I HAD A BANDING IN CONJUCTION WITH A COLONOSCOPY.The procedure was done early in the morning and I was home before lunch feeling great.I have endured many painful experiences being in the construction industry.By early evening I was in pain that I could not possibly describe. Between one ambulance to one hospital and a transfer to another I had been given the maximum amount of morphine with no effect.The attempt to rectify the resultant problem was nothing short of horrific.The banding I have to say has negated the inconvenience of the original haemorrhoid, but if I was asked was it worth the after effects and the associated pain. Not in a million years.I must say though that I may have just been one of the unlucky ones that experience these terrible side effects but I would jump in front of a train and take my chances I would never advise anybody to take the same risk with banding.If your hemorrhoid is manageable though inconvenient think twice.
I HAD A BANDING IN CONJUCTION WITH A COLONOSCOPY.The procedure was done early in the morning and I was home before lunch feeling great.I have endured many painful experiences being in the construction...
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