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Paleo Diet Contributions by MRosenthal


Shared experience with Paleo Diet 13 years ago

I tried this diet as well. Admittedly I only did it strictly for three months, but I started noticing results in about 2 weeks. I found I could eat a natural quantity of food (i.e. rather than counting and tracking calories, I just ate as much as I wanted = not gorging, but eating until I was full) and I did not gain any weight, I actually lost weight. In fact, I was absolutely eating more "calories" than before, but my body was clearly either burning them or expelling them b/c I was losing weight -- about a pound a week. I don't keep the diet strictly now, but I have cut our virtually all carbs and that has made a big difference.

I tried this diet as well. Admittedly I only did it strictly for three months, but I started noticing results in about 2 weeks. I found I could eat a natural quantity of food (i.e. rather than...
