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Shared experience with Myomectomy—Open Surgery 12 years ago

Had the surgery 2 weeks ago and I feel great! Too great for my own good. I have to remind myself I'm only two weeks out when I do too much like walking around for too long or picking up my 3 year old. I wanted a minimally invasive procedure and fortunately I was a candidate for the kind of surgery I had done. Very small incision below the bikini line and no muscles needed to be cut. One of the reason I like Dr. Peter Weiss at Rodeo Drive Women's Health Center is that he is so thorough and a no non-sense kind of doc.

Had the surgery 2 weeks ago and I feel great! Too great for my own good. I have to remind myself I'm only two weeks out when I do too much like walking around for too long or picking up my 3 year old....
