Remember this: if you think it, you can make it happen.