One famous alternative treatment for colds is the use of zinc in nasal gel or lozenges. Taking zinc supplements might also be useful in some cases.1-3 There is a significant amount of research to support the use zinc for colds (and, potentially, the flu).
One famous alternative treatment for colds is the use of zinc in nasal gel or lozenges. Taking zinc orally as a nutrient supplements might also be useful in some cases.1-3 There is a significant amount of research to support the use zinc for colds (and, potentially, the flu).
A 1-year, double-blind study of 50 nursing home residents found that zinc supplements as compared to placebo reduced rates of infection.159 In addition, more than ten other studies performed in developing countries have found that zinc supplements at nutritional doses can increase resistance to respiratory and other infection in children, and that they might reduce symptom severity.5-6,157,165 Use of lozenges containing zinc gluconate or zinc acetate have shown somewhat inconsistent but generally positive results for reducing the severity and duration of the common cold. For example, in a double-blind trial, 100 people who were experiencing the early symptoms of a cold were given a lozenge that either contained 13.3 mg of zinc from zinc gluconate or a placebo.8 Participants took the lozenges several times daily until their cold symptoms subsided. The results were impressive. Coughing disappeared within 2.2 days in the treated group versus 4 days in the placebo group. Sore throat disappeared after 1 day versus 3 days in the placebo group, nasal drainage in 4 days (versus 7 days), and headache in 2 days (versus 3 days). Positive results have also been seen in double-blind studies of zinc acetate.9,10,167 Not all studies have shown such positive results.11 However, the overall results appear to be favorable.12,143
Use of zinc in the nose is somewhat more controversial.144 In addition to showing inconsistent results in studies, use of zinc nasal gel can cause pain and possibly loss of sense of smell.
In one double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 213 people with a newly starting cold used one squirt of zinc gluconate gel or placebo gel in each nostril every 4 hours while awake.7 The results were significant: treated participants stayed sick an average of 2.3 days, while those receiving placebo were sick for an average of 9 days, a 75% reduction in the duration of symptoms. Somewhat more modest but still significant relative benefits were seen with zinc nasal gel in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 80 people with colds.103 However, a slightly larger study of a similar zinc gluconate nasal gel found no benefit.113 Another study—this one involving 77 people—failed to find benefit, even with near constant saturation of the nasal passages with zinc gluconate nasal spray.144
Taking zinc in oral supplement form supports the immune system, which can then be more effective in combating the virus causing your cold.
When you take zinc as a lozenge or nasal gel or spray, you are not using it as a nutrient. Instead, certain forms of zinc release ions that are thought to directly inhibit viruses in the nose and throat.
Also, taking zinc in oral supplement form supports the immune system, which can then be more effective in combating the virus causing your cold or flu, or preventing illness altogether.
One famous alternative treatment for colds is the use of zinc in nasal gel or lozenges. Taking zinc supplements might also be useful in some cases.1-3 There is a significant amount of research to support the use zinc for colds (and, potentially, the flu).
One famous alternative treatment for colds is the use of zinc in nasal gel or lozenges. Taking zinc supplements might also be useful in some cases. The immune system does not function properly if you don't have enough zinc in your body.1-2 Because zinc is commonly deficient in the diet, especially among children and senior citizens,3 nutritional zinc supplementation may certainly be useful for those who get sick easily There is a significant amount of research to support the use zinc for colds (and, potentially, the flu).
Zinc products--supplements, lozenges, and nasal gels and sprays--are widely available in drugstores and health food stores.
Based on a significant amount of research on zinc and colds, supplemental zinc and zinc lozenges have the most favorable evidence and the fewest potential side effects. Though zinc nasal gel has also demonstrated impressive results for treating colds, it can cause pain and possibly loss of sense of smell.
With supplemental zinc, more isn't better; once you do have enough zinc, getting extra won't help, and might even hurt (see Side Effects and Warnings).
It has been suggested that the exact formulation of the zinc lozenge plays a significant role in its effectiveness.13 According to this view, certain flavoring agents, such as citric acid and tartaric acid, might prevent zinc from inhibiting viruses. In addition, chemical forms of zinc other than zinc gluconate or zinc acetate might be ineffective. Zinc sulfate in particular might not work. Along the same lines, sweeteners such as sorbitol, sucrose, dextrose, and mannitol are said to be fine, while glycine has been discussed in an equivocal manner.
Zinc taken orally seldom causes any immediate side effects other than occasional stomach upset, usually when it's taken on an empty stomach. Some forms do have an unpleasant metallic taste. Use of zinc nasal gel, however, has been associated with anosmia (loss of sense of smell). 1 In fact, After receiving over 130 reports of anosmia, the FDA warned consumers and healthcare providers in 2009 to discontinue use of certain Zicam Cold Remedy intranasal zinc-containing products, including Zicam Cold Remedy Nasal Gel, Cold Remedy Nasal Swabs and Cold Remedy Swabs in kids size. 2 Furthermore, if the gel is inhaled too deeply, severe pain may occur.
Long-term use of oral zinc at dosages of 100 mg or more daily can cause a number of toxic effects, including severe copper deficiency, impaired immunity, heart problems, and anemia. 3 4 5 Zinc at a dose of more than 50 mg daily might reduce levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol. 6 In addition, very weak evidence hints that use of zinc supplements might increase risk of prostate cancer in men. 7 The US government has issued recommendations regarding "tolerable upper intake levels" (ULs) for zinc. The UL can be thought of as the highest daily intake over a prolonged time known to pose no risks to most members of a healthy population. The ULs for zinc are as follows: 8
There are also some interactions between zinc and certain medications to consider:
Use of zinc can interfere with the absorption of the drug penicillamine and also antibiotics in the tetracycline or fluoroquinolone (Cipro, Floxin) families. 9 10 11 12 13 The potassium-sparing diuretic amiloride was found to significantly reduce zinc excretion from the body. 14 This means that if you take zinc supplements at the same time as amiloride, zinc accumulation could occur. This could lead to toxic side effects. However, the potassium-sparing diuretic triamterene does not seem to cause this problem. 15
If you are taking:
Use of lozenges containing zinc gluconate or zinc acetate have shown somewhat inconsistent but generally positive results for reducing the severity and duration of the common cold. For example, in a double-blind trial, 100 people who were experiencing the early symptoms of a cold were given a lozenge that either contained 13.3 mg of zinc from zinc gluconate or a placebo.8 Participants took the lozenges several times daily until their cold symptoms subsided. The results were impressive. Coughing disappeared within 2.2 days in the treated group versus 4 days in the placebo group. Sore throat disappeared after 1 day versus 3 days in the placebo group, nasal drainage in 4 days (versus 7 days), and headache in 2 days (versus 3 days). Positive results have also been seen in double-blind studies of zinc acetate.9,10,167 Not all studies have shown such positive results.11 However, the overall results appear to be favorable.12,143
Use of zinc in the nose is somewhat more controversial.144 In addition to showing inconsistent results in studies, use of zinc nasal gel can cause pain and possibly loss of sense of smell.
In one double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 213 people with a newly starting cold used one squirt of zinc gluconate gel or placebo gel in each nostril every 4 hours while awake.7 The results were significant: treated participants stayed sick an average of 2.3 days, while those receiving placebo were sick for an average of 9 days, a 75% reduction in the duration of symptoms. Somewhat more modest but still significant relative benefits were seen with zinc nasal gel in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 80 people with colds.103 However, a slightly larger study of a similar zinc gluconate nasal gel found no benefit.113 Another study—this one involving 77 people—failed to find benefit, even with near constant saturation of the nasal passages with zinc gluconate nasal spray.144
When you take zinc as a lozenge or nasal gel or spray, you are not using it as a nutrient. Instead, certain forms of zinc release ions that are thought to directly inhibit viruses in the nose and throat.
Al Also, taking zinc in oral supplement form supports the immune system, which can then be more effective in combating the virus causing your cold or flu, or preventing illness altogether.
One famous alternative treatment for colds is the use of zinc in nasal gel or lozenges. Taking zinc supplements might also be useful in some cases.1-3 There is a significant amount of research to support the use zinc for colds (and, potentially, the flu).
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When you take zinc as a lozenge or nasal gel or spray, you are not using it as a nutrient. Instead, certain forms of zinc release ions that are thought to directly inhibit viruses in the nose and throat.
Also, taking zinc in oral supplement form supports the immune system, which can then be more effective in combating the virus causing your cold or flu, or preventing illness altogether.
One famous alternative treatment for colds is the use of zinc in nasal gel or lozenges. When you take zinc this way, you are not using it as a nutrient. Instead, certain forms of zinc release ions that are thought to directly inhibit viruses in the nose and throat. Taking zinc supplements might also be useful in some cases.1-3 There is a significant amount of research to support the use zinc for colds (and, potentially, the flu).
Zinc products--supplements, lozenges, and nasal gels and sprays--are widely available in drugstores and health food stores.
Based on a significant amount of research on zinc and colds, supplemental zinc and zinc lozenges have the most favorable evidence and the fewest potential side effects. Though zinc nasal gel has also demonstrated impressive results for treating colds, it can cause pain and possibly loss of sense of smell.
With supplemental zinc, more isn't better; once you do have enough zinc, getting extra won't help, and might even hurt (see Side Effects and Warnings).
It has been suggested that the exact formulation of the zinc lozenge plays a significant role in its effectiveness.13 According to this view, certain flavoring agents, such as citric acid and tartaric acid, might prevent zinc from inhibiting viruses. In addition, chemical forms of zinc other than zinc gluconate or zinc acetate might be ineffective. Zinc sulfate in particular might not work. Along the same lines, sweeteners such as sorbitol, sucrose, dextrose, and mannitol are said to be fine, while glycine has been discussed in an equivocal manner.
One famous alternative treatment for colds is the use of zinc in nasal gel or lozenges. Taking zinc supplements might also be useful in some cases.1-3 There is a significant amount of research to support the use zinc for colds (and, potentially, the flu).
When you take zinc as a lozenge or nasal gel or spray, you are not using it as a nutrient. Instead, certain forms of zinc release ions that are thought to directly inhibit viruses in the nose and throat.
Also, taking zinc in oral supplement form supports the immune system, which can then be more effective in combating the virus causing your cold or flu, or preventing illness altogether.
A nutritionist or health professional who includes nutrition in their practice--such as a doctor or naturopath--may be knowledgeable about zinc as a treatment for acne.
Zinc is an important element that is found in every cell in the body. More than 300 enzymes in the body need zinc in order to function properly. The effect of zinc on acne is not clear, though studies show that many people with acne have a zinc deficiency, which is common in the general population.
For most purposes, zinc should simply be taken at the recommended daily requirements listed previously(see Side Effects and Warnings).
Some evidence suggests that 30 mg of zinc daily may be helpful for acne. This is a safe dose for most people. However, in most studies of zinc for acne, a much higher dose was used: 90 mg daily or more. Doses this high should only be used under physician supervision.
For best absorption, zinc supplements should not be taken at the same time as high-fiber foods.20 However, many high-fiber foods provide zinc in themselves.
Zinc gluconate may be slightly better absorbed than zinc oxide.21 When taking zinc long-term it is advisable to take 1 mg to 3 mg of copper daily as well, because zinc supplements can cause copper deficiency. Zinc may also interfere with magnesium23 and iron24 absorption.