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Be still and know that "I" is God.


About Me

My name is Xavier Nathan and I am a Hypno-Psychotherapist in private practice in the Isle of Man. I named my practice, The Setanta Hypnotherapy Clinic, after the great Setanta from Irish folklore. As a boy growing up in Ireland in the 60's I admired and strove to emulate my hero Setanta who would never give up. I never give up either on myself, anyone who seeks my help or in any area of my life.

I have never cured anyone but rather I use Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy to help people cure themselves of conditions created by the mind. Every person in this world has all the resources necessary to affect their own cure. I facilitate the process of people learning to cure themselves.

I am a fully accredited member of the Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy (ICHP) in Ireland and studied under the founder of the ICHP in Ireland , Dr Joseph Keaney.

I am also a member of the largest and arguably the most reputable Hypnotherapy Association in the United Kingdom, The National Council for Hypnotherapy(NCH).

Both my wife and I were among the very first Clinical Hypnotherapists to be endorsed by the UK Government as meeting the standards of excellence that would allow the Department of Health to recommend to doctors to refer their patients to us. We are members of The Complementary and Natural Healthcare UK which is the newly appointed regulatory body in the United Kingdom to maintain standards and our membership shows that we meet the highest standards set down by the Department of Health.

I have a BA Degree in Natural Sciences and Higher Diploma in Education from Trinity College Dublin. I have worked as a teacher in various countries including Japan and all over my beloved Ireland. It was my frustration with education and the outdated methods still being used to educate our children was among one of the main reasons why I studied Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy and moved into the field of healing. It is the mind that we use to learn so it was a natural progression for me to embark on a study of this tool called mind that we arrive with into the world without an operating manual.

I also hold a Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy from the Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy in Ireland.
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How I Stay Healthy

I practise what I preach.

My Experience with Health Challenges

I personally have overcome many conditions and I have helped many people overcome conditions they were told were incurable using the treatment I now use at my private practice here in the isle of Man.... (more)

Shared experience with Depression and Psychotherapy 13 years ago

I use a combination of hypnosis with psychotherapy which was how Freud had originally used it. I find it works very smoothly because hypnosis suspends the critical factor so the subconscious is more easily accessed and it makes it that bit easier to locate and release repressions. Conditions that would normally take years to resolve by psychotherapy can be resolved in months. One of my specialities is the treatment of depression using hypno-psychotherapy and 12 weekly sessions is normally what is required.

I like how sshowalter speaks about psychotherapy and the points she makes tell me that she knows what she is talking and her opinions can be trusted.

I use a combination of hypnosis with psychotherapy which was how Freud had originally used it. I find it works very smoothly because hypnosis suspends the critical factor so the subconscious is more...


Unless your son's soccer coach is a mental health professional I would suspend judgement until you brought him to someone more qualified to assess his condition. As parents we can actually create problems by expecting the worst and flippant suggestions like the one given by his soccer coach serve no purpose other than creating problems that might not exist.

Unless your son's soccer coach is a mental health professional I would suspend judgement until you brought him to someone more qualified to assess his condition. As parents we can actually create...


Many years ago I suffered with sciatica. Coupled with this, and though I had not linked the two at the time, I also suffered with Achilles Tendinitis. I knew that my physical symptoms were a manifestation of some blockage or obstruction of consciousness within so I offered my condition to my dream.

I had a dream which explained the reason for the physical symptoms I was experiencing but I was also made aware of the underlying emotional root cause which was causing the problem.

My right leg is fractionally shorter than my left and though I had been physically active all of my life and never suffered any problems as a result of this I was shown how it was affecting me at that time.

I created a shoe insert that completely cured the sciatica and the achilles tendinitis. I later found out that what I had created for myself people called pedorthics were using to help people with my problem and the shoe insert I made is called an orthotic.

Without also addressing the emotional root cause the subconscious would have found a different physical expression for my inner problem and this is where analytical hypnotherapy came in.

Many people who have come to me for hypnotherapy to cure various conditions also suffered from sciatica and/or Achilles Tendinitis and by being able to share my own experience I was able to enhance rapport, that very vital ingredient in healing.

I have written about this in more detail in an article I wrote for HubPages

Many years ago I suffered with sciatica. Coupled with this, and though I had not linked the two at the time, I also suffered with Achilles Tendinitis. I knew that my physical symptoms were a...

Shared experience with Depression and Hypnotherapy 13 years ago

Hypno-Psychotherapy and the Treatment of Conditions like Depression

I was recently approached by Sarah Showalter, one of the writers from the website FoundHealth to write about how Hypnotherapy can help in the treatment of conditions like Depression, Anxiety and Insomnia and how effective it might be with other conditions which the public might be unaware of.

Before I begin explaining how I use Hypnotherapy in my own private practice to address these and many other conditions it is important to be aware of a few things.

Firstly, you are reading this article with your eyes, unless someone is reading it to you, but ultimately it is your mind that is analysing the information being presented to you. Your mind is comparing what I have to say with everything you believe to be true and doing this at the speed of light without your conscious awareness. Some of what I have to say never even makes it to the door before the “bouncer” or “doorman” has turned it away for not conforming to the dress code.

If what I have to say fits what you believe to be true of the world and affirms your belief system then it is welcomed in and agreed with.

This is how we operate during our normal waking lives. This is why we experience the things we do , this why we form relationships with the people we do and this is why we live the lives we do. All our decisions are governed by what we believe to be true, whether or not it is.

So before I even begin to explain what I do and how I do it some of you have already written me off as some kind of “hokus pokus” New Age thinker and not in touch with reality. And yes you are right. I am not in touch with YOUR reality and that is exactly why I am so successful at what I do.

I am free to explore and experience any reality I choose because I am not bound by your beliefs about what should and should not be true.

When someone comes to me for help I tell them this but each person will be told in the language that they can hear. I invite them to follow me into a world where you can suspend what you believe to be true especially if what you believe is killing you. I am like a guide that walks before them showing them that there is nothing to fear.

If I am to buy into the belief system of someone who believes themselves to be depressed and exhibits all the symptoms that go with depression to prove it it to be the case then how could I be of any help?

I don't see a just a physical person before me but a kaleidoscope of energy made up of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual vibrations that are aspects of every human being. I listen politely to their intellectual explanations of the problems they come to me with and when they have finished I ask them if this thinking about their condition has helped in any way. I tell them if thinking was the way to cure problems of this sort then why do so many great thinkers suffer from such conditions.

I explain that it is their thinking that has got them into the mess they report but it is through feeling that they can extricate themselves from it.

To treat Depression I have always used a combination of Hypnosis to suspend the analytical critical mind and Psychotherapy to address and resolve the underlying emotional root cause. The cause for the condition was almost always as a result of anger turned tuned back on self. It was only by addressing these deep seated emotions trapped in the subconscious that they were able to free themselves permanently from the debilitating condition. The process was always challenging and definitely not for the faint hearted and that is why Hypno-Psychotherapy tends to attract people who are not interested in the quick fix. It tends to attract people who have a feel for the idea that we are not just our bodies or our minds and that the real power behind our lives lies hidden from conscious view. These people realise that their recovery depends on their willingness to delve deep within themselves to discover who they are and understand the reasons for the conditions they suffer. They are not interested in simply turning off the smoke alarm because the noise is a nuisance. They seek the fire and in finding the fire or reason for the condition they suffer the symptoms or smoke alarm naturally abates and disappears.

Here is a link to my Word Press Blog providing further information about Hypno-Psychotherapy

Hypno-Psychotherapy and the Treatment of Conditions like Depression

I was recently approached by Sarah Showalter, one of the writers from the website FoundHealth to write about how Hypnotherapy can...
