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Shared experience with Apple Cider Vinegar 11 years ago

After seeing Brenda Watson, ND's program on PBS I became a believer in this. She recommends organic apple cider vinegar with the "mother (a live vinegar)" to help with digestion. So if I have indigestion after eating a meal, or uncomfortableness at any time, such as a bloated bowel, I take two teaspoons in 4 oz. of spring water, which has no chlorine or chloramine; some use distilled water instead. I am usually better in a about 15 to 20 mins. It apparently adds just the right type of acid (malic) to aid digestion. When most people are reaching for an ant-acid, I am reaching for the acid in organic apple cider vinegar. I buy BRAGGS brand. Ultimately, I feel it is best to drink 15 min. before a meal to get the enzymatic process going and ready to digest food. Also, use a straw, to keep the cider away from teeth enamel. I am about to invest in stainless steel straws, made in the USA because I think the cider may leach unwanted toxins from plastic straws.

After seeing Brenda Watson, ND's program on PBS I became a believer in this. She recommends organic apple cider vinegar with the "mother (a live vinegar)" to help with digestion. So if I have...
