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Shared experience with Comfrey 12 years ago

My niece, 43 years old, used a poultice of confrey leaves on both toes that were very affected with Arthritis. She had to sleep with socks and tolerated the discomfort every day. I, her aunt have used herbal supplements and dried herbs on many occasions suggested we research for a herb that would help. In reading, she found Comfrey to be a good choice. Therefore, we headed to the Health Food Market to get the herb. We made a poultice to keep the herbs somewhat to together. To prepare your treatment, purchase a roll of Freezer paper, and some plastic Saran wrap. Roll out enough of the plastic to cover beyond the length of the pained area, then place the a little short length of the paper with shiny side up. (the purpose of the paper is to make the paper casing). Place the leaves on the paper the length of the pain area, then lay the army, ankle or knee over the bed of leaves. Then pack around and on top. Bring the paper together as to wrap the areas. Then use the Saran wrap to bring warmth and secure the wrap. Wrap many times tightly to make the cast. Sleep in this over night and remove in the morning. It is messy, so place a towel down to receive the falling leaves when removing. If you remove carefully, you can retain most of the leaves in the cast to throw away My neiece got overnight relief. We repeated for one week. She has done 1 or 2 wraps since the week of wrapping and the pain was gone. I use the same wrap on my knee and ankle and got immediate relief in days. I also prepared and did the poultice on my cousin who was suffering with arthritis in her arm and elbow and cound not lift without pain. Next morning, she could raise the arm without pain. This I did for her while visiting for a funeral in NJ. I have called her to ask about her relief and she is no longer troubled. I think the secret is using the pure leaves which can be found at a traditional health store. It is best to have someone help you with this as first because of the wrapping. Afterward you can do the wrapping yourself if you can bring your ankle or wrist to lay on a table or bed. I hope this helps someone. Share with anyone who has Arthritis. Today we are going to wrap one of my employees who has been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I will let you know how that works. We also shared the herb with a friend with Sarcodosis. We made the poultice and she drank a cup of tea per day because of the hurt from coughing. The coughing subsided and she felt much better. She takes therapy also but it was not helping at the time. I felt so sorry because she would come in the office coughing and in pain. I just used again last week for ankle Arthritis flareup. It worked again for me. I am 67 years old and am not trying to make any money from this. I just want to share my experience with the herb. Oh, I forgot to say you will immediately feel the stimulation and it last for 3 hours. Sometimes, we use the moist heating pad with it. You can try with and without. I

LcL. Charlote NC

My niece, 43 years old, used a poultice of confrey leaves on both toes that were very affected with Arthritis. She had to sleep with socks and tolerated the discomfort every day. I, her aunt have...
