I was in a car accident at age 15 that caused a series of persistent lower back problems. My experience with Western Medicine was invasive, inconclusive, and impersonal. I was given SI joint injections in my lower back and physical therapy as treatment. The majority of the time I spent with physicians was about diagnosis, and not treatment. I was given countless x-rays, MRI's, and more. I grew exhausted and disappointed with the results of the treatment. I discovered yoga a few years later and began to see long-lasting relief of my back pain. Since that time, I have had three instances of having a slipped-disc in my lower back. There are very gentle and opening back bends (cobra pose and pelvic tilts). I am now trained as a yoga instructor. It is also important that you learn which poses benefit each specific condition - simply saying that "yoga is good for back pain" is also not entirely true. Yoga in general can strengthen and support the body, but for chronic or acute cases, there are specific postures that will help. It is important to understand this, so as not to worsen the condition, either.
I was in a car accident at age 15 that caused a series of persistent lower back problems. My experience with Western Medicine was invasive, inconclusive, and impersonal. I was given SI joint...
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