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Licensed Clinical Psychologist in California


About Me

As a licensed clinical psychologist, I have been trained to provide consultation, counseling, and evaluation services. I have conducted short and long term therapy as well as comprehensive assessments pertaining to academic, workplace, or medical-related issues. Specific client populations I've worked with include female executives, men and women of color, female adolescents (and their families) within the juvenile justice system, and domestic violence offenders.

Some of my areas of interest include helping clients manage conflict, life transitions, and change negative thought patterns and habits. I enjoy facilitating small groups as well as working one on one with clients. Some of the groups I have offered include: Defeating the Sleep Monster, Weight-to-Go!, and STOP Domestic Violence groups for offenders.

In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with family & friends, practicing yoga, drinking tea, and hiking/camping.
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How I Stay Healthy

For me, I have "found health" by adhering to the following practices:
1) Having a healthy diet consisting of mostly fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, fish, and nuts along with monitoring my sugar and caffeine intake
2) Engaging in regular daily cardio exercise-- be it a Bikram's Yoga class or a 40 minute run outdoors
3) Practicing daily bits of relaxation/rejuvenation-- meditation, taking a walk in nature, deep breathing exercises, taking a bubble bath, etc.
4) Connecting with my loved ones and keeping an attitude of gratitude as I play with, talk with, and love them
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My Experience with Health Challenges

My father died at 41 of a heart attack and I have had my own challenges regarding weight and diet.

Acupuncture 30 expertise • 1 contribution

None 30 expertise • 1 contribution

Depression Caregiver • 20 expertise • 48 contributions
I graduated recently from a doctoral program in clinical psychology. I am currently a psychological assistant at Fall Creek Counseling Associates in Sacramento where I am accruing my post-doctoral hours before I become a licensed clinical psychologist. ... (more)

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 20 expertise • 9 contributions

Alzheimer's Disease 20 expertise • 1 contribution

Exercise 20 expertise • 1 contribution

Insomnia 20 expertise • 1 contribution

Generalized Anxiety Disorder 10 expertise • 1 contribution

Yoga 10 expertise • 1 contribution

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