My wife has the exact situation as you mentioned above. She went through 15 days of radiation and was put on Zelboraft meds. Let me tell you that Zelboraft isn't a cure for melanoma. It only works for a period of time with horrible side effects. It is very painful for many reasons. Days she wasn't able to walk, Back and torso pain, There is another form of skin cancer called Squamous Cells that appear usually on the face or torso that the dermatologist must cut off which is due to the Zelboraft med. 3 months after being on the medication it stopped working and the melanoma found a way around it. There are 2 types of melanoma one that has the B-raft gene that the Zelboraft works on but there maybe another form of melanoma that the Zelboraft will not work on and will make it grow at an excel rate. That's what has happened to my wife right now... The docs say she doesn't have much time left . We are heading to the cancer institute in Tampa Florida tomorrow for a possible blood transfusion.. I hope all is well with you and hope u beat it.....
My wife has the exact situation as you mentioned above. She went through 15 days of radiation and was put on Zelboraft meds. Let me tell you that Zelboraft isn't a cure for melanoma. It only...
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